Chapter 7

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Sorry for the long wait so hope you like it on with the story


The next day…

Hinata played with the bow on her shirt nervously. She was alone with her love, Naruto. What could he possibly want…? "Hinata?" She flinched at the sound of his voice. It sounded so different, saying her name. "Y-Yes, Naruto-kun?"

"I know….how you feel about me…"

"Huh?" She felt her heart sink. How did he find out? She had only told Sakura. 'Did she betray me, and tell Naruto-kun?' She thought. If so, then who else knows? "It's fine Hinata. But…I'm taken, so we can't be together."

"Oh." Naruto was going out with someone? But who?

"But we can still be friends, right?" Hinata looked up at Naruto, and nodded her head. "Good! Now… Another thing I wanted to talk about, was Kiba."

"Inuzuka Kiba?" She's talked to him a few times, but never really thought much about him. How could she, when Naruto filled her mind? "Yes. You see…he likes you; and would love to go on a date with you!"

"O-Oh…" And forget Naruto, just like that? Hinata has always admired, and watched Naruto ever since they were little; and to just, like someone else…."I-I'll give him a chance…"

"Thanks Hinata! You're the best!" He cheered. Hinata on the other hand, wasn't happy. "Here, I'll give you Kiba's phone number!" He pulled a notebook and pen from his backpack, and began to write his number down.

"This o-other person…W-Who is she?" She's never seen Naruto with another woman. Naruto had stopped writing. "Aha, well…you see…. 'she' is a 'he'; a-and he doesn't go here, so you wouldn't know him…"

"Oh! So you're gay?"

"No… I'm bisexual!"

"O-Oh… He must be very special. I h-hope you're happy w-with him…"



"I really am sorry that I can't return your feelings, Hinata. I mean, you could get any guy you want. You're beautiful, and smart…..and nice. So please don't be sad. Kiba will be better for you anyways!"

"He s-seems like a nice person."

"Trust me, he is. He'll treat you like a princess!" Hinata giggled at that.

Naruto held out the piece of paper for Hinata to take. "I'm glad we're friends."

"Y-Yeah…me too…"

"Well, I have to go! My mom gets angry when I don't go straight home."

"B-Bye Naruto-kun."

"See ya, Hinata-chan! And make sure to call Kiba!"

"I w-will."

And then he was gone.

Ten minutes later….

"You can go now, Suigetsu. I'll call Sasuke before I leave." Suigetsu bowed his head at him. "See you later, Naruto-sama." He said softly, before walking off.

Naruto took off his shoes, and went inside. Both his mom and dad were home, sitting on the couch and watching television. "What are you watching?" Naruto asked. Minato patted the seat next to him. "Spirited Away."

"You're watching it again?"

"I can't help it! Kohaku and Chihiro are so adorable!" Kushina gushed. It was the scene where Chihiro and Kohaku were falling from the sky, while holding hands. Minato let out a heavy sigh. He didn't care much for the movie. "How was your day?" He asked. Naruto shifted uncomfortably. "Alright I guess. I talked to Hinata…"

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