{{Chapter 13}}

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*************(( Anna's POV ))*********

*before the party*

"Anna, are you ready to start the Party?" Rapunzel says. I am extremely nervous, what this party goes off bad. Me, being the clumsy human I am, knocks over the punch then I fall into the pool with my phone and I electrocute myself and die! Okay.... Might not happen, but knowing me, something else worse might.

"Yes, the decorations are amazing! Thank you so much for helping me Rapunzel!" I say giving her hug.

"No problem Ann, anytime! Its 12:00, people should be coming any second now!"

"Rapunzel, what's this?" Elsa asked, holding up a bottle.

"Oh that's not for you. I know you don't drink so I put out some water for you." Rapunzel answered. Elsa smiled and walked over to me, her face full of worry.

"Anna, I just wanted to tell you that........um...have fun? Don't make any b-bad desionions!" She told me nervously. I gave her a thumbs up and a smile. Then the doorbell rang and Brianna, Lee, Bee, and Sasha were at the front door.

Once I opened the door Bee ran right pass me and Lee and Sasha stifled a laugh. "Someone's excited to get their party on." Sasha laughed.

"That's my sister." Lee shrugged and all the girls laughed together. I flashed them a smile and they began to walk in, viewing the house.

"What a nice little home." Sasha smiled.

"Almost as big as my house." Brianna said.

"Y-you guys are here early." I said.

"Its 12:01! We are extremely late!" Lee snapped and went outside with Sasha. So it left me and Brianna.

She smiled at me. "I like you, I hope this goes well for you." She says and walks out the door. Now, I'm alone. The doorbell rings again, and a bunch of people come and it becomes really loud.

I don't really want to talk to anyone, so I just lay in the hammock in our backyard, I usually come here when I have nothing to do (when the weather is right.) Even though I usually enjoy the peace and quiet, the blasting music doesn't bother me. The hammock supporting me and slowly rocks me side to side is all I need. I rock in the hammock slowly during most of the party.

I almost close my eyes until I feel the hammock slowly tilt to the side, I sit up and I am face to face to Jack, the last person I want to see. We just look at each other, not saying anything. I want to just tell him how much I missed him after my outburst, but I don't.

I'm supposed to be mad at him, which I am! I clearly expressed that to him when he showed me the letter. So I stand up on the ground and I cross my arms.

Jack folds his fingers together and stands up in front of me. I look down, avoiding to look him in the eye, but I can feel him staring at me hardly.

"Anna...." He begins to say. "I know we haven't talked for a while, after I showed you the letter. You probably aren't ready to forgive me, you won't even look me in the eye."

I lift my chin and look at him directly into his eye and he smiles. "Well now you are." he laughs. I'm incredibly annoyed with him, I don't have time for his jokes.

"What do you want?"

He looked down and his smile faded away. "To apologize. I shouldn't have invaded your privacy, and looked at the note. It was wrong, I should've just let you alone to deal with your own problems."

"And?" I muttered, he lifted his head and looked at me.

"And for blaming your cousin of something I wasn't sure she did."


"And what?"

"And what else?"

"And what else am I supposed to say?"

We looked at each other confused, but then we burst into laughter for some random reason. "I'm really sorry Anna, I just wanted to help." He said softly smiling.

"I missed having you as a friend, Jack." I admitted, beaming.

"Me too."

I was worried about this party turning out bad, but it actually made things better. At this point, I don't even care if I got in the cool kids group, I'm just happy things are just alright. Although I don't rknow what's going on with my sister. She's been acting weird lately, she has all these mixed emotions. But I hope Rapunzel knows she no longer is accused of writing that note.

"Jack, next time we need to talk to each other before we assume things. I don't want to have our friendship ruined like that again." I said.

He nodded. "Okay."


"Yes, I promise."

"How do I know that your going to keep the promise for sure?" I questioned him crossing my arms.

"Well..." Jack started. I raised my eyebrow at him waiting for a response. "I didn't mean to make you upset, just the opposite. I care about you and how you feel because, I like you Anna."

Jack looked into my eyes and I looked into his. We weren't saying anything, it was like time was frozen and we were the only two beings alive. Then I realized we were holding hands. I didn't understand what was going on at first, but then I knew. Our faces were inches apart, centimeters now. Then he closed the space between us and I felt his lips on mine.

Then he pulled back and looked at me. I just stood there, blushing, didn't know what to say or do. I have never been in a situation like this before.

Well I couldn't just stand there like an idiot so I spoke up. "So... You like me?" I said. I felt like punching myself in the face. Of course he likes you, he just said that Anna!

"Yeah." Jack said.

"Well then, that's great." I said smiling. "Because I like you too." I honestly surprised myself when I said that.

"You do?"

"Yeah, guess I didn't know that until I said it, but it's true. I always have." I said. "So what now?"

"What do you mean?"

"What are we now?"

"Whatever you want us to be." Jack said smiling. As much as I like Jack, I didn't think I was ready to date him. Not yet at least.

"I think it's best if we stick as friends for now. We just became friends again, and I just... Don't want to mess up what we already have."

"Sure." Jack sighed.

"Okay." I said. "Uh I just, I'm going to go find my sister. I'll see you around." I told him and began to walk away.

"You too." He said and went the other way.

***************((Lee's POV))*************

This party is pretty boring, I was going to ruin the party anyway so Anna couldn't get into the Top 20. But this party sucks so obviously she won't make it in anyway so it doesn't even matter I guess.

Now I had to focus on my plan I needed to find Jack. I couldn't see him anywhere around on the dance floor or the pool so I walked over to some gate. I looked over the gate to see if anyone was inside, and there he was talking to Anna. Then, next thing you know he kisses her.

My jaw hang open, did he literally just do that? I smirked and took a sip from my glass. I knew this was going to happen. Didn't know when but I knew it was going to happen. But so quickly I did not expect.

Anna, you're making this too easy.

Time for Part 2 of my plan.


Okay that's it for today, because I am so tired.
So yeah.... Byeee.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2015 ⏰

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