Chapter 46

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"Oh Colton we missed you! We're so happy to have you back. My mom is still trying to get us together- practically forced me to come here" one of my highschool friends giggles slapping my arm playfully.

A party has been thrown for me and as happy as I was to see these people I was overwhelmed. I didn't party. I was the good kid. Now I'm just an innocent adult- you could say.

"Oh really? I miss your mom, she made the best breadsticks" I chuckle trying to change the subject. "We should all come together for a dinner sometime I'll have mom make some for you. Better yet! I'll learn how to make them" she giggles as I nod. "That would be great" I tap her arm and she watches my hand before putting her own hand over her smile.

"I'm going to go get something to drink" I whisper and she nods. "Okay I'll be here" she waves to me and I nod hurrying away. The house was crowded with people socializing and eating all types of food.

Everybody wanted to talk to me. Some missing me. Some apologizing. Some feeling the need to see me suddenly. The girls who haven't been taken suddenly feeling they had the chance.

I find Abby and throw my arm around her finding somebody I finally recognize. She flinched and turns back to me teary eyes. "Hey! What's wrong?" I ask and she quickly tries to hide the tears.

"You want to go somewhere private?" I ask and she nods crying, still trying to wipe her tears. I help guide her into my parents old room and about breakdown myself at the sight.

Closing the door I turn the light on and she goes and sits on the bed. "What's going on Abby?" I ask and she shakes her head fresh tears falling down her face. "Is Rebecca okay?" I ask and she nods.

"Yes Kyan let her sleep in his room upstairs, it's not as noisy and nobody can go up there" she smiles at his kindness as I nod. Patting the bed next to her she chuckles sadly.

"You know your mother brought me in here to talk during my first pregnancy. My own family kicked me out even after the doctors confirmed I had been raped. I was told I was too weak and it was my fault. I needed to be stronger and abort the baby" she cried as my eyes widen when my brain processed what she had said.

"First pregnancy?" I ask and she nods putting a hand over her stomach. "I'm pregnant again... I'm 21. I should have been safer" she starts to sob. "I don't want to be seen as some whore or slut. Yes I want more children but what if people see me differently" she breaks down as I hug her to my shoulder.

"Who's the father?" I ask the question that I hoped I already knew the answer too. "Kyan... we aren't even dating. It's been awkward play flirting and talking. One night. Two months ago... I had put Rebecca to bed in the guest room where I was staying and we were watching a movie. Things led to us going to his bedroom. I'm so in love with him I forgot all about protection I don't even remember what was happening. I love Kyan. He won't ever love me back. I'm going to have his kid" she sobs as I stared at her with wide eyes.

"Abigail I will be here for you... I will help you tell him. Hell I'll go get him right now. Tell me what you want me too do" I whisper and she nods. "I feel like I should wait till the party is over but I need to tell him soon" she sighs and I stand quickly.

"I'm telling Gabe and Julian that the party is over. I'm not letting you go into that dark state again. We will solve this now. The only reason I'm being so urgent is because I know Kyan will want to be there for you." I rub her shoulder and she nods putting an arm over her abdomen with a sad smile.

"Okay... okay. I got this. I can do it. It's all happening so fast" she whispers and I go back over leaning over to hug her again. "Abby. I don't think I'm staying in West Virgina. This needs to be done sooner rather than later because I don't know how long I'll be here" I finally tell someone the truth.

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