"Come on, let's finish the rest Sky." I tried getting her attention, while holding the spoon. She wouldn't cooperate, instead she tried jumping down. "Hi, Marcus!" She clapped, pushing me away, and rushing toward his open arms. I watched as he picked her up, before looking in the direction of the kitchen, where my mother was watching with an attitude."You miss Daddy?" He kissed her cheek, while she wrapped her arms around him. After a few seconds of hugging, she was pushing away from him, and rushing to me.
I placed her in my lap, while Marcus eyed the both of us. "Chantel, your mail won't come until next week."
Ignoring him completely, I played clueless to him talking in code, and began to examine the ribbons in my daughter's hair."I need to talk to you, Chantel." Marcus spoke a bit louder, while I bounced Sky on my left thigh. I gave a heavy breath before rising and passing her to my father. Marcus was cutting his eyes at me, as I passed him, to lead the way.
Finally, we made it to my bedroom, where I crossed my arms, kicking the door shut. "What?"
"I need to know who came by the house."
"Came by the house... Is that what you're calling it? Look Marcus, I don't want anything to do with your killing spree. I'm not telling you anything!"
"Stop fucking with me, Chantel! You think I came over here to play with your ass?"
"You're just going to disrespect my parents home, like that? Cursing all loud!"
"You didn't recognize any of them?"
"I told you I'm not telling you anything!"
He rubbed his hand across the side of his face, obviously irritated. "Niggas don't even know where I live, it had to be somebody that's been there." Marcus was pacing the room, in a frenzy, while I stood there with my arms folded.
"Well I guess we'll never know."
He turned to my direction, and I took a few steps back, giving the both of us as much space as possible. "I never thought I'd see the day I feared you, more than I loved you.""I guess you're perfect, huh?" He moved closer, towering over me. I didn't respond, knowing it would only make things worse, as usual. "You're perfect, right?" He snatched my chin up, forcing me to look him in the eyes.
"So, what are you going to do, Marcus? Murder them, so more can come and hurt me and my baby? Hurt your son? You're risking our lives! None of this would be happening, if you would have just listened to me in the first place!"
"You really think it's that easy? You think I can just quit this shit, and go on picnics with your naive ass? You don't understand this shit, and you never will, Chan. And you think I wouldn't have eyes on you after that? None of this would have happened if your ass would have told me you were in town-"
"You have people watching me, now? Maybe I should have stayed away a little longer!"
"Nah, you knew better than that. Now tell me who came by the house. I'm done playing all of these fucking games with your ass."
"Oh, I can guarantee you, I'm not playing any games." I took a seat on the bed, crossing my legs, and folding my arms over my chest.
"You not talkin'? Cool, come with me to point them out, then." He grabbed my wrist, pulling me away from the bed, and to the door.
"Marcus, no! My mom and dad are outside, don't make a scene! Just let me go." I tried whispering, hoping he would loosen up. "Okay, okay! I'll tell you!"
"Huh? I didn't hear you."
"I said I will tell you!"
"That's what I thought!" He stared at me a few seconds, before releasing my wrist and pushing me away roughly. Twisting on my foot the wrong way, I fell backwards on the bed, causing the end of the crochet dress to rise upward on my thigh. I laid there for a moment, before rising slowly, and reading his facial expression.
We were both upset with each other, but his angry state was turning me on. "Why did you push me? You should keep your damn hands to yourself, Marcus!"
"I did, you fell."
"No, you pushed me! Don't ever put your hands on me again! Do you hear me?"
"Come here, Chan."
"Do you hear me, Marcus?"
"I hear you."
I don't know who met who first, but I wrapped my arms around his neck, before kissing him hungrily, while he scooped my body into his arms. When we made it to the bed, I managed to turn over and straddle him, placing his hands on my waist, while grinding on top of him. I took my time unzipping his pants, before pulling out his thick member, and rotating him in my small hand. I must have been moving to slow for Marcus, because he snatched my panties off, ripping them in the process, and proceeded to ease inside.
I felt chills up my spine, as my body adjusted to the long overdue feeling of euphoria. Marcus wrapped his arms around my waist, and dug deep inside, as I sank my teeth down into my bottom lip.
I heard a few knocks, followed by my name. "Chantel!" My mother was sending constant taps against the door, while I was getting dicked down on the opposite side.
"Yes... Mommy?" My voice shook, as Marcus kissed my neck and stroked deeper. Just a few minutes ago, I was complaining about Marcus respecting my parent's home, and now I was disrespecting it in the worst way possible.
"Some lady outside named Chelsea... She wants to see you, Marcus."
"Ah, shit!" I heard him mumble at the sound of her name.
"Chelsea! Chelsea? What is she doing here? Why is she back?" I asked, picking up the slack, since he changed his rhythm.
"Don't worry about it, baby. I'll handle that in a minute."
"No, I think you better handle it now. I'll go with you, as a matter of fact!" I climbed off of him, crossing my arms. "Why is that bitch at my mother's house, Marcus?! What is going on?"
"Calm your ass down!" He hissed, pulling up and zipping his pants. I watched as he headed to the door, snatching it open, while my mother stood on the other side shaking her head.
"I'll handle this myself!" I spat rushing after him.
Hmmmmm..... Who's Chelsea?????? ;) Things are about to get interesting! Comment and vote!

All For Love (Urban Fiction) Part 5
Romance(Lost In Love) (Love Lost) (Love Hurts) (Love And Lies)