Chapter 1

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"Young man, do you need a ride?" A women rolls to a stop next to me. "That would be nice ma'am," I answer almost immediately and she nods. "Well get on in" she calls and I chuckle before going to her passenger side door.

Opening the door to see her readjusting her breast and skirt that seemed a little too short for someone her age. I mean whatever she wants. Cringing I know this will be a long ride. "So where am I taking ya?" She asks pulling her car forward.

"Nowhere in particular, I'm just traveling really, enjoying the world I guess" I try to explain and she nods looking over to me. "Well what's your name sweet thing?" She asked and I seriously had to ask myself if I wanted to tell her or not.

"Colton" I answer and she nods. "My name is Bethany Tash... just call me Bethany" her hand goes to my thigh and I move my gaze to out the window. These cougars are wild these days.

I'm honestly not that attractive. I'm very tall standing at six feet and five inches, but with all my traveling I haven't been eating the healthiest, so it makes me a little skinner than I like. I use to be pretty strong when I was in high school from all the sports I did.

If I could I'd like to go back to then. I was pretty proud of my body then. My hair is black, curly and long it laid past my ears and I was constantly brushing it out of my eyes. My eyes weren't anything special either just hazel not even a pretty hazel, just dull. I've never been complimented on them. I always envied those people with unique and beautiful eyes, I wish mine were like that.

I had a little bit of stubble that I usually shaved off with a razor in my bag. At the moment I had been busy and couldn't find the time or place to clean myself off. You had a better chance of getting a ride if you looked clean and harmless. So my height was usually a disadvantage.

"So are you over eighteen Colton?" She asks taking me out of my criticizing thoughts. "Yes ma'am, just turned twenty" I tell her and she nods. "Well when was your birthday?" She continues looking through her side mirror.

"Two weeks ago, April 24th" I tell her, getting a nod. "Well happy birthday then, I bet your parents are so happy to have such an attractive looking boy" she whispers moving her hand back to my leg, and keeping it there.

"I hope so" I look up to the ceiling. "So are you a runaway? You're over eighteen so I don't quite understand, why you don't just settle down?" She asks her hand moving closer to my clothed area.

"I just haven't found the right place I guess, plus if I do settle down, I don't want to settle down alone, because that's just- it's lonely" I laugh because well obviously.

"I see, well you could always stay at my house" she offers and I already knew where this was going. "Oh, really ma'am I feel like that would be to much, you're too trusting, but thank you though" I try to dismiss her advances but she bites her lip keeping her eyes on the road.

"Please call me Bethany, it really wouldn't be any trouble. Maybe you'll find that it's a great place to stay" she tries to hint at me settling down with her. "I guess if it's alright with you, I'll stay a night" I smile and she claps giddily before putting her hands back on the wheel.

"That's great" she bites her lip again and I sigh going to look back out the window. It would be nice to sleep on a couch. I can just tell her I'm exhausted and go straight to sleep.

The next ten minutes went by slowly as she ran her hand up and down my leg. I let the women do what she wanted, not wanting to upset her. I kind of felt pity for her, because it didn't turn me on at all.

I use to swing all ways but the amount of women who have tried to do things to me while on my adventure just ruined it for me. I don't really know my own sexuality. I like guys, I like trans people, and I'm not sexually or romantically attracted to women I just find some of them pretty. I like- I don't even know.

The car jerks into a driveway of a two story house and I pull myself out of my dreams once again. "Come on big boy" she slaps my thigh playfully and I give her the best smile I could muster.

Grabbing my backpack, I follow her into her house. "I'm sorry to say that I only have one bed, so we have to share" she tries to be seductive rubbing her hands over my shoudlers. Best plan was playing the oblivious role. There's no way in hell she has a two story house with only one bed.

"I can just sleep on the couch, don't worry" I assure her and she takes a deep breath. "I can't do that to you, let me show you my room Colton" she hums and I nod trying to stay as innocent as possible.

She takes my hand and leads me into her room, her hands feeling up my body. "I need to shower, don't go to far... feel free to join me if you want to save water" she winks to me and I look up to the ceiling to think.

"Saving water would be the nice thing to do" I continue playing dumb and she nods pulling at my t-shirt. "Thanks for the offer Bethany- I'll join you in a minute, is it okay if I go get myself something to drink?" I ask giving her a pout.

"Of course don't take to long baby boy" she sings already starting to strip as she makes her way into her bathroom. As soon as I heard the shower turn on I hurried down her stairs into the kitchen.

I grabbed the drink like I said I was and chugged it down before snatching a snack size bag of Cheese Itz from the counter. "Sorry" I whisper up the stairs.

I quietly open the front door before bolting down the sidewalk my backpack being extremely loud and annoying. As soon as I was out of view of her house I slowed my pace down to a jog still wanting to get some distance in.

I left my hometown in West Virginia when I turned eighteen. I've been traveling back and forth since, still trying to find my place. It was a lot harder than I thought. I was currently in some random city in New Mexico. I just knew I was close to the border of Colorado.

This was going to be my second time making it back and forth between the states. Slowing my pace down even more I shoved the food into my backpack and sighed. I'd get thirsty if I ate those and I wasn't near anywhere that I could I fill my water up.

Enjoying the peacefulness of the night I laughed. I was about to get prowled on by a cougar. I went back to staring at the fireflies as I walked down the sidewalk. Am I even going the right way!? I really should pick up on navigating with the stars.

I continue to walk looking for somewhere that was still open. I stumble upon a diner and open the door as they all looked up upon my arrival. "This is going to sound stupid but which way is east, as in which way to Texas?" I ask and the waitress sighs going back behind the counter.

The guy wiping the table stands to think for a minute before pointing. "Cool, thanks- have a good night" I say before leaving again. So at least I was going the right way.

I continued walking my legs well rested after the thirty minute drive. I took in a deep breath of cold air, I wish it would have been a little more humid, but it was still better than snow or rain.

It really isn't even that cold I'm just being dramatic. I walked by a wooden children's park and stopped backing up. Climbing up the play area I go into one of the towers laying out my blanket from my bag, I use the bag itself as a pillow and pull my sweatshirt on for a blanket on top. Pulling the hood over my hair and face I lay down on the blanket curling up to give the rest of my body some warmth.

"Goodnight mom"

"Goodnight dad"

"I'll be home soon"

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