Chapter 25

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One month later

My Point of View

"Sasukeeee." the blonde whined while rubbing at his protruding belly. Not only has he come down with the flu, but his back ached more than anything. Honestly he just felt like complete shit at the moment. His stomach had gotten pretty big, now being five months along in his pregnancy with his beautiful triplets. So far everything seemed to be fine with them. They were all growing at a normal rate and were pretty healthy. So that's a plus. But now their mother came down with something and was stuck in bed trying to get better as soon as possible. Because...this could quite possibly affect the babies as well. And this worried him to no end.

Said Uchiha was at his side instantly with a hot cup of tea with some lemon and honey in it. "Are you hungry? You should probably eat. It's been a while since you have..." He knew that Naruto would only throw it back up. But he had to at least try and eat something, for the sake of both him and their unborn babies. They were probably even hungrier than him at the moment.

Naruto looked up at him and groaned slightly. He didn't want to eat, knowing what exactly would come afterwards. But it would only be selfish of him to do that, for it would only starve the precious babies growing inside of him. "I-I want...soup..." Not ramen for once. But just regular soup to help with his sickness. His eyes closed when he began to feel his stomach churn again, and quickly wrapped his arms around it. "Make it go away..." he whimpered.

"Oh Naruto..." he whispered, reaching out to brush aside those blonde locks that clung to his sweaty face. If only he could do that, he would do it in a heartbeat. As if he wanted to sit here and watch him suffer like this. He grabbed the bucket that was on the floor and placed it next to him. "I'll go get you some soup then-" But as he went to stand up to get it, he felt something grab his hand and pull him back down onto the bed. And when he turned over onto his side, his eyes met with a pair of water blue ones. He just watched as they spilled over and ran down his scarred cheeks. Using his thumb, he tried his best to wipe away at the tears.

"Don't leave me. P-please..." he begged weakly. But before he could say anything else, he yanked the bucket forward and threw up into it. This lasted for quite a while. At times he could see the worried look on his husband's face because he was having such difficulty breathing it was so intense. He didn't care what happened to him. The lives inside his belly were far more important. His hands softly caressed at it, trying to sooth the babies that squirmed around in there.

Sasuke wrapped his arms around his small, frail body and brought him up for a hug. "Shhh it's going to be okay..." he quietly spoke. There was nothing they could do. Not even Rin could get rid of this terrible flu. "You're strong. So I believe that you will pull through this."

"R-really? I don't feel very strong right now..." Naruto muttered, burying his face into the cold yet comforting chest of his beloved husband. He gripped at his shirt as if clinging on for dear life, and broke out into a quiet sob. His entire body shook as he coughed and sniffled. At least Sasuke couldn't get sick. He could never fall victim to any illness or disease.

"Have more faith in yourself. You've been doing a splendid job during these past five months.'re not one to give up." Sasuke kissed at the top of his head, letting that blonde hair brush up against his face. It wasn't all that clean, but this didn't seem to bother him one bit. The oh so delicious scent was still there, along with the softness.

"..." Naruto laid his head against his chest, relaxing in his hold. The temperature Sasuke was giving off felt nice against his warm and sweaty skin. He slowly inched forward little by little until their bodies were literally pressed up against each others, a small smile spreading on his lips now. "Thank you, Sasuke. Having such faith in me makes me feel a bit better..."

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