Chapter 30

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I stare at my flower on the dashboard admiring it. I somehow have managed to only lose a few petals from the dried up larkspur. "Colt?" Andreas calls to me and I look over keeping a neutral face.

He sighs and reaches over grabbing my chin. "Kid I'm sorry, stop trying to act different" he sighs and I give him a confused look. "We can't pretend last night didn't happen. I know you cried when you thought I was asleep. Or how you promised to act more like an adult. You are an adult. Just because you have a good sense of humor doesn't mean you're not an adult" he explains and I sunk down in the chair. He knew.

"I'm not acting different" I try to save myself. "We've been stuck in the same spot for ten minutes. You would have said something about me road raging about traffic or whine about being bored- something" he continues and I sigh looking out the window.

"Maybe I don't want to be like that anymore" I huff and he shakes his head putting the car into park. "We aren't going anywhere for a bit- let's play a game" he says making me sit up and look over to him. I immediately curse to myself for letting the word game get to my brain.

He smiles at my reaction and leans over to kiss me. "Find an A" he chuckles and I give him a confused look but nod looking out the window to find the letter. "The bill board- the slogan starts with an a" I point it out and he nods. "One point for you, now b" he goes to searching as I do to trying to hide how competitive I was getting.

"The license plate in front of us. Second letter" he points and I grumble to myself already looking for c. "Okay one point me now C-" I cut him off having already one.

"The bill board again. Place- c is the fourth letter" I state the obvious. "You cheater" he narrows his eyes at me as the line starts to move a bit. He puts the car in drive and we inch forward a good four feet before we're parked again. "Back to our game-" I cut him off again pointing to a
car a little in front of us in the other lane . "Dodge" he opens his mouth but closes it again with a smile.

"You are so cheating- you're lucky your cute" he chuckles as I look around for E. "See- I didn't say look for E yet- I can see your eyes moving" he tries putting his hand in front of me to block my vision. I chuckle moving out of his reach to continue and search. "E! The license plate- second letter! Silver car! to the right!" I cheer happy I still found it.

"A- b- c- d- e- f." I have to mumble the letters out loud to remind myself what's next. "That's a t-" Andreas mumbles to himself his eyes searching the cars.

"Woah- damn" Andreas breaths out and I look over to him wondering if he found something. "What?" I ask curious. The people next to us are not very happy with each other" he laughs and I look over to see they were behind us. The silver car from earlier a female with black hair was throwing her arms around frantically at her own passenger? I couldn't see him well but he was obviously pissed flailing his arms just as much.

I couldn't see much so I unbuckled and moved laying over Andreas. He smiled watching me be nosy his hand rubbing my back. "I wonder what they are fighting about?" I whisper and he shrugs. "Traffic brings the worse out in people" he clicks his tongue and I nod even though I hadn't known that. It makes sense through.

"How's your back feeling? We haven't been taking breaks lately" he admits and I take a break from people watching to just lay on his lap. "Right now- amazing, overall not the best" I answer honestly as his hand moves underneath my shirt getting at the tense muscle.

"Want to go lay in the back?" He asks and I shake my head. "No that would be a little weird, in front of all these people" I mumble and he nods. I lift myself up again just in time to see the pale hand of the women go across and smack him in the face. His eyes widen and both immediately get into a fight, lightly slapping each other's hands.

I look up to Andreas and he was also staring at the two with complete confusion. "What the fuck is going on" he whispers and I just furrow my brows. "So you are seeing it too?" I ask now squinting my eyes.

"Do you see two people pathetically slapping each other?" He asks and I nod. "Yup" I verbally answer. "Then yup we're both seeing it" he whispered.

Both of us stare, our eyes refusing to look away. "Shit" Andreas chuckles as she gets a good slap in. The man grabs her hair yanking her to the side and I gasp. "That hurt my head" I murmur rubbing the spot.

She lets out a scream of anger so loud we could hear it outside of their car. Everything went into chaos as the women stepped out of the car slamming the door shut. She flipped the guy off and he quickly left the car as well chasing her around it.

She struggles to get her shoes chucking them at his head. "Do you think we should make sure they're okay- what if it's like a victim situation?" I ask and he nods rolling his window down to listen better.

"Neither of them are screaming for help so let's give it a second" he murmurs watching them cautiously. His hand moves back to my back rubbing closer to my tail bone. I rest my head on his lap for a second just wanting to relax while I could.

"What's happening?" I ask not wanting to strain my neck to look up. "She grabbed her shoe off the ground and threw it again he caught it and threw it back making her more pissed and now they are just running circles around the car" he explains and I nod.

Able to hear the angry stomping over the honking of impatient drivers. "You are the worst husband in the whole world! Why did I think it would be a good idea going on this stupid trip with you!?" She screams and I sit up. "Husband?" I ask not thinking I heard it correctly.

"I think we're about to see a relationship end" Andreas laughs nervously. "That's going to be an awkward ride back for them" I add as she runs another lap around the car grabbing her shoe again.

Reeling her arm back she chucks it at the man hitting the top of his head. He lets out a grunt before stopping and putting a hand over the spot. "Fuck" he curses under his breath and she stops as well.

"Oh no- baby I'm so sorry" she cries running over to hug him. "What!?" Both of us shout at the same time. He quickly rolls the window up leaving a crack down for us to hear as we both look away embarrassed. "No I'm sorry it's my fault" he whispers hugging her. "No it's my fault" she cries and I just rub my eyes not believing this shit.

"We aren't like that right" I ask and he shakes his head. "God no- I'd kick you in the ass if you threw a shoe at me" he huffs groping my ass. I roll my eyes but go back to staring.

"I love you baby" he coos and she nods hugging him tighter. "I love you too babe" she pouts before they both start kissing roughly. She back tracks to grab her shoes before they are both kissing again, making their way into the car where clothes soon start to get tossed around.

"That's enough of that!?" I reach forward and press the button making the window roll the rest of the way up. "Please move- please move... please move!" Andreas starts begging the traffic.

Only a few years of my life were taken off before we were able to move up about ten feet. The unhealthy relationship about two cars back. "If I'm ever like that. Kill me just kill me" he put the car back into park putting a hand over his mouth.

"Like go for it, but not in front of people that's just irritating, if nobody knows nice- everybody knows though" he cringes before resting his hand on me again.

"I feel like I just watched a soap opera" I laugh and he nods. "You comfortable down there kid" he chuckles looking onto his lap. I nod looking up to him.

"That's good" he smiles rubbing his calloused hand over my cheek.

"By the way- I found F"


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