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Have you ever had a dream that felt so real, you were almost sure it wasn't a dream?

Everything, everyone was real to the touch. You could feel it all. The gust of the wind, the smell in the air, fingers against your skin that leave a lasting imprint that burns into your memory even after you wake. It was like that for me.

The last thing I remember was the car stopping, a bag over my head that Estelle so harshly shoved after my short-lived act of defiance. I gave up the dagger anyway, because there was no point to the fight. I wasn't there to fight. I wasn't there for some last-ditch hero effort; I just wanted to see Natasha through and get back to the plan.

Then I feel the lightest sting, like a needle breaking through my skin and just like that the world in my head spins. I don't remember things going black, I don't remember the feeling of my body falling, I just remember opening my eyes.

It was just like I blinked, I blinked and suddenly I was in a bedroom. One I didn't recognize. The walls were painted a tan brown, like beach sand and the curtains hung above the windows were sheer, pure and white. I can hear humming, familiar humming, and the smell of coffee hits my nose with every whiff.

"Hello?" I call out, uncertain and very nervous as I carefully move to get out of bed. Everything was hazy, like my mind had just been shaken and tossed on a rollercoaster ride that brought me here, wherever this was.

There was a television, mounted into the wall right in front of the bed and below it were shelves. Shelves that rose just above my knee, filled to the brim with books of all kinds. Poetry books. I could even spot the one Vision had gifted me for Christmas.

It was raining outside, the thick drops of water pattering against the glass of the window as I made my way to the door. My heart was in my throat, not knowing what I'd find on the other side as I turn the knob and push through.

The humming gets clearer and my heart fully stops. I could recognize that voice anywhere, the tune that used to ease me into slumber amidst the darkest of nights. I could pick it out from a noisy crowd of thousands with my eyes closed, because it was Wanda. I freeze immediately, despite the warmth already spreading in my chest- I couldn't understand how this is possible. How any of it could be possible.

Then she steps into view, standing at the end of the short hallway with a warm smile and a cup of coffee in her hands. She was wearing denim overalls, and a grey sweater underneath. Her autumn hair was loosely braided to drape over her shoulder, ending just above her chest as she looks at me like nothing has changed. Like she loved me.

"Hey." She breathes amidst her smile, glimmering green eyes peering at me as she strides to close the distance between us.

"Wanda..." It falls from my lips in a breath, her coming to a stop just inches from me with both her hands wrapped snug around the mug.

She gets on her toes, moving herself up high enough to plant a quick kiss to my lips. I could feel her smile when she kissed me, and I swear I wanted to burst into tears right there.

"You sleep too much." Is what she says, nose lightly scrunching with her smile as I look at her in disbelief.

"You're here?" I ask softly, still in awe as her brows furrow in amused curiosity.

"Of course I am, where else would I be? I mean... I kind of live here." She says, a light chuckle in her tone as she turns on her heel to walk back to where she came from.

I follow loosely, still a bit uncertain- and disoriented as I'm led to a living room that eerily resembled Natasha's apartment, the layout was exactly the same, only the decorations were different.

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