Chapter 20

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The door opens and I immediately stop doing the puzzle I had bought and had been attempting to do. "You're back earlier than I expected- ew I sounded like a housewife" I cringe while Andreas walks over giving me a quick kiss, immediately stripping from his uniform.

"Just for you honey dearest" he jokes and I roll my eyes but stand only to go to the bed. "Seriously though, I thought today was another late night?" I ask and he shrugs. "Me too, apparently boss had an appointment for his wife and there wouldn't be anybody there to supervise" he explains and I nod. Trust me I didn't mind at all.

"I was going to go hangout with the guys do you want to or no?" He asks pulling on a pair of blue jeans. "Where at?" I ask going to change anyways. "A bar in town" he answers making me freeze.

"Yeah sure" he pulled out his dark purple shirt, as I grabbed some blue jeans for myself and a random shirt. I pulled my tennis shoes on before going over to my lovely boyfriend. Putting a hand on his chest I smirk. "You look good with this shirt on" I compliment him and he smiles giving me another kiss.

"Let's go flirty" he chuckles slapping my ass, I jolt forward not expecting it but follow him out. My eyes catch the larkspur flower on the ground and I quickly walk back to pick it back up. Locking our room up, I then join Andreas in his blazer giving him the key.

I waited and watched as Duncan got into a pickup truck with Jessie and they were off. We followed behind my eyes out the window the whole time. I shouldn't have came I'm going to ruin their fun. I guess I could be the designated driver. Well I can't drive. So nevermind. Never too late to learn.

"I haven't had a night out with these guys in forever" he smiles getting genuinely excited. "Should I have stayed back it might be weird since we are a couple and stuff plus-" he waves me off keeping his eyes in the road.

"Nah kid, we're all just guys it will be fun to get some drinks and let loose- relax a bit" he chuckles as I nod going back to staring out the window. This is going to be a long night.

The bar was right next to a gym so worse comes to worse, I get uncomfortable with these guys I can just go over there. It was a packed place for how small the town was. Most of the vehicles I recognized from the motel.

I hopped out of the car and followed behind Andreas as one of his coworkers wraps an arm around his shoulder already laughing. "Dude didn't think you'd make it with your boy toy back up at the motel" he chuckles and I bite my lip putting my hands into my pockets.

"Yeah my boyfriend actually came with me" he corrects him which makes me feel a bit better. The guy looks back before making eye contact with me. "Oh- hey what's up!? So you're the one who stole Mr. Acker from all the women fawning over him, thanks you really gave me a chance with all the girls now" he laughs slapping my back.

"Welcome" I answer simply and he laughs making his way into the loud bar. Andreas goes up and sits next to Duncan who was by Jessie and Jeremy. I sat next to him immediately regretting the decision of being here.

I could always walk back. "Yeah can I just have a Miller- tall glass" Andreas smiles as the bartender nods moving over to get his drink started. "Seriously buddy! You know we have to start with a shot!" He shakes his head continuing to smile, but looks over at the bartender. "a shot please" she nods getting his drinks around.

I watched him down the shot with almost no reaction causing the other guys to cheer. They all downed their shots before beginning to joke and laugh. He was half way through his beer before the bartender came over to me.

"Do you want anything sweetheart?" She asks giving me a kind expression. "Just a water I guess" I shrug and she gives me a side smile. "No alcohol?" I think she was looking for some story behind it. "I'm underage" I give her what she was looking for and she nods surprised. "Wow couldn't even tell" she chuckles and I nod scratching my head as she hands me the water.

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