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Cory's brown eyes were widened like never before. He dropped the blanket he had in his hands and onto the tree house's floor.

"Cory, wait!" Adora exclaimed with widened eyes. 

She was just about to have sex in front of her best friend.

Eric grabbed the girl's arm, soothingly brushing his thumb across of her arm. Shivers ran down her back as his beautiful eyes roamed hers for answers.

"I'll go talk to him." He reassured, trying his best not to blush like a tomato.

Before completely making his way down the latter, he tilted his head upward to look at her. "I had a great time, and I hope to continue our date as soon as possible." 

He sent her butterflies through her entire stomach! Adora felt a little at ease but alarmed all at the same time. The feeling of being touched and grazed all across her body by the one and only Eric Matthews, made her want him more

But it was the same with him, he wants her. 

Before he could slip away from her grasp, Adora reached for his collar and pulled his soft lips up to hers once more. Their lips moved slowly in sink, and their cheeks burnt into crimson reds. They were a perfect match.

➳ ➳ ➳ 

Adora walked up to Chubbies, in hopes to find Buddy or even Topanga in that matter. 

On her way down the stairs, the girl bumped into no other than Angela. The girl was awesome. Adora really liked her, but she never really got the chance to get to know the girl that well.

The brunette waved shyly at her acquaintance, before making her way toward the counter where she would ask if Buddy was doing a shift that day.

"Excuse me?" The girl waved at Chubbie, who stood there with a grim of an expression.

"Hey, kid." He greeted her with a curt nod. 

The Jenkins family knew Chubbie like a dog's nose and a cart full of meat. They would invite him over for dinner sometimes ━ mostly when their dad wasn't cooped up in his room. Since Harlow and Adora's father was Chubbies good pal.

"Is Buddy in today?" The girl asked, looking around sheepishly.

"Yeah, he's in the back, I'll call him for ya'." 

Adora tapped her finger on the counter top, feeling anxious for some odd reason. Probably because Buddy was giving her the silent treatment.

"Buddy! Get over here will ya'?" Chubbie yelled from the front, slapping a cloth on the counter and washing something off of it quite harshly.

A mop of brown hair came sneaking out back, his eyes met Adora's in angst. He was hurt. He had big eyebags underneath his eyes and he looked quite pale, like he had smoked too many cigarettes and didn't sleep one bit.

"Hey-" The girl was cut off by an angry groan.

"What do you want, Adora?" Buddy snapped, staring at his hands flattened out on the counter top.

"I wanna speak to you."

Buddy raised his dark eyes toward her in angriness. "Yeah, well I don't." 

Adora slapped her palm on the counter top, finally receiving a good amount of his attention. "Listen up!" Her brown hair twirled down her back as she got heated. "I'm not gonna pretend like we're fine here, 'cause were clearly not." 

Before she could continue, she received a small saddened glare from her best friend. 

"What's the matter, Buddy? I didn't do anything wrong!"

Buddy raised his right hand to point at her, feeling totally out of place. "You see, that's where you got that wrong."

Adora tilted her head menacingly. "What? I didn't give you enough attention in class? I didn't reassure you? I didn't fucking make you feel better from all the things back home-" Her eyes widened as she realized what she was saying was becoming too personal.

"You can't bring all of that into this! How dare you insult my home life?" Buddy scoffed, stepping away from her.

"I-I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have said that, Buddy. That was really really wrong of me." Adora squeezed her eyes shut, feeling like a complete idiot.

"I was gonna tell you something that you would have probably run away from, like you always do. But I don't wanna speak to you anymore."

"Run away? What's that supposed to mean?" Fire fired up into her stomach, anger flowing up to her brain like a a harsh breeze.

Buddy walked past her, bumping his shoulder onto hers. "I'll speak to you when I've calmed down."

And with that, Adora knew. He didn't have the heart to tell her how much he loves her.

REDAMANCY ➳ Eric MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now