Chapter 26

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"You have everything?" He asks closing the suitcase with our little bit of clothes and belongings in the trunk. I nod opening the blazer door. Putting my flower on the dashboard I close the door buckling up.

He comes in after rubbing his eyes. Maybe he forgot. He buckles before starting the truck up. It was about ten, so most of the guys had gone to work. He woke me up an hour ago I'm hoping he got to say goodbye to them. "Did you get to say bye to everyone?" I ask hoping that wouldn't trigger any memories of last night.

"Yes this morning before they left" he nods and I bite my cheek. "Did you... see Lincoln?" I ask and his hand tightening on the steering wheel. "Colton. I remember what happen last night I didn't get drunk I was just tipsy" he looks over to me not entertained.

"I broke his nose" he blurts out as I put a hand on the door. "You what?!" I shout not expecting it. "I punched the bastard in the nose for touching my boyfriend and I somehow was sober enough to break it" he repeats slower as if I didn't actually understand.

"You're going to get in trouble!?" I put a hand in my hair trying not to flip out. It's my fault. Dear god. He's going to get fired. What do I do. He lost a friend and he's going to get fired. He's literally leaving all his friends to take me to West Virginia then what? Will he leave. Will I start to walk again?

"Colton?" His voice takes me out of my thoughts as I suck in a deep breath. "Hey it's okay, I had all the other guys to back me up. Boss just wanted to make sure there were no lawsuits, which there aren't so we are fine" he whispers seeing that I was freaking out a bit.

"Now why weren't you going to tell me?" He asks the question I did not want him to ask. "He's just been telling me about how shitty of a boyfriend I am for making you stay away from your friends because I can't take a joke or- basically becasue I didn't like Lincoln I threaten to tell you and he just went off on how I was taking you away from everyone- I don't know" I admit pullling at my hair.

"And you believed him?" He asks making me shrug "I don't know". "Colton. Why did you believe him" he asks again looking to the road ahead of us. "I don't know. I guess just the thought of hurting you screwed over the rest of my judgment or something-" I mumble and he sighs but nods.

His hand goes over the middle of the compartment and I give him mine letting him kiss it. Andreas shifts again kissing my wrist and eventually just my arm in general I chuckle pulling it back as he smiles to himself. "Stop being stupid. I love you. I'm not going to choose some guy who can't stay sober and harassed people- Over someone who actually loves me" he assures me and I nod.

Releasing my hand he goes back to the steering wheel and I lay my head down on the compartment looking up to him. "Am I getting the death stare or a pout?" He asks and I hide my smile.

"Both of those are wrong" I hum and he quickly looks over and rolls his eyes before going back to the road.  "No that's definitely the pout" he sings and I furrow my brows and shake my head.

He clicks his tongue waiting for me to talk. "Am I being told why I'm getting the pout?" He asks and I sit up a bit putting my hands on the compartment. "I'm not pouting" I quickly try to save some sort of my pride. Plus I was too tall to lay like that for long.

"Colton" he simply says my name and I huff.'"fine- are you mad at me?" I whine looking over at him. "Of course not kid, frustrated with someone I thought was my friend but nothing you did was wrong... besides not telling me. I understand your reasoning I just don't agree with it. I'm not mad though" he makes his point clear.

"Is your head okay?" I ask the next question and he raises an eyebrow. "I'm sorry! Last question. I'm just checking on your health" I shrug. He chuckles but nods.

"Don't feel a thing" he answers and I sit back against the chair, happy with his answer. "We've got about an hour of back roads then we'll be speeding our way back to West Virginia" he tries to lighten the mood.

"I can already feel my back breaking" I joke his eyes flickering over to me. "Do I need to stop?" I roll my eyes thankful he didn't see it. "No I was just kidding" I assure him before leaning against the glass.

I just started to think about high school memories. I had graduated was preparing for college. I had everything going for me. Football and basketball scholarships. Living supporting family. I was smart- internships lined up. I screwed up. I've had fun I guess. Mom and dad always joked about walking across the country of course they've gotten too old now.

I miss football. I miss my teammates. Except Wesley. He was a dick. Then again no one liked him. Well now I just feel bad. I tried to be nice to the dude he just made it really hard. Why am I thinking about this right now.

I wonder if I'll ever play any sports again even if it's just for fun. I wonder if I'll ever see somebody from high school. I think the news has gotten around that I go to visit my parents once or twice a year. Maybe they've all forgotten me by now. Are they in college? I wonder how many of them moved away. How many are already getting married. Maybe a few even have kids. It's only been two years but then again my school was wild you never knew with them.

I miss them. Abigail I remember when she got pregnant sophomore year. She refused to come to school becasue she was too embarrassed. Once we all found out about her getting raped we searched the town for the man until the top students in the senior class somehow found him.

Then Rebecca was born. She was almost 2 when we graduated, but watching her run around the halls and hug all of us always made the days worth it. I wonder how both of them are doing. She'd be four now. Wow. Do you think she'd remember me? Maybe I should try and visit all of them. The questions I would get though.

"Colton!?" I sit up confused by the shouting and look over to my boyfriend. "Sorry you weren't responding, are you okay?" He asks as I look back out the window.

"Yeah I was just thinking of the past and my high school" I answer honestly. "Well what about it?" He continued wanting to know more about me. "Sports- there was this girl that got well um- raped when we were sophomores and she ended up having a little girl named Rebecca, so I was thinking about them too becasue Rebecca would come and hug me everyday- that kind of stuff. I loved the kids in my school" I re-explain everything I had been thinking.

"Why don't you go and visit them?" He asks the question I have been asking myself. "No idea, anyways did you need something?" I ask and he nods pulling off into the parking lot of a nature reserve.

He parks and I take a deep breath. This is bad. Are we about to break up. No, no, no, no. "Let me see those beautiful eyes of yours" I release my breath after those words- okay no break up.

Turning I look to him enjoying the compliment. He smiles reaching over to cup my cheek. His thumb rubbing across my cheek bone. "Last night I said I wanted lots of kisses when we woke up- I haven't got one" he mumbles and I smile slightly leaning over to give him a small peck.

He chuckles just to lean over the compartment and crash his lips onto mine. I smile into the soft and passionate kiss, all my previous worries and doubts melting away.

"Did you really just park to kiss me?" I mumble through the kiss. He places one last hard peck on my lips before pulling away and sitting back in his seat. Turning the car off he shakes his head.

"Let's go on a walk together" he smiles. "You... want to go on a walk?" I ask eyeing him suspiciously. "With you yes" he nods and I smile jumping out of the blazer.

He slowly lowers himself out of the blazer by himself, shutting his door. I go over and hug him just letting us rock for a second.

"Thank you"

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