Chapter 19

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"We've been walking forever...." Andreas whines as I squeeze his hand. "We left the car five minutes ago" I remind him and he smiles straightening up. "Want to eat first or walk around?" He asks as I feel the wallet in my back pocket. I was paying today no matter what. If I had to toss his wallet across the restaurant I fucking would.

"We can eat first" I answer and he nods our arms swinging back and forth between us. "Want to try over there" I point across the street and he nods tugging me over. It was a peach colored cafe and we looked both ways before quickly crossing the street.

I open the door for him and we found a pretty much empty seating area. "Corner?" He asks with a smile and I nod with an even bigger smile. We pass by the only other people in there before I push him into the seat. "So rude!" He exclaims quickly putting a hand over his mouth to quiet himself.

I sit next to him, giving him a small apology peck. Before we both opened our menus. I already knew what I wanted. "I'm all set to order, do you know what you want?" I lean over putting my head onto his.

"Jesus you're fast" he huffs his eyes scanning the options. "Okay- okay. I'm ready" he nods locking in on what he wanted. "Are you sure- like one hundred percent sure" I joke and he rolls his eyes.

"I'm sure kid" he chuckles but his eyes sweep over the menu again just in case. We were soon joined by a waitress her smile almost creepy in a way.

"Good mornin y'all, can I get you started with drinks?" She asks and we both nod. She looks to me first and I swallow. "Just some milk please" she writes that down before looking to Andreas. "Water" he lifts his hand before placing it on the table.

"Now do you need more time for the food or nah?" She continued and I shake my head. "I believe we are ready" I answer for us both. I purposely sat on the outside so I could pay. I was ready. I was so ready. "I would like a susuagse burrito with a side of shredded hash browns" I answered first looking to my boyfriend who was not enjoying being second.

"A meat omelet with a side of white toast" he answers bluntly. She writes everything down before tapping her pen a few times. "Okie dokie I'll go get that food for ya. Drinks first!" She cheers and we both nod before watching her disappear.

I hear the giggling of a little girl and can't help but smile. One of my friends in highschool had three little sisters and they were the cutest things in the world. I was their giraffe or that's what they called me.

"Well that was quick" almost immediately the girl is bustling over with our drinks. Once she passes the table there's a bit of commotion. "Rajah!" One man shouts and there's more giggling as the waitress is soon followed by a cat. She gives us our drinks and walks right over the cat who sits and stares at me.

"Wait Rajah!?" I repeat the name looking at the tiger striped cat. He hears his name and rubs up against my foot. "Uh do you know this cat" Andreas asks and I sorta nod and shrug at the same time.

My eyes widen as the owner of the cat confirms my suspicions. The Zachary Tatton. "I'm going to pass out" I mutter putting a hand to my head. "Kid?! What do you mean you're going to pass out!?" Andreas asks standing up and grabbing my head to force me to look at him.

"Rajah Tatton- hi I am so sorry about my cat he has an obsession with milk" the celebrity himself says to us. "It's fine- hundred percent fine- wait what are you doing in Kansas?!" I ask not minding my own business.

"Colton you are confusing me- do you know him?" Andreas asks and I make an iffy sign with my hand. "He's famous I was obsessed with him in highschool big gay awakening thing. That is really awkward to just say in front of you I am so sorry" I put my hand over my mouth after looking back to Zachary. He now had Rajah in his arms deaths staring the cat.

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