{{Chapter 3}}

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**************((Jack's POV))***********

Agh, Monday.

No one likes a Monday.

Its like after all the fun, boom. Its Monday. The time is 6:25am. I wanted to stay home today. I can't, my dad won't let me. I took a quick shower and brushed my hair and you know, normal morning stuff.

I have to pack in all my books and homework which I forgot to do this weekend. Who expects you to do homework on the weekend?

I put on a shirt, jacket, jeans. I don't like to overcomplicate what I wear. As I was putting on my sneakers, I noticed that Anna was still asleep in her bed. With a piece of paper on her..... face? Hey don't call me a stalker! Her window is next to mine! It's like 8:00 am and she still isn't up? What the Heck? Should I warn her? Nah. I walked out the door to eat breakfast.

I rushed downstairs so I can catch the bus. On the way this girl who was walking in front of me and all her books fell out her backpack.

"Oh no!" She gasped and kneeled down to get them.
"Here let me help you with that." I said helping her picking up her books.
"Thank you. What's your name?"
"Jackson Frost, but everyone calls me Jack. Yours?" I said while walking to the bus.
"Elsa Arendelle, nice to meet you." She held out her hand to shake hands.
"Same." I said shaking hands. She seemed really nice, I never saw her around here.

"Are you new around here?" I said curiously.
"Yes, I moved here yesterday with my sister Anna." Elsa shrugged. I stood there. I swear I heard that name.
"Anna? As in Rapunzel's cousin Anna?" I said.
"Yea, how do you know?"
"Well Rapunzel has been living across the street from me for 15 years."
"Have you met my sister already? She's the best. She's really nice and kind, she rarely gets mad." I find that quite hard to believe after meeting Anna for the first time.
"Oh well I already have."
"Oh you two will be good friends I bet! Lets run so we can catch the bus!"
"Okay!" And we raced to get to the bus. I thought about what Elsa said, good friends. That made me feel weird.

What if me and Anna aren't going to be friends? Maybe something else?
Well, now that's just ludicrous.

**********((Elsa's POV))**********

Its 7:30am, and Anna just won't wake up today. Heavy sleeper.

Thought she would be excited to go to school today. Whatever I'll leave a post-it on her face.
As I walked into I saw a boy next door. He was kinda cute. He was putting away his books and when he turned to me I rushed out of Anna's room ASAP. Who was that? I thought.

Any way I packed my books and I forgot to zip it up I guess. I was in a rush to make breakfast and make Anna breakfast. I cant make omelets because I'm allergic to eggs.... Not toast because there's no bread..... Cereal!

I got out my Frosted Flakes and turned on the News. No, I don't enjoy the news, I find it quite boring yet people ask me why I watch it. Right now I'm waiting to see if its going to be hot or cold. Its winter so I should layer I guess because it can turn hot any second.

Now its 8:03am and I rush out the door. I was walking so fast my books fell out my bag.
"Oh no!" I gasped and kneeled down to get them.
"Here let me help you with that." A boy around my age said to me as he helped pick up my books. I recognized him from somewhere..... Oh he's that boy from the window!
"Thank you, What's your name?"
"Jackson Frost, but everyone calls me Jack. Yours? He said and he smiled at me. I tried not to blush.
"Elsa Arendelle, nice to meet you." I gently held out my hand so he could shake it obviously.
"Same." Jackson said while shaking hands. He is really nice, I really hope we can become great friends.

"Are you new around here?" He curiously asked.
"Yes, I moved here yesterday with my sister Anna." I shrugged. He froze when I mentioned her name. Wonder why...
"Anna? As in Rapunzel's cousin Anna? He said.
"Yea, how do you know?"
"Well Rapunzel has been living across the street from me for 15 years."
"Have you met my sister already? She's the best. She's really nice and kind, she rarely gets mad."
His face was confused, like I was speaking a different language or something.
"Oh well, I already have."
"Oh you two will be good friends I bet! Lets run so we can catch the bus!"
"Okay!" he said while we raced to the bus.

I feel different around Jackson, I picture us being great friends but just one day, I hope we can be more than 'friends'. I wonder if he feels the same.
Well, now that's just ludicrous.

**********((Anna's POV))***********

Monday........ Wait.....

I cant wait to start school! Then I noticed a small pink paper stuck to my nose. It says,
your late for school because you slept in, there is breakfast on the counter and if you want to know what to wear I suggest layering. SCHOOL STARTS AT 8:55!!!!! ~Elsa xoxo. P.S the bus comes at 8:15.
Huh? I said scratching my head. Looked at the clock and its... 8:40.....
8:40!?!? OMG. I HAVE TO GET OUTTA HERE QUICK. I was going to wear the new I bought but someone had to spill chocolate on my new clothes. I put on different clothes, wash face and stuff, shower, eat, books all in 10 mins! I'm fast.

I rush out the door and remember the bus left me. So I don't know where to go.i remember on the tour Punzie took me on a tour so now I know where to go. Thank you Rapunzel I owe you. So I run.... And run till I make it to school.

Hello Westfield High.

The halls are empty and I'm late to class! I run to my locker and look at the the time 8:59 oh my god. Thankfully the lock is unlocked so I can put in the code as whatever I want! I got a note showing my schedule in my locker.
__ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
| First Class: Science R.5 |
| Second Class: History R.23|
| Third Class: Math. R.12 |
| Fourth Class: Music R.22 |
| ~Lunch~ |
| Fifth Class: English R.18 |
| Sixth Class: Art R. 25 |
__ ___ ___ __ __ __ __ __ _ |

Well I guess I have science first. So Room 5 I guess. I walked down the halls and I find at 9:00am! Right when I walked in everyone's heads turned straight at me. So silent. The teacher seemed to have been saying the roll call.

"Arendelle?" She said. Crossing her arms.
"Here" I say rising my hand. Last time I'm sleeping in.
Hey guys! Follow my IG: @the.janna.comic and please vote to make my day! If you are a janna shipper metion in the comments and I'll follow you! Bai! ~Rainbowww

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