{{Chapter 4}}

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************((Anna's POV))*********

"Here"I say rising my hand. Last time I'm sleeping in.
"You are late in my class. This is the last time you shall be late understand? You have a pass because you are the new student. You sit right next to...... Her." She said pointing to a red-headed girl with really... big hair. She smiled and waved at me, she seems really kind.
"Ok Miss.."
"Hopely, Miss. Hopely."

As I slowly walked to my seat, I could hear people whispering about me as the I past by. I awkwardly walked to my seat. When I sat down the girl who was sitting next to me talked to me.
"Hi, my name is Merida. What's yours?"
"Mine is Anna."
"Where did you move from?"
"New York."
"New York!?!? I always wanted to go there! Why did you move from the big city to here?" She said surprised.
"My sister and I used to live in a apartment, after one of our family members died and on her will it said that we can have her house, her house is bigger than our whole apartment. So we moved here."
"PAY ATTENTION!" Miss. Hopely yelled at us. She is mean... "You will have a project due WEDNESDAY. And I want you to pair up with the a person in your class."
"Wanna pair up?" Merida said shyly.
"Sure! We can go over my house, we can meet up at 4:00"
"Ok then!" She said happily.


"Class dismissed." Miss Hopely demanded.
She didn't have to tell me twice. I remembered second class, History. I made it right in time.
"Good Morning Class." Our teacher said happily.
"Good Morning Ms. Jones." The said together in a sigh.
"Today we are going to do something fun!" She said with excitement in her eyes. The class groaned. "You get to pick a person in the past who you think changed the world, you get to write about the person you learned about in a 10 page essay dur Friday!" The whole class groaned.


Is this how its gonna be all day? Why was a so excited about school? Just a bunch of projects to do and homework. I am officially tired of school. It was pretty much the same, work, ring, work, ring. Then finally LUNCH! I am so thankful! Now where should I sit. I saw Punzie and her friends sitting down and eating. Then I saw Elsa talking with some girls. Then I saw Merida alone sitting down on the floor, eating her lunch. I decided to go over to Merida.
"Hi Merida." I said sitting next to her.
"Oh Hi Anna." She said looking glum.
"Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked. She nodded.
"I don't have any friends at school because nobody likes me here, they just pick on me." She said while burying her face into her hands.
"I'm sorry Merida." I said while giving her a little hug. "I'm your friend right?" I said giving her a little smile.
"We are friends?"
"Of course!" I said. I looked over at Rapunzel's table. She turned to me, gesturing me to come.
"Come on," I said standing up. "We are going to sit at a table."
"Huh? All the tables are full."
"Then we sit right there" pointing over to Rapunzel.
"Um....." She said while we walked over there.
**************((Rapunzel's POV))*************

Please tell me Anna is not bringing Merida over here. Oh she is. Seeing the look on Merida's face shown that it wasn't her choice.
"Hey Guys!" Anna said "Mind if Merida sits with us too?"
"Ummmm........" I said nervously.
"Yes we do mind. We don't want her here." Sasha, the 4th most popular girl in the school said.
"Merida you can sit here if you want." I muttered and looked at the ground to not see the other girls glares at me like, why did you do that? Meridas face brighten up and she sat right next to Anna and Anna.

"So Anna, I heard you moved from New York?" Sasha asked while twirling her hair with her finger. "Is it nice?"
"Yea I like all the lights and it's always crowded and there are lots of tall penthouses."
"Do you see any famous people?" Rebecca, the 7th most popular girl in school leaned in and said.
"A few." She said while taking a bite out her sandwich.
"Have you seen Chris Pine?" Tanya, 5th most popular girl in school leaned in closer.
"Or maybe Katy Perry?" Sasha leaned in even closer.
"Or Five Seconds of Summer?"
"Or Ariana Grande?"
"Taylor Swift?"
"Jessie J?"

