{{Chapter 11}}

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***********((Elsa's POV))*********

Okay, I admit I feel kind of bad of even thinking of this plan when Anna tells me her issues. Lee's plan is slightly working obviously, its kind of creepy. Its weird of how much has been going on and it's only our first week. I rub Anna's back while she digs her box for Ice Cream which she finished quickly. Then she threw her spoon into the box.

"I'm going upstairs." she mutters and walks away.

I sigh and continue to watch the movie. Then I get a text from Rapunzel, saying she wants me to come over. I write a note for Anna telling I'm going across the street just in case and walk out the door

As I wait for the streetlight, some guy stands next to me. I remember him when he said hello to me at my front lawn when he was eating ice cream.

"Hi" he saids "Elsa, right?" I nodded.

"Hello Hiccup"

"So how's school so far for your first week?"

"Crazy" I laugh.

"Yep, same." I roll my eyes.

"Nothing like my week."

"What happened?"

The light changes color and we cross the street together still talking.

"Well, I met this guy which I really like. But I don't think he can say the same about me because it's pretty obvious he likes my sister instead."

I freeze in place, how did he know?

"He told me at lunch." He explains, it calms me a little bit but I wonder why Jack told him, Hopely he hasn't told anyone else like Rapunzel or Anna. I try to find something to say but I couldn't say anything expect for one word.

"Boys."I softly muttered.

"Girls." Hiccup chuckled. I laughed and said goodbye and headed over to Rapunzel's house and rang the doorbell. She answered less then 5 seconds and pulled me in.

"I'm so glad you came Els, I have so many problems and I need to tell someone!"

"I'll always be there for you Punz." I gave her a warm smile and she hands me some tea.

Rapunzel's house is small, but very neat. The aroma of coffee and cinnamon rumors the house and the mint green walls blends perfectly with the house along with the wood floor. We sit on this comfy brown couch, and in front is a huge window where you can see my house and Jack's house perfectly. My stomach turns thinking about him, but I'm here to focus on Rapunzel, not myself.

"Jack's accusing me of writing some note! I really don't know what to do about this, he says that someone told him I wrote it which is totally not true. Like why would I write something like that to my own cousin? " She complained.

I didn't know what to say. Mostly because this problem is my fault. I know whatever I say, at this moment will affect the plan in some way good or bad.

"Did you ask for proof?"

"All he said was someone told him, how stupid could he be?"


"Exactly! Elsa you always know what to do! What should I do?"

"Um......." My mind is completely blank. I'm discing whether to just tell the truth or come up with some other solution. I take a sip of tea. "It really doesn't matter what Jack thinks in this situation really, its what Anna thinks. The note's for her right? So if you know how she thinks its you or not, what Jack says doesn't matter."

Rapunzel gives me hug.

"Thanks Els, I'll try it later." I give her smile and head back home.

Should I still go on with this plan?

***********((Anna's POV))**********

I lay on my bed and try to read but can't.

I look out my window, but I forgot that the jerk lives there and I close my drapes.

Wondering what to do, I decide to start on one of my many projects. I chose art because it seems easiest. What do I think of Jack Frost? Maybe not. Or will it? I sketch his face. I could remember him perfectly, after looking at him. I kind of miss seeing him after drawing him for some reason. Its hard to draw his eyes, that look deeply into yours, his mouth, always laughing. What am I thinking? He's a monster.

I dip some red paint from my bucket, and color in his eyes. I leave his hair color alone, because his hair has barely any color, but I draw devil horns on his head. Then I draw flames in the back round, with a knife pointing straight towards his head. As I step back, I realize my drawing isn't actually 'school appropriate'. So I wrinkle it up into a ball and throw it into the trash can, but missed.

Too lazy to pick it up, I lay down again and play White Tiles on my phone. Then I get a text from Rapnzel on skype. I look at it and read it.

*Rapunzel has logged on*

"Did I write that note?" -Punzie

A/n: Sorry for short chapter and slow updates! I have been really busy trying to update all my stories and still pay attention to my social life. So it's been really hard to try and do everything, if you know what I mean. I really hope someone read this :P Bai! -Rainbow

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