Chapter 32 Daniel

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Ava(Jahleel's Girlfriend)

"You could at least have the decency to come in a little earlier or bring flowers with you.." I called to Jahleel from the couch, as he eased shut the door behind him and removed his jacket. He didn't even bother to look my direction or challenge my statement, which pissed me off more. "Nothing to say?" 

"Did you take the dogs for a walk?" 

This man really had the audacity to be asking about those stinking ass dogs at 3:17 a.m. The sound of his keys crashing against the countertop brought me out of my daze of irritation. "I heard about Marcus... So what's up? Are you next, do I need to be preparin' to pack my shit next?" I was peeping him real close, tryna catch any vibes or signs if he was feelin' a way about that RICO bombshell with Marcus. My eyes were locked on him, searching for any hint of hesitation or unease. It was like I was trying to read his soul, tryna unravel the truth behind his poker face. He seemed like his same relaxed self, which had me questioning him.

"Fix me something to eat." Jaleel was completely ignoring anything I had to say, instead he made his was to the shower where the echoes of water roamed through to silent penthouse. Was I invisible? An invisible fucking maid obviously. 

I tried my best to eavesdrop through the wall but Jah's voice was lower than ever and I couldn't make out shit he was saying. Meanwhile, I was multitasking by also whipping up some homemade nacho's, layered with melted cheese, seasened ground beef, diced tomatoes, jalapeños, and sour cream. I put the guac in a side dish and was making my way to the snack table in the living room to place the plate when I heard his door steps thumping through the halls. He wasted no time grabbing the remote and clicking to ESPN before leaning into the plate and ignoring me standing there with my arms folded. "This shit good." He mumbled, his eyes were still glued to the TV screen as he stuffed his mouth, irritating me with each bite. 

"So, you're just not going to say anything to me? Like I'm the one walkin' up in this bitch with no explanation.. Are you fucking serious right now?"

"It's always some shit wit you," In that moment he was still caught up in his food, barely glancin' in my  direction. His body language screamed annoyance. Jah was now slouched back, focused on his plate, and giving me an occasional side glance whenever he did look away from the television. It's like he was tryna avoid the confrontation and just zone me out. "Damn, hold up. You see I'm just tryna enjoy my food. I get that you upset, but why you comin' at me like that? I'm not tryna ignore you, but can we have a civilized conversation instead of you jumpin' to conclusions? Let me finish my food, and then we can talk it out, alright?"

At this point, I was leaning forward so far, I damn near tipped over. My eyes narrowed in on him as he rant about me jumping to conclusions. I took a step closer to him, and shifted out my fingers in confusion."Jah... You want to have a calm conversation with everything going on? That's fine, but I don't deserve to be in the dark about everything. And don't try to brush this off like it's nothin'. We need to talk, and you need to be ready to explain yourself." 

Jah placed his plate down, paused the channel, and shifted his body to me partially with the most serious face he had had this entire exchange. "What is it? I'm saying damn, you know that if it was somethin' out of my control I would let you know. I feel like you want to ask me something else and just findin' shit to argue about instead."

"I feel you, Jah. I ain't tryna argue for the sake of it. But it's not just about one thing, it's about everything. I need to know where we stand, where your head's at. Communication is key, and right now, I'm feelin' like we ain't on the same page. Can we talk about it, for real?" Sighing, I shook my head, feeling a bit relieved that we could talk in that moment. "Do I need to pack up?"

All For Love (Urban Fiction) Part 5Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora