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We had been walking for hours.

I was starting to think Lara had no idea where we were going. All there was— all there had been for the past few hours were trees and dirt and nothingness. The sun was peeking through the branches, shining down on us as we tread through what felt like a never ending forest. It's been days since we left the compound and Lara said she knew how to get to The Corrector, or at least how to find her.

So far, we've stolen a car, a bike and snuck onto a ferry and still— we were getting nowhere. It's been days since i've even had a proper shower— or eaten something that wasn't out of a street cart where Lara threatened to slit the vendor's throat.

We were plastered on the news by now, officially and loudly wanted by probably every security organization under the sun and having our faces posted on every news channel and paper drove us out of going through the city. So here we were, treading through the woods like fugitives, but I guess we were merely staying true to the role given to us.

"Do you even know where you're going?" I huff, my eyes firm on the ground trying to avoid protruding roots that have nicked my foot many, many times. Too many for me to comfortably admit without feeling like an idiot.

"She said to meet near here so just shut up and move." Lara groans, both of us drenched in sweat and fatigue as we continue deeper into the trees.

"I'm just saying, it really seems like you're lost." I mumble, grabbing on from trunk to trunk just to help keep my momentum.

"I'm not lost!" She snaps, irritation dripping from her tone as I follow closely behind.

"We've been walking for hours." I argue, honestly— I knew I was getting on her nerves but a screaming match was much more eventful than silence. I just needed a little something to keep this journey interesting.

"You know, for someone willing to die— you complain a lot." Lara fires back, sharply glancing at me over her shoulder.

"I'm not complaining. I'm pointing out an observation." I reply, keeping as much of my focus as I can on where i'm stepping as Lara releases a tired groan.

"It's a shitty observation." She mumbles, irritated and tired as she suddenly comes to a halt.

I don't notice her stopping immediately, so I nearly crash into her back— but i'm able to stop myself before we actually touch. She's looking up at something, so I follow her line of sight to find a small cabin. It really looks like the kind you'd find in horror movies with cobwebs up on the ceiling corners, dark, murky wood and gas lamps for illumination. It was pretty small, looking like it was only meant to accommodate two people as Lara goes up towards it.

"That's where we're staying?" I ask, lightly trying to catch my breath as Lara continues up the slope that led to the cabin.

"We only have an hour of sunlight left. If you wanna stay out here and be a feast for bears or something then be my guest. I'm staying there." Lara replies amidst little grunts, still treading up as I follow begrudgingly. I guess she did have a point, staying inside was probably better than whatever the woods had to offer me after sundown.

I muster up enough strength, and willpower to get up the slope, surprisingly without eating the ground. Lara was first to reach the cabin, cautiously tipping the door open with her foot before peering inside.

"What are you doing?" I ask, finally coming up behind her as she carefully peeks her head inside to look around.

"I'm looking out." She whispers, she looked so focused I almost wanted to laugh.

"For what? Possums?" I question in amusement, raising a brow as she snaps back to look at me flatly.

"People, dumbass." She huffs.

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