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"This is your big emergency?" I ask Steve, who was holding the passenger door of the car open with a sheepish smile.

I had found him the day after, since I decided to retire from Lara late into the night. Well, to make it more accurate— Steve found me. I was readying myself for the day when I open my bedroom door to find him pacing, his big frame donning a brown leather jacket over a shirt and some jeans, restlessly floating up and down the hall outside my door with his brows knitted into a worried furrow. Then he promptly asks me to get ready, basically pleading for my help as I begrudgingly threw on clothes that were better suited for whatever excursion he seemed to be keen on taking me on.

The excursion being going gift shopping, of course.

"I need good input." He defends lightly, seeing that I slip into the seat without a problem before shutting the door and jogging around to the other side.

"Am I even allowed to leave the property?" I raise a brow as he gets in, of course, the first thing he does is click on a seatbelt and check his mirrors which was so innocently adorable.

"Yes, if you're escorted." He replies casually, putting the car into drive and speeding down the path that led to the main gate.

"And you're my escort. Great, how noble." I roll my eyes, moving my seat back enough to my liking as an amused hum falls from Steve's lips.

"You still haven't told me who you've gotten for the... thing. I forgot what it's called." I reach for the radio, flipping through the stations until it lands on something somewhat bearable.

"Secret Santa and no, i'm not telling. That's part of the rule." Steve says, glancing at me as we find our way onto one of the busier roads.

"Well it's obviously not me. You wouldn't be asking for my help if it were." I point out, relaxing into my seat as he snaps his head my way.

"It could be you!" He argues lightly, which only makes me laugh.

"I know you're a good little boy, but if you really want my help you're going to have to fess up. Let's hear it, Cap. Who's causing you so much stress?" I jokingly question, watching as Steve reverts his eyes back to the road amidst a small scowl.

"Nat." He confesses and I fail to stifle the laugh that escapes my lips. I knew he was being weird for a reason.

"That's why you're all worked up? This is amazing." I say amidst my laughter, tongue clicking against the roof of my mouth as Steve further sinks into embarrassment.

"You know, i'm starting to regret this." Steve says pointedly, but I was far too caught up in my amusement to soothe him.

It was hilarious to see him so puzzled and embarrassed, what a playful contrast to the role he plays in public. I wonder how the people would feel if they knew their high and mighty Captain America worries about Christmas presents like the fate of the world depended on it, and had no idea what bluetooth was? It would make great news. I could make a good few bucks selling that story.

"Okay, okay. So you know, mine's Wanda and i'd need your help too." I wave off, my laughter dying down as Steve glances over once more with delighted  surprise.

"You got Wanda? That's great." He happily comments, a smile on his face as I look back at him in confusion.

"It is but why are you so giddy?" I chuckle, raising a brow at his strange excitement.

"Well, shouldn't it be easy since you two are... a thing?" He says like it was so obvious, like he was the one reminding me. My jaw nearly drops, I guess Natasha really wasn't kidding when she said word travels fast.

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