Chapter 4

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There's a warm pressure on my leg and I let out a groan shifting to get closer to it, only stopping when the compartment next to me gets in the way. I'm shaken a bit and jolt up relaxing when I see Andreas.

He takes his hand from my leg and for some weird reason I grab his hand. "Uh? You fell asleep and I know it's pretty late but I was wondering if you wanted to have a late dinner?" He asks and I continue to suck the warmth out of his hand.

I nod and he gives me a curious look. "What's going on?" He chuckles and I finally let go. "Your hand is warm" I mumble looking around to realize we were parked on the side of the road. "Oh- thanks I guess, are you cold?" He asks going to fumble with the heat.

"Yeah a little" I answer rubbing my eyes exhausted. "Are we almost at your house, I'm going to forget how to walk if I don't start doing it again soon" I joke and he fixes the heat for me before putting the car in drive.

"Yup almost at my house, like an hour away" he repeats and I give him a confused look. "You told me that before I went to sleep" I yawn and he shakes his head. "You were only asleep for five minutes" he tells me and my face scrunches up.

"What? I don't think that's right? I felt like I was sleeping for hours" I attempt to stretch out. Of course I didn't know what time I went to sleep all I know is it was dark now, but maybe I just went to sleep when the sun was setting.

"Andreas- where are we going to eat?" I yawn once again stretching. He gulps before looking over to me. "The first place I see we'll stop" he tells me rubbing his shoulder.

"Okay" I answer looking around for my bag. I find it easily and pull my wallet out putting it over my lap. After a few minutes of me forcing myself to stay up, he pulls into a parking lot and I sit up straight.

No sleeping. I slap myself in the cheek lightly. He turns the engine off and I gladly hope out of the car stumbling for a second before I get my feet under me and find my balance. "There's no way I was only asleep for five minutes" I grumble to myself putting my wallet into my back pocket.

Andreas walks over, locking his car and both of us walk into the well lit diner. "Let's sit over here" he grabs my hand pulling me over to the back corner.

I look at our hands a little flustered by the sudden touch. Sitting down in the booth my back facing the wall so I could see everybody else. His hand not letting go of mine as he sat next to me, which surprises me even more.

When we got situated only then did he let go of my hand. He's only six years older than me. Wait why did I think that. That's not what- why did I- urgh.

"Colton?" He calls for me and I look over to him taking myself out of the daze. "Hmm?" I hum and he gives me a worried look. "What would you like to drink?" He repeats what the waiter had said and I rub my eyes. "Sorry- water please" I tell him and he nods writing it down.

"I'll be back with your drinks soon" he tells us before turning to leave. "You okay?" The man asks me and I nod. "I'm just still tired and my brain's thinking of weird things" I mutter rubbing my temple.

"What kinds of weird things?" He asks leaning closer. "Numbers?" I lie but technically don't lie, age are numbers, sorta? I chuckle and he shakes his head. Looking through the menu I try to find the cheaper things.

By the time the waiter comes back I decided on just having a cheeseburger with a fry. "Here's your water, and your coke" he lists them out giving each of us our drinks.

I nod as he brings his notebook back out. "And to eat?" He asks. I look to Andreas wanting him to order first. "Can I have the turkey wrap please, onion rings for the side" he orders as the waiter starts to write it down.

I take a sip of my water waiting for him to be ready. "Just a cheeseburger with a small fry" I order and he writes that down as well before putting his notepad away. "I'll have those out for you soon" he smiles once again leaving to do things.

I yawn laying my head onto the table. "Is that comfortable?" He asks and I shake my head. "Here" I look up to look at him and he taps his shoulder before moving his arm against the booth seat.

I was to tired to care but at the same time I knew I would be panicking once my sense came back. I scoot closer to the man before resting my head on his shoulder, being taller than him I had to lay a lot of my body on him.

He had such a warm vibe to him, he even smelled warm. It was weird but he just smelled manly and warm. I make no sense. I close my eyes, resting on him as his hand fell onto my arm. He was hesitant at first but then kept it there as I started to doze off.

"Colton... hey Colton. Our food is here" I blink a bit before sitting up groggily. "Mmm I'm sorry" I yawn as the waiter looks between us. "I'll bring you the check in a bit- you two have a good night" he leaves just as I wake myself up enough to say something. Wonder what that look was for.

I take a drink of my water, then started on my food. Andreas started on his and that's when I felt his hand still on my arm. I bit my lip nervously before continuing with my food, my eyes glancing over to him.

I needed to get away from him and fast before I developed more than just a crush. Finishing up my water I finish my food and wait for the waiter to come back so I can pay.

He comes back as Andreas finishes, putting the check down. "Here" Andreas hands him his card as I try to get my money out. "Wait- I need to pay for mine" I explain but as soon as the waiter takes his card he puts his free hand over my mouth. "The kid will not be paying for anything" he chuckles and the waiter nods.

"I'm only six years younger" I huff and he shrugs "still just a kid". "I'm going to bite you" I threaten him and he squeezes my arm waiting for his card back. I look to his hand and blush while the waiter gives hands him his receipt.

"You two love birds have a good night" he comes back the smirk, as my face drops and Andreas's hand loosens on my arm. Before I can say anything he walks off.

I rub my eyes and just decide it's better not to say anything as both of us stand. He let go of me and I completely hated it. "Why don't you sleep in the back" he leads me to the bed of the blazer and I nod before stopping.

"Are you coming?" I ask looking to him worried. It's very late, and he needs sleep. "I only have an hour till my house- I can make it" he flashes me a thumbs up and I bite my cheek this time. I forgot I was going to lose him in an hour.

Maybe when we say goodbye I could like steal a kiss and run for the hills. Just to see what's it like with him. "Then I'll just stay up with you" I mumble going for the passenger side.

"Are you sure?" He asks. I had already opened the door getting settled in. Shoving my wallet back into my backpack, I buckled up as he opened the door shaking his head with a smile. "So cute" he murmurs and I didn't know what he was talking about, but my brain immediately went to me and I put a hand over my mouth to cover my flustered expression.

He probably just saw something cute. Andreas turned the truck on and started his drive as I sat up my eyes fluttering shut. I was struggling, but tried to stay up.

His warm hand touched my shoudler rubbing it nicely. "Get some sleep kid" he murmurs and I lay my head onto his hand not even caring how weird it probably was for him.

"I'm... not a kid" I grumble hoping he didn't take his hand away. He didn't and I quickly passed out.

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