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"He asked for a chainsaw?" I question in disbelief, eyes looming over Jess who was nodding in amusement.

"A chainsaw. He's delusional." She chuckles, hands dug into the pockets of her coat as we treaded down the corridor.

It was only a little past noon when Nick had called in another meeting. I was having lunch with Jess, trying to get updates on Lara and brainstorming a way to help her talk. I was at a dead end, really. It was disheartening, sitting there hearing about somebody I used to know inside out. I used to know how she felt just by the look in her eyes and now, when I'm asked even the most mundane questions, I find myself lost on how to reply.

I look at her now and it's like my memories of Lara are completely detached. She had the same face, same eyes, same voice— but all at once she was different. All at once it was a different person and maybe that's what distance and pain does, it tears apart even the souls that have lived a lifetime together. I wanted so badly to hear something I recognized, for Jess to mention something that would light up my memories but it never happens.

"Sounds like he's... in love with you." I hum, to which she immediately scoffs at— she even gags a little.

"Do I look like someone that would date a patient?" She deadpans as I bite back a small smile.

"I can't answer that. I've only known you two days, Dr. Barrett." I shake my head, a small chuckle escaping my lips as Jess lightly groans.

"Well, I won't. I love my job too much." She states rather defensively.

"Yeah, dealing with homicidal psychopaths sounds like a dream." I comment sarcastically as we come to a stop by the door of the conference room.

"It is if you get paid." Jess replies with a smile, reaching for the handle and pushing the glass door open for me.

"Talk to you later?" She asks right as I step inside, all eyes already drawing my way as I offer Jess a small nod. She waves goodbye, closing the door and treading down the corridor as she shot Nick a nod through the glass walls.

"So you've met Dr. Barrett." Nick says, looking right at me as I uncomfortably take my seat between Steve and Natasha. Their stares were deafening, shouting a million words without saying anything at all.

Wanda was right across me, sitting snug next to Vision and Sam, who i've seen the first time since Tony's party. I make it a point to keep my eyes either between Nick or the table, because I didn't want to see the way everyone looked at me. I didn't want to see the confusion, the curiousity, the hurt swimming in their eyes. I couldn't begin to explain the turmoil that has haunted, and taken me apart the past few days and no matter how hard I tried, it would always end with somebody getting hurt.

So I stop trying.

"Uh, yeah. I have." I clear my throat softly, my fingers lightly tapping against the cool, glass table.

"That's good. I was actually gonna suggest that. Ross is on my ass about you and your sister so the quicker we have something to show for Lara, the better the outcome might be." He says to me, standing by the head of the table with his palms pressed flat to the surface.

"Yeah. I'll figure something out." I nod, tearing my eyes back to my fingers as Nick pushes himself off and clicks the holographic monitor open.

"Have you slept?" Natasha whispers, the reluctance in her voice was so present— so gut wrenching as I offer her a small nod.

"Yeah." It falls like a tired whisper from my lips, eyes still locked onto the table as Natasha hums.

"I've called everyone here to talk about the memorial on Friday." Nick speaks up, my ears perking and my heart hitching at his words as my eyes snap towards the monitor.

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