{{Chapter 7}}

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********************((Jack's POV))*****************

Just another Tuesday morning, Anna was snoring, REALLY loud.

I guess this time I'll wake her up.

"Anna wake up!" I yelled, she was still snoring. I groaned as I yelled louder. "ANNA WAKE UP!" I yelled even louder, she still hasn't woken, you got to be kidding me. Then I found a chocolate bar in my room, remembering how much she loves it, I threw it at her. It fell on the floor instead of her bed, I'm not so great at aiming I guess....

"Huh?" Anna yawned sniffing the air. "I smell..... Something sweet...." Then she got off her bed onto her knees and started sniffing the ground like one of those detective dogs. She finally found the chocolate bar and raised it up to the sky. "VICTORY!" Anna yelled and took a bite out of her bar. I couldn't help but to laugh. Then she saw me. "What's so funny?"

"You!" I laughed.

"Is it my bed head? Did I get gum in it? Am I drooling? Did I wear my makeup before I went to sleep again and now I look like a monster?" She panicked.

"No, they way you found your chocolate bar!" I gasped catching my breath.

"So? Don't judge me for my love of chocolate! How did it get here anyway?" Anna took another bite out her bar.

"I threw it so you will wont miss the bus, again. Your welcome."

"What?!?! How long has this been in your room? Is it moldy?" Anna panicked again while checking her chocolate bar again. When she realized she was overreacting for nothing and her chocolate bar was fine she shrugged and took another bite.

"No I actually got it yesterday, it was in some basket with other types of candy with a bow on top, it said it was from a "secret admirer" I guess." I told her while showing her the basket.

"Huh, wonder who it is? As long as she made her chocolate clean I don't care." Anna shrugged.

"Yea me too....." I wondered.

"Ok bye!" Anna said closing her blinds, then she reopened them. "And thanks for the chocolate" then closed them again. Well if Anna's getting ready so am I! I did all that regular morning stuff and rushed out of the door.

As I walked out I was surprised to see Elsa waiting outside her door for something, then she realized me and she smiled with a sigh and waved then she frowned, not at me but to herself. She walked down her steps and up to me. Elsa was always happy to see me for some reason, but this time she was actually a little different.

"Hey Elsa!"

"Hello Jackson." She sighed looking down and kicking some rocks. She seemed upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's just-......." She paused looking at me. Then she looked down and sighed and continued kicking the rocks. "It's just nothing....." She sighed. It was silent for a while, all I could hear was the rocks kicked by Elsa just banging against the cement ground.

"So... wheres Anna?" I said out if the blue. That made Elsa even sadder as she slumped down. Then she got really mad and picked up the rocks with her hands and threw them as hard as she can. "Elsa are you okay? I never see you like this."

Then Elsa tightened up her fists as if she where about to punch someone while she was holding her breath so I stepped back. Then I heard her whisper to her self numerous times, "conceal....don't.....feel..conceal....don't..feel....conceal" while breathing in and out. "Elsa?" I asked.


Then she turned to me and kissed me.

"Jackson, to be honest I liked you, like, liked you liked you, even the first day we met. I know you don't even feel a speck about me that way too but I don't care." She sighed then started to walk away.

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