Then they started crowding her with millions of questions. Then the 1st most popular girl in our school, Brianna Hills walks over to us.
"So your the new girl? Your pretty, and met movie stars, and have a big house I have heard."
Anna nods kind of freaked out of everyone in her face.
"Guys scoot back a little let Anna breathe." I said pushing them a little back.
"I think Anna should be in our top 20." Brianna suggests. All the girls nod.
"What's that?" She asked confused.
"The top 20 is pretty much the top 20 most popular girls in school." I told Anna. I'm in the top 20, I am number 12.
"I don't know...." Anna said.
"You'll love it!" Rebecca said to Anna.
"Yes, she looks like a.......16." Tanya pointed out.
"No... a 15." Brianna said. I am so happy for Anna! Yet she still seems so confused. Its so rare to get in the top 20 it took me 16 parties until they finally let me in.
"Okay I'll be 15?" Anna shrugged.
"Yes! See ya at the party!" Sasha said heading to put away her lunch.
"What party?"
"To be in the top 20 you have to throw an awesome party to show that your worthy to be in the top 20." Tanya explained.
"Okay?" Anna said.

As I noticed Merida started to walk away from the group and I followed her.
"What are you doing here Rapunzel? I thought you hated me." Merida said pointing at me.
"Not hate...... Just extremely mad."
"I did nothing."
"You kissed him!"
"That was years ago!"
"I'm still upset" I said firmly. "By the way, I didn't want to have you sit at my table, I just didn't want to hurt my cousins feelings."
"Leave me alone!" Merida yelled.
"Gladly." I said walking away.
If you are wondering what that was about, me and Merida used to be best friends and I told her my crush on Hiccup and next thing you know three days later she is kissing him! Like who does that? After I got in the top 20 I told everyone not to be her friend and to pick on her. I now that sounds evil of me but that's what she deserves.....right?
******************((Anna's POV))******************

I am so confused? I thought at first this was some really pretty math group who loved numbers........ Then I realized that they were popular girls. Then I realized I have to throw a party. What type of party should I have and when should I have it? The only party I ever gone to is a birthday parties.


Time for next class. I English..... Then.... ART! I loove art! I cant wait! Just have to finish this stupid English then Art!
"Hello Class Today- "
Then the loud speaker thing went on and interrupted our teacher talking.
Anna Arendelle and Elsa Arendelle please come to the principals office, Anna Arendelle and Elsa Arendelle.
Am I in trouble? I guess not.
"Anna his office is just down the hall to your right."
"Okay thanks." I say and walk out the room.

I open a door the a large voice speaks to me.
"Hello Arendelle sisters? Wheres the other one?"
Elsa comes in last second.
"Here sir!" She said.
"Welcome to Westfield High! I am very sorry we didn't give you a tour of the school before you two got here. Must've been hard to find your classes so I put a note in your lockers showing your classes. You have different classes tomorrow. Its a pattern, we have these classes today, and those classes tomorrow, if you get what we mean."
"Yes we do sir" Elsa said.
"Please call me, Mr. Johnson, I hope you girls have a wonderful day at Westfield High and I just wanted to meet you girls."
"Pleasure meeting you Mr. Johnson," Elsa said. Elsa knew what to say, I on the other hand was clueless.
"You too. You may return to your classes."


Finally art! Nothing can go wrong in art.
"Students please sit down, today you will be painting a portrait o- Oh I forgot we have a new student, her name is Anna."
"Hi...." I said awkwardly.I found a place to sit down right next to Tanya.
"Ok so, you will be painting a portrait of the person next to you."
"Hey Tanya! Is someone already drawing a portrait of you?"
"Yea Rebecca is, and I'm doing Rebecca sorry."
Then I turn to my right.
"Hey-" then I saw him! The guys who owes me money! Um, Jack! No way I wanted to paint a portrait of him! But I couldn't do Tanya so..... Ugh. So something can go wrong in art.

"Now that you all have your partners I want you all to open your sketching books." She said while giving me a new one. "I want you guys to draw how the person seems to you, for instance, I drew a picture of Cassidy with flowers because she is always so sweet. Understand?"
"What do you even think of me as?" He asked smiling.
Hai guys! Just want to thank all of you guys! For being soo nice. I might some pictures to some of the chapters. Wow I'm so close to 100 views! Thank you guys so much! Please vote to make me smile :) I hope you all are enjoying this story, this was kind of a long chapter. Well see ya later guys! Baii ~🌸Rainbowww🌸

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