{{Chapter 5}}

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****************((Anna's POV))***************

"So, what do you think about me?" Jack said smiling.

"Hmmmm.... What do I think about the boy who knocked me over then spills his food on me?" I said sarcastically. Jack's smile started to drop.

"It was an accident, I swear." He said while looking panicked.
"You didn't say anything, not even sorry." I said squinting at him. "Plus, you spilled chocolate on my new clothes."
It was kind of silent for a little while.

"Students, I want you all to now get to know each other. If you already do, I want you to know them even better. So you will ask each other questions, and I want you to right them down in your sketch book." Mrs. Rose (the art teacher) told us.

Great, I have to learn about Jackson Frost, yay.(not yay) I rather do some stinking 10- page essay on some person then deal with this guy. So I get out my pencil and starting asking him questions.
"Ok, what's your favorite color....." I say dragging my voice.
"Why do you do that?" He asks.
"Do what?" I say putting my hand on my cheek. He looked furious.
"You act like I'm the worst person in the world! you didn't even get to know me. Don't you believe in second chances or something?" He shouts, looking me in the eye. The whole class looks at us. And Jack looks embarrassed and sighs,
Its silent again.
"........ Blue." He says looking down. "What's your favorite activity?"
"Dancing......" I answer also looking down.

"When you have at least haven 10 questions answered from each other, then you may start your sketch." Mrs. Rose smiled.

With a day filled with many classes and a confusing lunch, I guess this was the most weird part. Me me Jack have finished 9 questions from each other. Just one more.

"Sorry I shouted at you earlier.... " Jack sighed.
"Its fine I don't care." I say.
"So um......... do you like chocolate?" He silently chuckled. I grinned, I started to brighter, then about chocolate is like thinking about puppy, you want one. Nothing is like chocolate, honestly it's the best kind of thing you can eat honestly.
"Nah I don't like it....... I love it!" I say putting my hands in the air. We both laughed really hard, maybe Jack isn't that bad....
"Ok, ok, so do you like...... snow? Like when it falls from the sky?" I was thinking of ice cream or something cold at the moment....
"Its one the favorite things in the world." He smiles deeply.
"So we are done with the questions!" I laughed.
"So now we draw each othe-"


"Ok, students if you didn't finish your drawing then you have to finish it at home. Class dismissed." Mrs. Rose says.

I gather my books in my back pack from my locker, including my sketch book. While walking down the halls I see Punzie.
"Anna, Anna!" She says waving at me. "Can I come over? I can help you plan the perfect party! Impressing Brianna is not going to be easy."
"About that...... I'm not really sure if I want to..........." I admit.
"Why not? Its so much fun! They never offered anyone to join before so something about you is special, which I already noticed." She says nudging my elbow which makes me laugh. Then I remembered something important.
"Merida coming over any way, we are going to do a project together."
"Anna about Merida... I have something to tell you....." She says. Looking down.
"What are going to tell me? Not to be her friend? I know you are different then that." I say warning her.
"You can be friends with whoever you want Ann, but do you want to know the real reason everyone is bullying Merida......"
"Why?" I say stopping and standing in front of her.
"I told them to..." Rapunzel mumbles while twisting her hair, she does that when she is about to confess something.
"What??!?!!?! That's so mean! You don't even know her!" I yelled.
"I did...... And I did it for a reason, I'll explain to you on the bus....." Rapunzel sighed.
"Tell me later. I have to go meet up with Merida." I firmly tell her and walk away. I saw Merida at her locker and walked up to her.
"Ready to go?" I say smiling.
"Yep!" She nods while she closes her locker.
"Quick lets catch the bus!" I say and we run to the bus.

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