{{Chapter 9}}

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**********((Jack's POV))********

"Hey Jackie!" Lee smiled and waved.

"Don't act all innocent, I know you wrote this," I showed Lee the note. Lee tilted her head hid a smirk and shook her head.

"Of course not, silly!" Lee giggled. I rolled my eyes, I really didn't like this girl. At this point, I think she's desperate. Lee smirked and covered the side of her mouth with her hand and whispered to me," But I do know who wrote it."


"Why can't tell you, or that person might be really mad!" She said with a pouty face and her hands on her hips. Lee acted like a baby at times which annoyed me, ALOT. Then she started tapping the bottom of her chin with her forefinger and looked at the ceiling as if she were thinking about something. "But...... I could tell you......"

"Then tell me!" I groaned, getting annoyed with Lee.

"......under one condition!" she pointed with her finger in the air. "If......you.....hmm....." She thought, doing the tapping chin again. "You have to take me on a dat- I mean, somewhere nice where we could... "hang-out" for a while. Deal, or no Deal?" She questioned, standing on her tip toes.

"Deal, now tell me!"

She went up really close to me, looked side to side, then whispered in my ear the name that I would never thought she would say.

**********((Merida's POV))********

"Are you coming?" Rapunzel asked.

"Where?" I said while looking up from my phone.

"To Anna's party on Friday."

"Why is she having a party?"

"So she can be in the Top 20?"


Rapunzel went silent, not able to think of an answer, so we kept on walking to the bus in silence. "So......." She said trying to change to a different topic, "How'd it go with you and Hiccup?"


"I was hoping when you guys talked, we could become friends like the old times remember? You, Me, Hiccup, and Jack playing together and making Mrs. Orgla mad and she would come out with her broom? Those were the best times!" She sighed putting her arm around my shoulder. "I know if we hang out again it would be different but still, image it, we would be so happy all together! As friends!"

"Well it went........ great?" I lied, I felt bad for Rapunzel and I knew how much she loved those times and I couldn't break her heart so, isn't it okay to tell a little white lie just to spare someone else's feelings? If that isn't friendship, I don't know what is. She squealed and we got onto the bus.

Once we got off Rapunzel was still blabbering about how the "old times" were and how she was so excited how it was happening all over again. I just kept on smiling on nodding. I felt bad, what am I going to do when she finds out things didn't go well, she'll be so disappointed. Then someone grabbed Rapunzel by the wrist and we turned around to see who it was.

"Rapunzel. We need to talk." Jack said with a stern face.

"About what?" She said defensively while she pulled her wrist out of Jack's.

"Don't act like you don't know." Jack rolled his eyes showing Rapunzel a pink post-it note.

***********((Elsa's POV))***********

I sat on the the couch watching Mean Girls. It seemed pretty much like our school. Like Briana Hills was Regina George, Lee Shay was Gretchen Wieners, Bee Shay was Karen Smith, and Anna was Cady Heron. But who was I? I couldn't find myself to relate to anyone sadly. Oh well. I turned off the TV and realized I got a text. It was from Lee, it's about the revenge thing.

I know what you all are thinking "Elsa how dare you! You are better than this!" Well I didn't really agree on this, I'm just helping out because well, Anna is out of control and she needs to learn her lesson. So this is what she texted me.

"El u ther? Anyway i out a plan 2 hav revenge on Anna. >:) Wanna know it?" - L33$hay567@yahoo.com

"Hello Lee, I would be interested to know how you plan to have vengeance on my sister." - ElsaWinters777@gmail.com

"So i wrote a threat note 2 Anna making her scared. i new some how Jackie would get d letter and come 2 me becuz he nos my hand writing and come 2 me and i told him some1 else who wrote it. but we made a trade ;)." - L33$hay567@yahoo.com

"Well I have few questions I listed below:
1: What was the trade?
2: Who did you say the letter was from?
3: What did you write in the note to Anna?"
- ElsaWinters777@gmail.com

"4 d 1st question the trade was dat Jackie had to go on a d8 with me if i told him. (Srry) 4 d 2nd i said Rapunzel Corona and d last one I wrote this:

Dear Anna,
I know you, you may know me
But I have wrote this to tell you something.
Or I swear I will do something you wish never happened,
I can ruin your life with a snap of a finger
Don't think you can hide because I have eyes everywhere
Don't say I didn't warn you.........
- Anonymous

Creppy huh! >:D i hav no thing on her yet but dat where u come in, 4 dis plan 2 work, i need 2 no a weakness of Anna, plz help me out here if u wanna help my plan b successful 0:)" - L33$hay567@yahoo.com

"Ok, this plan in hitting me on the wrong sides. You see, it's bad enough I'm doing something terrible to my own sister, it's going to be a little harder when the plan is going to hurt my cousin also. And for the trade, HOW IS THAT GOING TO HELP OUR PLAN. Don't tell me this is just for you to win your love back. And I am afraid that note will give my sister nightmares. So tell me why I shouldn't give up on this "revenge" plan right now and tell everyone about it." -ElsaWinters777@gmail.com

"Simple, dis plan isnt 4 me n jack 2 b 2gether.... I will tell you how dis is gonna work. jack will b mad @ rapunzel, n anna will b mad @ Jack becuz he's accusing her fav cousin. then just right after da party Anna's gonna have, i will kiss Jack on our "d8" so then she will b heartbroken, u can tell her dat jack told u how much he has a crush on me. - L33$hay567@yahoo.com

"Good plan...... but why am I the one telling Anna that Jack likes you? I really don't want to do that. And what if Jack tells Anna the truth?" - ElsaWinters777@gmail.com

"Anna trusts u n blieve wat u say, u guys are family right? Anna will still b mad @ jack mayb n wont blieve him, after da "cousin" incident. this plan wont b hard. All we hav 2 do is wait until Fri." - L33$hay@yahoo.com

"And if the plan back fires?" - ElsaWinters777@gmail.com

"We will hav some1 else 2 blame ;)" - L33$hay@yahoo.com

"Who?" - ElsaWinters777@gmail.com

"U will see......" - L33$hay@yahoo.com

Haiii! 🌸

Sorry I haven't posted in a billion years! 😞😞

I'm to a camp in Big Bear in a few days! 😆I hear there is going to be snow! Yay! (I live on the coast of Cali so I don't get snow. 😪)

JACK FROST GAVE ME HAIL YESTERDAY! 😄It was soooo cool seeing all that ice piling in my backyard in CALIFORNIA. I did that dancing thing little Anna did when it came down. 😂😂

At the camp I wont be able to bring my ipad or anything like that so on my Instagram account, @the.janna.comic I wont be on for like, 5 days. 😁😁

Bai 💕💕

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