Chapter 26

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My Point of View

Itachi just stared as the man bowed before him. His waist-long blonde hair was pulled up into a higher ponytail than his was. And those eyes. They were also a blue color. But they weren't as bright and vibrant as Naruto's though. It didn't mean they weren't gorgeous though. It truly was a lovely combination. His skin tone is what bothered him though. It wasn't as pale as a vampires was. So did this mean he was still human? He closed his eyes and focused on one thing in particular. And that was his heart.

Which was beating away...

So his parents were trying to set him up with someone who was still living? Well this was going to be interesting. But he was willing to give this guy a chance. "What's your name?"

The blonde straightened his posture to look right back at him. "I'm Deidara, mm!"

The Uchiha raised an eyebrow at him. He didn't seem like a bad person. And he wasn't getting any strange vibes from him either. Maybe this really was going to be okay. "Hn. It's a pleasure to meet you, Deidara. How do you know my parents?" he curiously asked.

Deidara sat back down at the table and picked up his cup of coffee, taking a small sip of it. "I deliver packages. I don't know, your mother just seemed to take a liking in me I guess? She asked if I was single, and if I would be interested in giving her son a shot. I am." He didn't expect her son to be so handsome though. Now he was really glad he took her up on the offer.

"So that's how..." Itachi muttered to himself.

"...Aren't you going to order something to drink?" Deidara asked.

"..." It looked like he really didn't know what he was. Well this was going to be a bit difficult. Pulling out the chair across from him, he sat down as well and grabbed a nearby menu. "I feel a bit over dressed." he chuckled.

"Just a little, mm!" Deidara also chuckled. He himself just wore a pair of dark blue faded out jeans along with a black hoodie. "But I know you come from money. So I was kind of expecting you to be all dulled up." he winked.

"Dulled up?" Itachi looked down at himself. This was something he usually wore, so he was pretty use to it. At first the suits were uncomfortable. But now he barely even noticed the feel of them. But when he looked back up, his face was just mere inches away from Deidara's. "...!"

"Admiring yourself?" he teased, grinning rather deviously at him. "I guess I don't blame you there. But that should be my job."

Itachi didn't know what to say at first. He wasn't use to being this close to anyone anymore. With Shisui it was so easy to be himself. But could he be that way towards this guy? "Are you admiring me then?" he smirked right back at him.

But Deidara seemed a bit distracted by something else. "You have interesting teeth..." he mumbled.

"...So you're admiring my teeth then?" Itachi asked. He ran his tongue over them and stopped once he reached his fangs.

"Mm! And what if I was? Although it helps that you have a pretty face to go along with them..." Deidara smirked even more.

"Please. A pretty face?" the Uchiha scoffed. It was always well known that he had good looks. Not only him, but all of the other members of his clan as well. But some of them have been used not only for their appearance, but for their money as well. So they all had to be very careful when dating someone. Or being friends with someone. It was hard to trust people most of the time.

"I'm no liar, Itachi." he said deeply.

"I would hope not." the other sighed, looking back down at the menu. What was he supposed to get? "Is it...alright if I skip on the coffee? I'm trying to cut back on my caffeine."

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