{{Chapter 6}}

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*****************((Merida's POV))******************

"What is it Rapunzel?" I groaned.
"Can we start over?"
"What do you mean?" I said concerned. Rapunzel hated me I don't get it. "Why?"
"I'm giving you another chance, but not for free." She warned.
"I'm confused...." It's like she wants to be friends, but for a cost I think.
"I want to be friends again IF you tell Hiccup you're sorry."
"Sorry? What am I gonna say? 'Sorry you kissed me 4 years ago' really?"
"Wait a sec..... did you just say YOU?"
You never gave me a chance to explain, HE kissed ME." I sighed. She finally listened.
"What- but- no- IMPOSSIBLE!" She studded. "Why would he kiss YOU?"

"I guess I am attractive....." I said looking into the sky.
"Whatever, I know you're lying."
"Then why do you want to be friends?" I asked.
"Look at this." She said searching through her bag. Man it's like a forest down there I saw was make-up, cell phone, floss, few rubber bands, candy, notebook, books, wallet, teddy bear, gum, nail polish, and a whole lotta stuff.

Finally she showed me a photo. It was when we were kids. I think we were like seven. Rapunzel was giving me a piggyback ride and I had my cardboard sword in the air and Rapunzel was pretending to be a horse or something. I remeber those times, they were the best. "This made me change my mind, we were like the best of friends and I feel stupid for giving up that because of some boy."
"So then why are you making me say sorry?"
"Merida, I was 14 and he was my first crush, and if we become friends I promise NO ONE will tease you. And I want to see how good of a friend you will be and this is how you will prove it."
"When should I do it?"
"Lunch, tomorrow. And don't tell Anna I told you this. She might get mad at me and she is one of the most important person in the world to me and if you take that away I will be very...... Upset!" She snapped.
"Fine." I promised.

After the bus ride

"Hey Merida! What did Rapunzel talk to you about?" Anna asked.
"Oh, I'll tell you inside but if I tell you, don't tell her I told you this."

A thing you should know about me, I don't usually keep secrets.

So we went inside and we opened our books and Elsa got us chips and salsa. Yet Elsa was acting weird around Anna. She kept asking her random questions like, 'How was art class.' 'Did you make any new "friends" besides Merida?' And stuff but whatever. So I told her what's going to happen.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do it."
"Why not?" I asked.
"What kind of friend would make you do something to threaten you?"

Anna made a good point there but me and Rapunzel has been friends as long as I could remembering those times were some of the best in my life.

"I'm gonna do it." I sighed.
"You're crazy." Anna laughed.

Then we went upstairs to her room and watched movies. Anna must've had millions DVDs because her collection is huge. She said watched every single one of them. After watching about three movies we heard a doorbell.

"I'll get it!" Anna shouted while pausing the movie we were watching.
I followed her to see who it was, it was Rapunzel.
"Hey guys do you mind if I hang out with you guys for a bit?" She pleaded.

Anna turned around and gave me a look like she was saying should I? I gave her a smile while nodding.

"Why not? We are upstairs watching 'The Fault is in Our Stars' wanna join?" Anna said to Rapunzel.
"Ohhh! I love that movie! I brought chocolate bars!" Rapunzel squealed while giving Anna one and tossing one to me!
"My favorite! I missed your chocolate Punzie!" Anna giggled while giving her a hug. Its so sweet how they are such good friends in different ways. Then I shouted,
"Last one to Anna's room is a rotten egg!" And rushed up to her room and laughed. Rapunzel and Anna also laughed and rushed up the stairs. We continued watching the movie and Elsa gave us some popcorn and joined us. Honestly it was the best time I had in a long time. Then I saw a boy from our school in the window. He had a pad and a pencil and he was drawing something, then I realized he was Jack Frost so I waved. I haven't talked to him in a long time after me and Rapunzel broke up our friend ship so it seemed like our little group seemed to break up. He smiled and waved at me back. Then we gave me a weird look.

"Wait a second... Merida?" Jack said.
"Yea it's me hi!"
"I haven't seen you in like, 4 years!"
"Because we haven't!"
"Merida who are you talking to?" Rapunzel asked.
"Jack." I answered.
"What do you mean?" Elsa asked.
"He's right there." I pointed at the window and Jack gave them a wave.
"Wait a second, Jack lives next to us????" Elsa was so confused.
"At my window huh? Weird." Anna sighed while still watching the movie.
"What are you drawing there?" Rapunzel said pointing at his book he was sketching in.
"Um.... Nothing." His cheeks turned red.
"Nothing eh? Show us!" Rapunzel demanded.
"Show us! Show us!" We chanted.
"Um.... Here hold on a sec...." He said, he quickly drew something and showed it to us.
"See...... look ducks!" Jack said pointing at them.

"I love ducks!" Cheered Anna and went over to see them. Once she saw them she scrunched up her nose. "Those aren't ducks, those are elephants!"
"No they are ducks!" Jack said.
"They do look like elephants...." Elsa said tilting her head.
"Fake! Fake! Fake!" Rapunzel chanted.
"Wait a sec is that the school's sketch book, like for art class?" Anna asked.
"Why are you asking him that?" I questioned.
"He's maybe drawing me." Anna said while taking a bite out of her chocolate bar.
"Why you?" Elsa said.
"For an art class." Jack mumbled.
"Ohhhh lemme see!" Rapunzel giggled.
"Um...... Well...... You see........." Jack said nervously holding his book.
"Is it bad?" Anna asked.
"Why are you so nervous?
"No reason, nice talking you girls bye!" He said closing his blinds.

"That was weird...." I shrugged.
"Did you draw his picture already?" Elsa wondered.
"I'm not done yet but here it is." Anna said showing her drawing. We all gasped. Anna is actually pretty amazing at drawing.
"If I were Mrs. Rose, I would give you an A+++++" Rapunzel laughed. We all were cracking up.
"Thanks Punzie!"
"Guys, its 8:48" and my curfew is 9:00 so I have to go." Rapunzel said.
"Me too. Thanks for inviting me." I smiled.
"Come over any time!" Elsa said giving me a hug.
"No problem!" Anna smiled and gave me a hug. They waved bye while we left. "

"Hey Rapunzel?"
"I cant wait to be friends again." I smiled and ran to my house.
"Me too!" Punzie shouted.
I knew that from today and from now on my life will be brighter.

*****************((Elsa's POV))*****************

Its 12:00 am I can't sleep.
I'm so confused.
I think Jack likes Anna.

Like when I remember when school ended he said he was really happy after art class and Anna was Jack's partner I figured . So then when Anna was telling me about how the art project is about drawing your partner and what you think about them. Plus after that stare off thingy I could tell Anna must've loved him by now or something. And maybe Jack was hiding his picture because in his picture it shows how he feels about Anna so..... OMG.

Jack. Likes. Anna.

Something is off about this universe.

💕Haii guys 💕
sorry for such a short chapter 😁
It's just that I'm really tired and tomorrow I'm going over my friends house which I haven't seen for a year 😄😄😄😄
So I made a new cover. Likey? 😍
🎉Thanks so much for 200+ views!🎉
❤️Follow my Instagram, @the.janna.comic PLEASE!❤️
Rainbowww out! 🌸🌸🌸

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