{{Chapter 10}}

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*************((Rapunzel's POV))*************

Jack was giving me a dirty look.

"For the last time I. DID. NOT. WRITE. THAT. NOTE." I told him.

"Yea right." He said narrowing his eyes and crossing his arms. " I can't believe you, denial wont fix anything Rapunzel. I know you wrote this." He scolded.

"Wheres. your. proof." I squinted at him lowing my voice.

"Someone caught you doing it." Jack sighed.


"Can't say"

"UGH" I was so frustrated at Jack right now, so much for the being best friends group. Why cant Jack be like Hiccup, we have no problems with him. "You know what? Just leave me alone." I shook my head and ran back to Merida.

"Whatta the lad say?" She nudged me with her shoulder.

I sighed. "Jack is accusing me of something I didn't do."

***********((Anna's POV))********

As I got out of the bus I noticed Rapunzel and Jack talking together. Jack was holding something pink in his hands while he was crossing his arms and Rapunzel seemed frustrated at him and walked away. I decided to see what was going on so I walked over.

I sneaked behind Jack and covered his eyes. "Guess who?" I said as I could feel his cheeks rise as he smiled.

"Just the person I was looking for." He laughed and turned my way. But then when his eyes met to mine he started to frown. He shrugged and pulled something from his pocket. It seemed like something I know- HOLY COW ITS THE NOTE.

"Where did you get that?" I snatched it out of his hands.

"It fell from your backpack, but I know who-"

"You read the note?!" I yelled, I cant believe that jerk. "Why didn't you give me back the note when you saw it? It could've been something really personal!" Who does that? I just- like wanna- um- KICK him really hard, but at the same time I don't .....

"I know who wrote it Anna." He looked straight into my eyes.

"I don't care." I said turning away from him.


I turned back and kicked him.

"Ow-what the?"

"I hope that hurt." I growled and walked away. First, he spills chocolate which I cant get out on my clothes, then he invades my space, then he accuses one of the people I trust most on all this madness which isn't his business. I regret kicking him, I wish I done it harder.

As I got back home Elsa was sitting on the couch watching some movie and texting on her phone. I tried my best to hold back my tears so Elsa wont have to have one of her "discussions" with me. I opened the freezer to get my Chocolate Chip Marshmallow Almond ice cream, but it wasn't there. Elsa paused the TV and put her phone in her pocket, then he held up my box of ice cream.

"When you are depressed you eat your ice cream." She smirked, holding it in the air as I snatched it out of her hands. "Comes it next to me I'm watching Mean Girls." She patted the seat on the couch and unpaused the movie.

I dramatically opened the drawer, picked out the biggest spoon I could find, slammed the drawer, and sat on the couch criss-cross-apple sauce and started viscously scooping ice cream out of the box and shoving it in my mouth. Elsa rubbed my back and sighed.

"Let's have a discussion." Elsa said to me.

Oh bother

O. M. G.😱



Thank you Koppiccino_bubble_ for congratulating me when I had like about 997 views! 😊

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There is Always Going to be a Way

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That's it!😍

Bai! ~Rainbowww ❤️💛💚💙💜

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