Chapter 24

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~*~*~One month later~*~*~

Naruto's Point of View

I've gotten bigger during this past month! Clothes that I had bought previously were now snug on me. Not to mention I gained quite a few pounds. But...I don't care anymore. I know that it's only because they're all growing inside of me. And so the more they grow, the better it is. They're all doing just fine in there. Even Rin has said many times on how healthy they were. Right now I'm going in for an ultrasound for the very first time. Finally, I'll be able to see my babies. I'm so excited yet nervous for this. But Sasuke is going to be by my side the entire time. So that alone made me feel that much better. I was now lying down on her bed as she wheeled in the machine. My heart sped up in my chest at the very sight of it. This was it...

I squeezed Sasuke's hand and looked up at him. It was pretty obvious that he was ready for this, and was waiting patiently. He used his free hand to pull my shirt up, exposing my belly as he gave it a soft rub. If he was doing this to calm me down, then it was definitely working. "Ready to see your little babies?" Rin asked, reaching over to grab a tube of...gel? Is that what it was? I have no idea what that's for. But I didn't like it. I squirmed away from her slightly. She found this to be amusing though. I could even hear her giggling! I just pouted at this and looked away from her. "Oh I'm sorry Naruto. Please forgive me. It's just...your reaction was adorable." "...Adorable?" "Yes dobe. Adorable..."

Great. Now Sasuke was in on it too...

"What's the gel for?" I finally asked. Her gaze went down to the tube in her hand, then back over at me. "Oh this? I need to put this on your tummy so that we can see your babies. It's a bit cold, but other than that it doesn't hurt..." "..." Well now I felt like an even bigger idiot. I pushed my shirt up even more and made sure that my pants were pulled down just enough so that it wouldn't get on any of my clothes. "O-okay I'm ready..." She gave me a warm, gentle smile as she gave my belly a light pat. least she wasn't a stranger. It's always super creepy and uncomfortable whenever people I don't know come up and touch me. It's like...have they never heard of personal space before? Or maybe asking first? I find it to be rather rude. But even though I feel this way, I don't push them away...

Rin opened the tube and squired a bunch of the gel onto my belly. I flinched a little at the sudden coldness of it. But she was right though. It didn't hurt at all. Why would it in the first place? It was only gel. I was just over reacting, as usual... And I just watched as she grabbed a wand type thing and began rubbing the gel around. It felt so...strange. What was that on the screen? It was kind of hard to see. But...what I could make out of it, was that there were small blobs on it. Three to be exact. Were those my babies? I squinted my eyes and leaned up a bit to get a better look. Those small blobs had shape to them! Each one had the outline of an actual baby. My eyes widened as I stared at the sight before me. That's when they began to well up with tears. It didn't take long for them to spill over and stream down my face.

"See that Sasuke...those are our babies..." I whispered. He squeezed my hand and gave me a slight nod. His gaze was also on the screen next to us. My free hand slowly reached out to touch it. It looked like one baby was smaller than the other two. My fingertips lingered on that one as I saw it squirm around, trying to get closer to the other two. So it wanted to be closer to his or her siblings huh? That was just so precious... "Can you tell what I'm having? I...I want to know..." It would definitely be helpful to know their genders. That way we could buy them the proper stuff that they needed. Thus finishing their room before being born. She stopped her movements for a brief moment as she pointed to the baby I had my hand over. "That right there is your little girl.She's small, yes. But it's not because there is anything wrong with her."

My heart skipped a beat. But before I could say anything, she continued over to the other two. "It looks like you're having two sons and a daughter. Congratulations Naruto! This is so exciting..." "...!" Both of my hands came down to rest against the sides of my belly, not caring one bit that it was covered in gel. It felt so much different now that I knew the genders of the babies I'm carrying. It was nice that I was having a variety. I gasped slightly as fresh tears stained my cheeks. "S-Sasuke..." "I know Naruto... I know..." he whispered. Nothing needed to be said at the moment. It was obvious how we were both feeling about this. His hand swept over my face as it wiped away at the tears. My hand came over to where our daughter was, and just rubbed small circles over the spot. I could see her move a little on the screen as I did this.

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