{{Chapter 12}}

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**************(( Anna's POV ))*************

*Anna has logged on*

"What do u mean?" -Anna

"I'm asking u, do u think I wrote it?" -Punzie

"Of course not! Ur my cousin! <3" -Anna

"I am so happy 2 hear that! :) Jack thinks I wrote it" -Punzie

"I know. :(" -Anna

"He told u?" -Punzie

"Yea." -Anna

"k, see u l8ter." -Punzie

"Bye" -Anna

*Rapunzel has logged off*

*Anna has logged off*

I put down my phone and rest. It's like 7:50, but I'm going to early. I had a long, stressful day, and I'm going to need lots of rest. Do you ever feel like once you asleep you just never want to wake up again?

I felt that before. I feel that way this night. I just want to escape life and all it's confusing ways sometimes. I wish I had never found that letter. Or that I never met Jack. Or that I never moved from my tiny apartment. As these thoughts circle my brain, my eyelids closed slowly, leaving the rest of the world behind. Finding a world with no worries, and imagination.

************(( Jack's POV ))*********

Everyone seems to be mad at me, just because I accused Rapunzel of something. And now as I think about it, I wouldn't be so happy with myself ether. I mean, it does seem kind of mean of me to blame Rapunzel on something I wasn't actually sure she did. Maybe I should've left Anna alone to deal with it, but I just.... can't. I don't know why. It just doesn't seem like the right thing to do.

Im going to apologize. To everyone.

Today is Anna's party, to prove she's popular or something. I don't really want to go, I'll have to face her, Rapunzel, Elsa, Lee... But I realize I have to go. I have to apologize today, before it's too late. She's going to have a pool party so I grab my swimsuit and walk out the door.

They will not be happy to see me I bet. When I reach Anna's house, I ring the doorbell and Bee opens the door.

"HI JASE!" She yells

"Its Jack." I say, covering one ear.

"OK! COME IN HACK!" She yells and opens the door for me to come in. It isn't the first time I seen Bee like this, she drinks a lot when she comes to parties for some reason.

Elsa and Anna's house HUGE in the inside, but when I come out side to the backyard, it's packed with people. Dancing, swimming, talking, etc. The music is blasting, and I can barely see anyone through the crowd of people. I look at the refreshments and see Rapunzel and Elsa talking to each other.

I nervously walk towards them, and they stop talking once they see me. Rapunzel shoots me a glare and Elsa, looks embarrassed for some reason.

"I didn't know you were invited." Rapunzel hissed, crossing her arms. Elsa did the same, trying to look mad.

"Well, I live next door." I softly chuckled."I can hear the music from my room." Rapunzel rolled her eyes and took a sip of punch.

"What's your point?"

"I want to apologize. I'm really sorry I accused you of writing that note, I didn't have any proof you wrote it and I blindly misjudged you. I was incredibly stupid, and I shouldn't have done that. I really hope you can forgive me."

Elsa's face turns red and she walks away. Rapunzel, not as mad, shrugs and takes another sip from her cup.

"Its hard to be mad at you sometimes you know that." She says and I laugh. "But I'm not the only one you should apologize to." She points to girl laying on a hammock, and I know who it is, it's Anna.

**************(( Elsa's POV ))***********

I am a monster.

I have never done anything this horrible to anyone in my entire life. I never knew what an impact this would have on most of the people I love. Hearing Jack apologize was to much for me to handle.

I tried acting mad, but I couldn't take it. How can Lee live like this? Hurting the people you love for her happiness. Then I realize it isn't the people she loves that she's hurting. It's the people I love. She doesn't care a bit how they feel. And if Jack's able to face his fears and try to make things right, I should do the same.

I sat down on a chair, watching all the people having fun. I wonder where Anna is, for it is her party she's hosting.

"Having fun?" A voice behind me says. I turn around and see Lee smirking at me, beside her, her twin Bee.


"I'm not." I slump.

"You think this plan isn't working do ya? It's gonna." Lee says. My fury rises and I stand up.

"I don't care about the damn plan anymore! You're hurting people's feelings! Don't you realize that? That's not what I signed up for." I snap at her. She takes a step back, but then she smiles and looks at her sister.

"I need another drink...." Bee mumbles.

"Bee, lay off the drinks." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

"Don't tell my sister what to do! She came here to have fun, not do what you say! Maybe those drinks make her happy, you'll never know because your too sacred to try one." Lee snaps.

"Yeah! Wanna come with me to try one?" Bee yips.

"I don't drink." I say.

"Please! Please! Just one little sip!" Bee pleads, I groan, giving up and she pulls my arm happily. Once we reach the bar table, she hands me one drink and I try a little. My eyes open wide, it takes disgusting.

I feel sick. I want to throw up. I want to cry. I want to scream. I want to leave. I want more.

I drink a whole lot until my head hurts. Everything is dizzy and my headache is massive. I see colors in different places and everything is dizzy and Lee walks up to me.

"Hoooooww'd it taaaaaaasteee?" She smiles.

I don't respond and dance like no ones watching. I'm not exactly sure what happened while I was drunk. Everything was a blur, and I was talking so loudly, I don't even know what I was saying. Lets just say, I felt like I had no control over my body for an hour.

A/N: Yea here it is! Sorry about the drinking, it's just part of the story. I promise I'm not sleeping until I make one more chapter. :) So....that's it! Bye! -Rainbow

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