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"Adora! Come in here, will ya'?" Harlow, Adora's older brother, called from the kitchen. Adora's brown hair twirled down her back as she made her way toward him, glancing as he wore their mother's favourite apron. 

Adora's deep brown eyes lingered to it, sadness washing over her. Harlow looked down to it too, his smile fading into a small frown. 

"I wish ma' was around." Adora said in the silence, Harlow nodded intently.  "I can't believe she left." Adora noted, like it was a test that she was timed on.

"Dad's been staying in bed all day every day, so I decided to make him lasagna." Harlow shrugged, pitching a small smile at her.

Adora loved everything about her older brother, they got along so well that people even thought they were twins! Harlow had only turned 19 last month, beating the 2 year mark between them. Adora was only 17, a few years older than her best friend Cory Matthews, a 15 year old, ready for action.

"You goin' to meet Cor and Buddy, then?" Harlow suddenly asked, snapping the brunette out of her thoughts. 

"Yeah, I'll be on my way." She nodded, grabbed an apple sitting on the counter, and walking out the back door.

Adora was on her way to meet her best friend Cory Matthews and Buddy Sharp. She had met Buddy when she was only four, they were always so close and adventurous together. Cory on the other hand, was a few years younger than her, and she'd only met him when she went to his house to finish a project with his really attractive older brother, Eric. Cory has the most attractive older brother possible ━ according to Adora anyways. 

Ahead of her, Adora could see a mop of curly brown hair showing in front of the bus stop. Cory. He had his hands in his front jean pockets, and a pencil that sat at the back of his ear. She was surprised he even brought a pencil to school. 

"Hey, dork." Adora nudged her best friend on his sides, he scoffed annoyingly.

"God, what's gotten into you this morning." Adora was a morning person, and Cory, well, not really. Cory turned to face her, his brown eyes sparkling with annoyance.

"My sleep schedule is totally off beat, summer screwed it up!" He rambled, letting his tongue hit the top of his mouth as much as possible. 

"I also heard that Mr. Feeny has a replacement this year." Cory told the brunette. Adora turned toward him with widened eyes, almost happy eyes. 

"Wait? Really?" She was just hoping the guy wasn't joking around. 

Mr Feeny ━ an annoying bratty teacher. That's what Cory would call him every so often. Mr. Feeny was the type to always give out homework and assignments, to the point you sometimes wanted to cry. Cory didn't really like him, but Adora did, he was a good teacher that actually made you learn, but he was hell of a hard passer. 

"What happened to mister Weeny?" Adora smirked, only to make the boy grin. Cory's smile was so contagious to her.

"Apparently, he got in a car crash, and he broke his left leg and his right arm!" Cory was now in a laughing fit, like it was the best day of his life.

"I sure hope the new teacher ain't too bad." Adora commented, holding on tightly to her backpack strap. Her Nike High Tops and her new overall's, Harlow had fortunately bought her, felt really comfortable. 

Adora looked to her right, to see her other best friend Buddy riding up on his bike. "Hey guys!" He exclaimed, his brown hair flowing so perfectly in the wind.

"Hey Bud!" Cory and Adora managed to say at the same time, creating loud echoey laughs from the trio. 

"Eric told me about Mr. Feeny." Buddy said all suddenly, staring straight into Adora's dark brown eyes. Buddy didn't really like Eric, he always found him annoying and Buddy was jealous of how Adora looked at Eric on a daily basis.

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