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I am going to kill Wanda Maximoff.

Or she's going to kill me. At this point, I wasn't really sure who'd get there first.

"This is the fifth time in two weeks! Two weeks!" Natasha exclaims, looking between Wanda and I in incredulous disbelief as we sat there, slumped over with frowns on our faces like children being scolded at a dining table.

"She keeps throwing me across the room!" I speak up first, motioning to Wanda with frantic irritation as the red headed witch scoffs at my remarks.

"She keeps choking me!" Wanda fires back, defending herself. Our arguments were familiar to the walls, and probably to anyone within earshot since it happened every single time we were within arm's length. There was just something about her that prodded under my skin, like she had a special little button to push just to agitate me.

"I'm trying to teach you." I cut in, rolling my eyes at her childish ways. She was unwilling, stubborn and brutish. I had no patience for it.

"Teach me what? How to stop breathing?" She mocks sharply, her insult only fuelling my aggrivation as my glare turns dark.

"How to stop being a little bitch." I fire back.

"Okay you know what—"

"Enough! You're both acting like children. You think I'm running a day care? I don't have time for this!" Natasha cuts us both off in an angered huff, pacing on the other end of the trashed training room as Wanda and I sat on the bench, which happens to be the only thing in the room that wasn't completely destroyed.

Wanda and I have been 'training' for about two weeks and by training, I mean bickering and trying to go at each other's throats. In my defense, Wanda was extremely closed off. Every time I'd get near her or try to teach her anything, she'd revert to begrudged glares and uninterested movements like I was the one wasting her time. I could have easily refused her but I thought maybe, if we spent enough time together we'd come to some level of tolerance.

As expected, I was wrong.

"How do you two ever expect to work together if you keep trying to kill each other?" Natasha spews, unable to mask her annoyance as she turns to us.

"She's being difficult." I mumble under my breath as Wanda's head snaps to me in disbelief.

"I'm the difficult one? You're the one who purposely sabotages everything. You make me do things you know I'm not good at just so you can mock me." Wanda chuckles bitterly. She did have a point, maybe I was harsh but what kind of training isn't? Did she expect me to hold her hand or something?

"If you haven't noticed, this is combat training not a fucking therapy session. If you wanted to sit and talk about your feelings, you came to the wrong place." I roll my eyes again, shaking my head at her stubborn nature. If she thought her measly complaints would soften me up to her ways, then she was wrong.

"You two are unbelievable. You are going to fix this mess right now and I swear to god if this happens again... I'll just let you kill each other." Natasha storms out, the door sliding closed behind her as a latch clicks and confusion swarms us. I spring to my feet, heading for the door only to realize it was indeed, locked.

"Natasha! What are you doing?" I call out, peeking through the glass as Natasha stood on the other side, completely done and exhausted.

"You fix the room then you fix whatever you two have going on. Talk it out, I'm done babysitting." She shakes her head, walking away as I began pounding on the door. Something tells me I wasn't going to be able to get through, but I'd rather try than be stuck there with Wanda.

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