Chapter 5

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I yawn to myself my neck hurting as I blink awake. "I need to stop falling asleep" I mutter now rubbing my neck. I'm surprised to see the sun now rising. Dawn? I'm suddenly wide awake as I look over to Andreas who was practically falling asleep.

"Hey!? It's been way longer than an hour!" I shake his shoulder and he straightens up looking over at me. "You're lying to me" I continue and he sighs pulling over to the side of the road. We were surrounded by woods.

"I- yes" he admits and I rub my eyes still tired. "How far away to your house?" I ask feeling guilty. "Remember when I first picked you up?" He asks nervously and I nod. "My house was about an hour away" he sighs and I drop my head into my hands.

"Why am I here then? Why are you still driving me?" I groan before quickly looking around to pick up my bag. "Please- I have no life. I've had more of an adventure with you than I've had my whole life. I don't get along with my family. Work is just- they either call me or they don't. I've got no one at home" he continues and I felt like we kind of related in a way. Besides I had family at home waiting for me.

"Is this your way of saying you want to come with me... well I guess I'll be coming with you" I grumble and he nods smiling wide because I was basically agreeing. "What about your house- ya know bills and stuff" I say and he bites his cheek.

"It's my grandmother's house I finished paying it off long ago and if I don't use anything I don't have to pay bills" he clicks his about tongue and I sigh. Opening the door he reaches over for me, but I escape his grasp.

I can feel him staring at me as I walk to the other side of the truck. Pulling open his door he lets out a breath. "Turn it off" I point over to the key and he surprisingly listens to me probably to tired to care.

"Let's go" I grab his hand. He quickly pulls away and unbuckles before hoping out of the truck. Shutting the door, I look at my hand feeling sort of rejected. I shake it off and drag him to the back with me by his sleeve.

He understands what's happening and groans. "I'm not tired we can just drive now and get there sooner" he tells me and I ignore his whining. Opening the trunk up I climb in, followed by a very resistant Andreas.

He eventually closes everything up and locks us in. You could tell the exhaustion was really hitting him by the way he just flopped onto the blanket. "Really" I chuckle before moving over to help him.

I take off his shoes before moving up. "Hey take your jeans off it will be more comfortable" I pull at the material and he groans but does so. I look away embarrassed seeing him in his boxers.

Getting myself comfortable I pull his blanket over him before wrapping myself up in my own. "Hey kid- come here" he whispers. I turn to look at him and he had his eyes closed reaching his hand forward. I shimmy closer stopping when I felt like I was getting into his personal bubble.

"My blanket is bigger and it's going to get cold, share with me" he lifts his blanket for me to get in and I go red but move closer flipping over so I wasn't facing him.

I could practically hear his smirk. "Can I touch you?" Andreas asks and I tense up. "W-what do you mean" I curse myself for fumbling over my words. "Not like that- let me put my arm around you. Just to stay warm" he explains and I let out the breath I had been holding.

"Okay" I huff even though I knew this was incredibly gay and not straight at all. His hand slips around my torso and soon he's pressed up against me making me squeeze my eyes shut.

"Will you be able to sleep with me like this" his voice was barely audible as he was already almost passed out. "Shhh go to sleep" I answer and he replies with a groan.

I smile relaxing a bit. He quickly fell asleep and I followed passing out soon after.


"Ooo a trail- can we pleaseeeeee" I beg watching us grow closer to it. "What?" He asks looking over at the signs. "It's a nature trail can we walk it- please?" I beg unconsciously pressing myself against the window.

"You're like a child" he chuckles and I look over to him with narrow eyes. "I'm taller than you" I just give into my childish behaviors and he rolls his eyes. The blazer slowing down anyways.

He flips the blinker up with his pinky and slowly turns right. "I'm still older, kid" he reminds me. Adding the 'kid' part just to annoy me. He pulls into the makeshift parking lot and I grab my bag jumping out of the truck.

I take in a deep breath missing this, believe it or not. "So what are we doing?" He joins me on my side and I look over to the trail. "Going on a walk" I start towards it and he sighs. "Really?" He asks and I nod turning to look at him.

"I don't feel like changing so I'm just going in sweats" he grumbles and I nod. "You don't have to come- escape now when you can" I joke as he walks next to me.

"Funny" he laughs a humorless laugh. "Did you have to bring the bag?" He asks and I nod. "It wouldn't be right without it" I tell him and he nods looking through the tree tops. "I would walk twenty to thirty miles a day" I mumble and he coughs.

"Jesus Christ I could never- I have no lower body strength- it's all up here" he points up to his arms. "Thanks to my job of course" he laughs and I nod. "Yeah when I first started I got like three miles a day" I laugh with him as he joins again probably imagining my misery.

"I have water in my bag if you need any" I assure him and he nods before running forward a bit. I watch curiously before he ducks behind a tree. "You can't see me" he hums and I roll my eyes. "And you call me the child?" I mock.

Moving around I lunge around the tree finding him nowhere. "Andreas?" I ask straightening up. "Rawr!" He shouts causing me to jump as the man grabs my shoulders.

"Fuck! You scared me" I whip around causing the shit in my bag to get thrown around. "Would have been better if you didn't have your bag then I would have really got you" he smirks and I drag him back onto the trail with me.

"And I'm not being a child- I'm having fun" he lectures. I smile but try to keep a tough face. Some voices are heard coming towards us and Andreas pulls me to the side with him, we turned the corner to be met with a man and women.

Curious. My eyes look them up and down before walking forward once I got a good look. "Have I walked twenty miles yet?" he whispers and I stifle another laugh. "We've walked like half a mile" I pat his back and he slouches over disappointed.

"Did you see his eyes" I whisper looking back once, to find them out of my view. "Who's- that one guys?" He asks looking back as well. I nod. "No... I wasn't really looking at him..." he trails off.

"Sorry I probably weirded you out but they were really pretty. They were a light pale blue. I'm just making this make awkward" I scoff face palming. "You got a fetish for eyes?" He asks and I look the other way embarrassed moving my hand to rub my temple. "Yes, but not in the way you're thinking. I just love how pretty they can be- then there is me the most boring eyes in the whole world" I insult myself looking back once again.

"I feel like the eyes just really complete the person and it's one of the things I wish were different about me" I shrug not understanding why I'm still talking.

"Well. I think you have very pretty eyes" he lies and I give him a knowing look. He stops walking stopping me too. Grabbing my chin in his hand he forces me to look down at him.

"They are beautiful, not boring. They have a certain light to them and seem brighter in the center getting dark near the edges" he describes my eyes making me actually believe they weren't just an ugly brownish color.

"Enough of that though, I'm determined to at least walk six miles"

"Funny, you won't make it past three"

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