Chapter 10

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Warning yaoi ahead and in the futher chapters dont like dont read you have been warned the others engoy

The next day….


"I'm moving in with Sasuke." Naruto repeated. Kushina and Minato were speechless. Why was their soon leaving them so soon? "Also…I'm dropping out of High School. I know I'm supposed to graduate, and get a degree in college; but….that's not what I want. I'm done."

"Y-You can't be serious! I won't allow it!"

"I'm eighteen, mom."

"Naruto, think about what you're saying! All these years, you've worked so hard!"

"Actually, no I haven't. Mom, dad…I'm failing all of my classes. And it's too late to change that. I wouldn't be able to graduate on time." Kushina tapped her fingers on the table viciously. She was angry that her son was making such a drastic decision so quickly. "Ever since you met Sasuke, you've changed. I mean, we hardly see you anymore!"

"Like I just said, I'm an adult. He's my boyfriend….Of course I'm going to be with him a lot! Mom, I really am sorry about this. But…this is what I want. Sasuke, he…makes me feel happy, loved, and…and wanted. He doesn't judge me. Also, he knows about the Kyuubi; and does he hate me for that? No. He doesn't."

Minato reached over, and placed his hand over Kushina's to stop the tapping. "Honey, he's made up his mind. We should-"

"NO! He's our son Minato. How can you give up so easily?"

"What can we do? If we continue to argue with him about this, he'll just run off, and we'll lose him. Do you want that, Kushina? Do you want to drive Naruto away?" Naruto shook his head. He would never 'run away' from his parents. He loved them too much. But he didn't say anything. It was their time to talk to each other.

Minato took Kushina in his arms, trying to calm her. "W-Why did he grow up so fast?" She cried, nuzzling closer into Minato's chest. "I don't know." Was all he could say. 'How I wish I could answer that' He thought. Naruto felt bad for making his parents suffer like this. But what choice did he have? "The house already seems so quiet, and empty; and now you're going to leave for good?" Kushina said. Naruto's eye's saddened. "I really am sorry."

"You've only been dating Sasuke for a week."

"I know. But…he's the only person I'll ever be with. I…" Naruto paused. 'Can I say I love him? Sasuke, he says it so easily; but what about me? What if I don't officially mean it yet? Won't that just hurt him? Will I ever know?'

"My feelings for him…I can't say what they are. I do like him a lot, and sometimes, it feels like love; but I'm not exactly sure yet. What I do know, is that my feelings for him are growing stronger the more time I spend with him."

Minato looked at Kushina, and smiled. "I understand, Naruto. I could never stay away from your mother. I love her too much." He said softly. Naruto couldn't help but smile as well. He always liked how close his parents were. They were inseparable! 'Will that be me and Sasuke someday?' Naruto asked himself. Kushina pulled away from Minato to look at her son. He really was happy….And that's all she ever wanted, was for her son to be happy. "Do you guys hate Sasuke?" He asked sadly. Both Kushina and Minato shook their heads. "Of course not. And speaking of Sasuke….Where is he?" Naruto nearly choked on his tea. "Aha…hahaha….um, well you see…he's not feeling well. Maybe another time?"

"Aww! I hope he feels better!"

"Same here." Minato chimed in.

"Thanks, I'll tell him you said that. Oh! And yesterday was his birthday."

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