Chapter 45

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"Damn it's chilly" I chuckle as I nudge my silent boyfriend. He looks me over before putting an arm around me. Abby was with us and had Rebecca bundled up and on her hip, Kyan holding her free hand.

Gabe and Julian were playing Rock Paper Scissors trying to figure out who had to sit on the end. "So how's the team been?" I ask as we walked towards the stadium. "Still doing pretty good, undefeated so far" Julian laughs as I pay for me and Andreas's ticket.

He gives me a look but I shrug it off and lean over to kiss his head. "Dan still coaching" I look back to them as they paid for their tickets. "You bet! That man is never going to quit- he will haunt this field when he dies" I laugh at Gabe's remark.

"God I wonder if he remembers me" I laugh and Kyan scoffs. "As if he would forget you. We were his A team and who was the captain of our A team?" He contiunes as I look away chuckling.

"Yeah yeah" I huff and he nods while I widen my eyes getting his attention. He raises an eyebrow and I glance over to their intertwined hands.

Kyan smiles and takes another deep breath before pulling her hand up to his mouth and kissing it. I give him a proud nod and Julian smacks our other friends back as he about chokes on his spit. I smile as Abby goes the same red color as Kyan. Beck was just singing along happy to be out.

When Gabe was finally breathing the boys led us up the bleachers. We sat in the front, watching the two teams line up. They were going against the Vikings. We're the Cobras something I always felt proud off. I'm pretty sure the founder of our school got bit by a snake while on vacation and that's the only reason he made it the mascot.

I smiled staring at the similar gold and black uniforms before reaching over to hold Andreas's hand. He squeezed it and rests his head on my shoulder. Abby looks over to us letting Beck down to run around.

The boys stood up against the railing and searched for somebody before finally finding the person. "Hi coach!" All shout simultaneously and I stand as well wanting to see the old guy. My second father.

He was the one that stayed in my house with me when my parents had died. I start to wave as well when I see him. "Hey coach" I shout making him squint. When he recognizes me his eyes widen and he quickly looks to the clock wondering if he had time to see me.

His mouth dropped when he realized he didn't. I could see the tears forming in his eyes and I smiled a sad smile my arm dropping. "That man loves you" Julian smiles and I nod. "He really was my second father" I laugh and they nod. "He was all of ours" Gabe adds and we all go to sit down again.

The announcer starts to introduce the opposing team and the starting lineup but my eyes keep wandering to Andreas. He seemed so distant and just on edge. I didn't want to make him feel like this.

I scooted a little closer and put my leg over his getting a smile from him. He wrapped his arm around my side and I lean against him kissing his head. "I love you old man, nothing is changing that" I assure him and he smiles.

"I love you too, and we don't need to talk about it now but just... just know we are going to have to talk about our relationship and what we plan on doing" he mumbles. I nod reaching over to cup his cheek.

"When we get home- back to the house we can talk all you want" I murmur kissing him lightly. "Colty?" Rebecca pulls me out of me lovestruck state. "Yes lovely niece of mine" I had been overusing that word since Abby told Beck I was her uncle. I won't ever stop.

"Lap? Please?" She asks and I nod. She puts her arms up and I keep my one leg on Andreas but pull her onto my other wrapping an arm around her to keep her there.

"Beck have you met by boyfriend Andreas?" I ask pointing to him and he looks down at her with a smile. "Mhmm he's also my unca now" she tells him and his eyes widen. "I'm your uncle?" He asks and she nods reaching over to hug him.  He holds the little girl up before hugging her tightly.

"You're adorable" he whispers and she nods. "I know mommy says dat a lot" she giggles before getting set back on my lap. His hand goes to my leg and the game begins as we all go to focus on it.

"Kendon is the quarterback for the team right now, he's pretty good" Julian nudges me as Beck starts to run around again going for her veggie straws, her mom had packed.

"Better than E?" I ask and Gabe snorts. "As if. Our team was the best and forever will be" he adds as the rest of us nod. "So you guys were good I presume" Andreas leans over to see us all and I nod as Gabe starts to brush off his shoulders. "State champs" he doesn't even try to be modest.

"Really?" Andreas asks and Gabe nods. "Me- I did all the work" he continues getting slapped by Kyan. "Funny you were the one who tripped over air and cried like a baby" he smirks as Abby slaps a hand over her mouth to stop her from laughing. The rest of us didn't care and started dying.

"That was eight grade! The dude did trip me!" Gabe whines slumping back immediately straightening up so he didn't hit the people behind us.

Our laughing is cut short when Beck goes running by just to trip and fall onto her hands and knees. "Oh no" Abby whispers going to stand Kyan standing as well with her.

The girls sits up with a cry and I stand seeing her bloody knee. I bend down and lift the child up to look her over. "Hey Rebecca look at me sweetie" I whisper and she sniffles but looks to me. "Where does it hurt?" I ask setting her on my lap.

"Right here" she whispers and I nod looking at her scraped up knee. I blow on the spot trying to cool off the pain and she giggles grabbing my shirt. There was a nice hole in the pants now and it seemed to just scrape the knee enough to make it bleed. Abby made it over to us and squatted down looking her daughter over.

"You okay Beck?" She whispers trying not to draw attention and the child nods wiping her eyes. "Okay well can we go to the bathroom so mommy can clean this up?" She asks and once again Rebecca nods. I lift her off of my lap and she sniffles putting her weight on the hurt leg.

"Kyan can you grab some bandaids from the front pocket of my purse please- there's also some antibacterial gel" she points at him waiting for him to get it.

"Yes ma'am" he smiles as Julian leans over to me. "She's literally the perfect mom" he chuckles and I nod. "Always trying to prove the people that doubted her wrong, I remember" I smile proud of how far she had gotten.

The game was over fairly quickly for a football game. The opposing teams coach grew pissed at his team and deciding to pack up and leave in the third quarter when they realized they were getting nowhere.

Julian, Kyan, Gabe, and I stood against the railing waiting for coach to notice us again like little children as the announcer came on to announce the winner. "Another special announcement that I know many of you will be happy about. Today we have a special guest with us!" He cheers and I look over to the guys who were giving me wide smiles.

"Our very own Colton Benally is finally home" he says my name and my eyes widen as a chatter washes over the crowd. "Colton!? Where!?" I hear familiar voices before some people start to catch on and I'm attacked by hugs of old friends, neighbors, people I assumed hated me.

I had my cheeks pinched by many older adults to the point I thought they would fall off. I finally had found the one man I wanted to find more then anybody. He saw me and I couldn't help but run to him. I about knocked the shorter guy over as we hugged.

"How have you been my boy?" He asks looking me over. "Haven't been called that in two years" I whisper and he nods. "Haven't called anybody that in two years" he chuckles sadly and I smile knowing it was only me he gave that name.

"Welcome home"

Home? Was I finally home?

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