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a/n: small smut ahead !!


The moonlight peered through the trees and in the small dents of the road Adora was walking on. She had her arms crossed over her chest and her hair tucked behind her ears.

Just as she crossed the lawn to go to the Matthews backyard, the brown eyed gal noticed Cory in the kitchen, about to look out the window!

Adora quickly ran behind a tree and crouched down so she could get passed it! 

A psst psst sound, echoed on top of her. Adora raised her head to see Eric peering his head over a wooden structure. 

"Come on up!" He whispered, waving his hand in the air quite frantically.

Now, Adora remembered this. She used to go in Cory's old tree house to hang out with him and go over the Philly game. "I can't believe I'd be back up here." She breathed out, grabbing Eric's extended hand.

Climbing the latter, Adora could see the most amazing thing in the world. Candles, a picnic blanket and a basket of foods. Her brown eyes lit up at the sight and she couldn't resist but letting her lip curve into a smile.

"I wanted to make this our official first date." Eric told her, tilting his head sweetly toward her. His hazel eyes were so pretty and bright in the candle light.

The girl felt a sudden flutter in her stomach. The words that escaped the boys mouth made her want to scream of joy!

The chilly air filled the entrance of the tree house, making the girl shiver quite intensely. 

Eric looked over to her, giving her a small smile. He slipped off his brown plaid long sleeve and put it over the girl's shoulders. His face neared hers as he slipped them on her shoulders. 

"Adora?" Eric asked her, tilting his head as he kept it near her face. 

"Yeah?" Adora asked silently, staring into his honeycomb eyes.

The boy tapped his index finger on his knee, staring at his jeans in discomfort. Until his eyes glazed with confidence that could last days, months and years. 

"Can I uh..." Pausing he stared into Adora's eyes, then, down to her plump lips. 

Licking his own, he made sure to keep his stare into her dark brown eyes. "Can I kiss you?" 

The words that slipped out of his mouth, made Adora smile. She'd never thought he'd say those! 

But her feminist ass decided to take the lead. Adora placed her hand on his left cheek, and flung toward him, crashing her lips against his. Eric carefully, but surely tilted his body backwards, to let the girl lean on him as she took dominance.

Before she could keep going, Adora pulled away with a smirk plastered on her lips. "You ate a grape before this, didn't you?" 

Eric rolled his eyes playfully. "Who cares!" He breathed heavily, his cheeks flushing like a dinomite about to explode.

The boy grabbed onto Adora's chin with his right hand, leading her lips to his, once more. Adora hesitantly placed her hand on his chest, feeling his six pack underneath his white t-shirt. She could feel Eric smiling underneath her kiss, as she even started lifting it up.

Eric let out a small groan, making the girl feel a wave of heat hit her body. Eric also let his hands roam down her legs, like a slithering snake. Adora let herself take off the boy's shirt, over his head and shoulders and onto the floor, beside the picnic basket. 

Eric started taking off his own plaid long sleeve off of her shoulders and letting it slide down her soft arms. He put his right hand on the middle of her back and quickly flipped them over.

Adora could see his honeycomb eyes, full of lust and need. But this time, his eyes were glazed into a darker shade of hazel ━ like a bombshell of chocolate wrapped around almonds, those were cravings the girl would get on Christmas.

As the boy reached down toward her neck to kiss it, a hiss screamed from behind the two.

"Ahh! Get off of her!" A voice screamed. 

Eric jumped off of the girl and quickly covered his chest with his t-shirt, staring at the smaller human who had just yelled.

Cory stood there with wide eyes and a disappointed facial expression.

REDAMANCY ➳ Eric MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now