{{Chapter 2}}

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******************((Anna's POV))*****************

"Ok, we made it." Elsa said with a sigh. "Took us four hours yet we made it!"
We traveled by two taxis, and four trains to get here, I'm surprised it only took us four hours. I fell asleep on the train ride. Then we had to get in another taxi.
"I'm tired of these taxis Elsa... "
"Too bad, suck it up!" That's Elsa's slogan. She uses it for everything. We had to get so much luggage to carry outta the train into the taxi.
"Anna why did you pack so many bags?"
"Because...... I need them?"
"Really Anna? 14 bags? I only brought 3!"
"You don't have a lot of stuff"
"Because I'm not a hoarder!" She said groaning while caring the bags. We have 17 bags and 10 boxes.

After the long cab ride we finally made it. The house was HUGE.
"Wooooahhhh, Elsa look at this. How were we able to buy it?"
"We didn't, one of our family members died and on her will she gave us her house."
"Our family member died?"
"Yea she was rich. Never met her."
"Okay then, thank you Mrs.... Mrs.... Mrs. Who?" I have no idea who died
"Mrs. Orgla." Elsa said while carrying some boxes.
"The Mean Mrs. Orgla?" I said making a face
Elsa nodded, "Anna get the bags outta the taxi truck I'll help you."
I saw a surprise on my lawn.
"Anna!" We met in a tight hug.

Meet Rapunzel Cornia,
One of the nicest yet coolest person I know she is like my dairy with legs, I can tell her whatever whenever. She the one I trust yet she can sometimes be sneaky. Punzie can be over protective, not as much as Elsa though. Anyways, back to the story,

"Anna I'm so glad you moved in! You are so much better than Mrs. Orgla!" We laughed. "Ann, how about we go shopping today and I can show you around! And Elsa can come too!"
Elsa can hear her name no matter what conversation, even if she isn't in it.
"Oh hey guys! Hi Punzie!" Elsa walked up to us and waved.
"Elsa we are going shopping!" Squealed Rapunzel. "Wanna come?"
"Um no thanks, have to unpack before school starts, in fact when is school."
"Don't worry. The bus comes to our street so you just have to get on it." Rapunzel replied.
"Oh, okay guys."

Rapunzel and I walked off and we went to go shopping. We went to Macy's and I got a cute sweater, a new beanie, a scarf, jeans, shorts, tank top, etc. Punzie found this really cute dress. And a whole lotta stuff. I only had $200 dollars with me so I had to pay $175 which will leave me to...... $25 for lunch. I spent most of my money and it was worth it! After that we went to Starbucks. And we sat down and talked.
"Punz is there any cute boys at school?"
"A few"
"Like who?"
"I kinda have a crush on this boy named Hiccup and this boy named Flynn, I think I like Flynn more but I dunno."
"Awwww" I said
"Yeah..." She said smiling and blushing," There are more to but they are not my type."
"I see.." I said. After that she showed me the school I was going to. It said 'Westfield High' I have to admit, it seemed like a really nice school. I couldn't wait! Then it started to get dark so me and Rapunzel headed home.

Next thing you know BAM this guy bumped right into me a knocked me over, to make matters worse, he spilled his stupid yogurt all over me and my new clothes! He owes me $175!!!!
"ANNA!!" screamed Rapunzel.
I was furious!
"Are you ok?" He asked. Then I realized that he was staring at me. He was actually kinda... cute- wait what did I say? Nevermind that...I gave him a weird look.
"Do I look ok? You knocked me over then spilled yogurt on the new clothes I bought!" I said angrily.
"Jack, I told you NOT to embarrass me then you...... you.. EMBARRASS me!" Rapunzel said and put up her fist to him.
"Um....." He nervously said. Rapunzel just crossed her arms and scowled at him. And I was just there also crossing my arms and shaking my head. Then we headed back home.

"What a jerk." I said
"Yea, he's always been like that sorry about it."
"Who he?"
"He goes to to our school and lives on our street."
"Shoot, at least he doesn't live next to me" I smiled.
"Actually he does" Punzie sighed.
"Double Shoot."
We talked for a little while longer than we arrived at my house.
"Well hope you had a good day Anna! Sorry about how it ended."
"It's okay and thank you Punz." I said while giving her a big hug.
"See ya at school Ann!"
"Bye Punzie!"
There were still boxes outside. Elsa was on the porch drinking lemonade.
"So.... Many.... Bags..... And.... Boxes...... No...... One...... Helped......" She said breathing long time after each word.
"Oh sorry Elsa! I'll help you next time!"
"You...... better....." She said as she headed back inside as I followed her. Our house was HUGE inside more than outside. It was like a place for kings and queens.
"Nice huh Anna? I put your bags and boxes upstairs. My room was huge! I loved it. I looked out the window, all I could see was another window facing it. What a nice view, I thought and laughed. I got into my pjs then into the bed, wondering what will happen tomorrow.

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