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Third Person

Bella and Edward lay in the grass and Bella reads aloud from a book of Robert Frost poetry.

"I think I know enough of hate, To say that, for destruction, Ice, is also great. And would suffice." Bella says before Edward takes the book away. He begins to kiss her as the sun shines and makes him sparkle. 

"Marry me." Edward states, joking but serious. He has asked quite a few times.

"No." Bella said quickly. 

"Marry me." Edward asks again. 

"Change me." Bella says while Edward kisses her neck.

"Okay I will if you marry me, It's called a compromise." Edward says. 

"It's just called coercion. It's not fair. Marriage is just... Is a piece of paper." Bella says. 

"Where I am from, it's the way one says, 'I love you'. " Edward states with meaning. 

"Where I come from, at my age... It's the way one says, 'I just got knocked up'." Bella tells Edward, trying to get him to understand that it is a different century.

"So, you're worried about what people will think." he questions. 

"You know, it's two out of three marriages end in divorce." Bella states. 

"Well, I think you'll find the... Vampire, human divorce rate is a little lower. Just marry me." he states. 

"I can't. I have to be back at four. I'm supposed to come straight home from school." she tells him, reminding him she is grounded. 

Edward: "You'll be on time. I won't give your father another reason to hate me." he states, knowing the many already didn't like him. He didn't want to give him a reason to dislike him more. 

Bella and Edward head to the police station to meet Charlie. Once the get to the station, Charlie comes out and the three of have a short conversation before the Swans head to the diner and Edward to his house. Before leaving, Edward reminded Bella of her plane tickets to visit her mom in Florida. 

Brooke's P.O.V. 

Alice had a vision about Victoria coming tonight, that is why Edward sent Bella to visit her mother in Florida for the weekend. 

"You sure this is where you saw her?" Jasper asks Alice. 

"She's almost here." Alice replies. "On your left" she says when Victoria is coming at us.  

Everyone takes off running forward, Carlisle and Rose going wide, and the others in front or sides. The wolves are running on their side of the treaty waiting for her to be on their side and grab her. As the chase is going on, I am putting a vision of James in her head. 

Since she was on our land I was able to keep her walking around in a small area and think she is walking in the woods with James. I make them walk hand in hand and are being romantic like a couple does. Everything was fine until I caught up to her. I moved and went to turn in my spot to get at a better angle when I turned I ran into a tree, passing out. Let me remind you, I was running at full vampire speed. When I passed out I lost the connection for the vision making it loose her head causing her to jump onto the wolves land. 

Tucker's P.O.V.

We were all running to get to Victoria, wolves included. It was hard trying to get close to her because she kept jumping from one side of the treaty to the other. She suddenly slowed down and was on our side of the treaty. She looked like she was seeing something, or being controlled. That is when I looked over at my wife to know she was using her gift to slow Victoria down. It was working, we watched Victoria as we ran closer. The wolves were impressed with what Brooke was doing. 

I stopped to watch my wife to make sure she was doing okay, and not pushing herself. She was fine until she turned as she was running to get at a better angle to be closer to Victoria. She was too concentrated to even hear or see her surroundings. 

'"BABY, WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE!!" I yelled, but Brooke didn't hear me. 

She crashed hard at full speed into a tree causing it to break and she passed out. When that happened, the connection was broken and the vision was lost and Victoria jumped over the treaty line. As Victoria jumped so did Emmet and Paul. 

"Emmett don't!" Esme yelled. 

Emmett and Paul crash into each other and glare and growl at each other. Other than that nothing major happened. I was standing over by Brooke watching the collision happen. 

"CARLISLE! BROOKE'S UNCONSCIOUS." I yelled, panicked. 

He flashed over and checked here, making sure nothing was too serious. 

"Gently pick her up. I don't want you moving her around too much because I don't know how hard she hit her head." Carlisle tells me. 

We all headed home and then Carlisle and I went to mine and Brooke's room so we can get her checked and situated comfortably. She was a concussion, which happens because of her human like qualities she has. 

Third Person

When school rolls around, Edward emerge from the Volvo to see Jacob climb off his motorcycle and stride toward them. Jacob wears a tight black t-shirt, grease stained jeans. No jacket in the cold. His hard expression causes other students to give him a wide berth. He looks almost dangerous. But Bella is delighted to see him. 

"I'm coming here to warn you. If your kind come on our land again..." Jacob says, trailing off at the end. 

"Wait, what?" Bella asks, confused as to what Jacob is getting at. 

"You didn't tell her?" Jacob asks. 

"Just leave it alone, Jacob." Edward states through his teeth. 

"Tell me what?" Bella asks again, still confused. 

"Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding, there is nothing to worry about." Edward says, reassuring Bella. 

"Listen to you. Did you lie to get her out of town, too?" Jacob questions. 

"You should leave. Now." Edward states angrily. 

"She has a right to know. She is the one the red-head wants." Jacob states. 

"Victoria? Alice's vision." Bella says. 

"I was trying to protect you." Edward says, truthfully. 

"By lying to me." Bella states. 

"Okay. Bella: We're gonna talk about this, but... You. Why haven't you called me back?" Edward replies. 

"I had nothing to say." Jacob says bluntly. 

"Well, I have tons." Bella says. 

"Hold on. Hey. Bella." Edward says. 

"Edward, you have to trust me. I do trust you. It's him I don't trust." Bella says and then she jogs to Jacob and climbs on the back of his bike. Jacob grins.

"Lose the grin, Jacob. We're just going for a ride." Bella tells Jacob. 

"Hold on tight." Jacob says and then zooms out of the school parking lot with Bella.

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