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The last place I ever expected to end up in, was on the roof of the Avengers compound, standing a few feet away from Wanda Maximoff. But then again, the only thing the past month has taught me was that life had a funny way of unfolding and by funny, I meant leading me to the base of a group I thought I'd have to kill someday and looking back at a girl I never thought i'd see again.

Funny, isn't it?

"Sorry, couldn't help it." She sighs, a tight lipped smile on her face as she pulls the jacket she was wearing closer around her body. Her relentlessness was incredibly frustrating, it was like no matter how sharp my words were— she would just take the stab and go.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" I ask, defeat prominent in my tone as I watch her approach, stepping around me and walking out to the rails that overlooked the water without a single word.

"I am." She hums.

"I have a feeling our definitions don't match." I grumble, taking the spot right next to her as her ringless fingers gently wrap around the metal rails. She seemed determined to stay, and I was out of energy for an argument to push her away.

"Are you okay?" She finally speaks after a few minutes of thick silence, eyes glued ahead as I did the same.

"Says the girl who's all bandaged up." I point out flatly, turning to look at her as my eyes gloss over her wrappings, even the one on her forehead.

Guilt strikes me once again and it takes almost everything in me to keep it down, to keep it from slipping out like a landslide. I make note to keep my expression cold, to keep my mind blocked from her magic in fear of her discovering my true nature.

"You lost more than any of us and this... is just a scratch. I've felt worse." Wanda says in a steady tone, her voice hoarser than usual as she looks at me.

"That... is stupidity." I chuckle bitterly, watching her brows furrow at my remark as her whole body shifts to face me.

"I helped you." She points out in disbelief, cool green eyes looking at me like I had three heads as her autumn hair blew in the wind despite it being loosely tied into a bun.

"You should have left me." I harshly correct as Wanda lets out a scoff at my words. Anger was my most familiar tool, if she hadn't deducted that already.

"And let her tear you apart in there? Should I have just watched?" Wanda fires back, her irritation making itself extremely evident as her arms flailed with her remarks.

"Well you shouldn't have stayed. You keep trying to be the hero, it's exhausting." I spew with hostility, my tone laced with so much degrading disappointment that Wanda looks utterly baffled.

"You were getting hurt!" She exclaims like it solidifies her point.

With my words piling up in my throat, coated with the guilt I was trying so hard to restrict I turn on my heel to walk away. If I spent another moment there, it would only get worse. For her and for me. Wanda lets out a bitter laugh, so dry and harsh that swims with the sound of my heavy footsteps.

"I was trying to help you! I wasn't going to stand there and watch her hurt you!" Wanda calls out angrily and I tried to ignore it, I really did— but there's only so much I can keep. Only so much I can hold back.

"Well she hurt you!" I scream, turning to face her as she sinks into silence at my outburst.

"She hurt you and it's all my fault!" I exclaim at the top of my lungs, the words tearing past my throat in a painful trail that scorched its path. Wanda only stares blankly at me, at a loss for words as I was left heaving and upset.

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