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Harlow started playing a song, it was Jude by The Beatles to be exact. He started doing one of his famous boogie-woogie dances, making Adora heartily laugh. She missed seeing her best friend happy and excited about something.

Ever since their mother left, Harlow had become the one to take care of everything. With their dad being depressed and unable to do anything for himself, he decided to not go to college and take care of the family ━ which resulted in stress, sadness and anger for him. He had to get multiple odd jobs to pay for the bills and taxes.

Adora stood up, joining him in the middle of the living room. Harlow's smile widened as he extended his hands toward her. The gal gladly took them. He then took all of his muscle power to spin her around, making her laugh hysterically.

The warmth in the room was filled with love and loud laughter. Their father, who was resting in bed, didn't say anything because it actually made him feel better, hearing his favourite people in the world laugh their hearts out.

Harlow's longer hair was slick back that day, he loved to keep his style old fashion. He looked like one of those grandpa's, but Adora thought it was cool.

"Let me get you some punch." Harlow offered as he flashed her a charming smile. He walked out of the living room, the song ended and then started another one. 

Adora took her time to breath, taking a seat on the little couch Harlow had bought over the weekend. 

The doorbell rang loudly. "I'll get it!" Adora yelled, so that Harlow could hear her. As she took long steps toward the brown door, she let her hand rest on the doorknob for a few seconds, thinking if it was a good idea or not.

Who's here so late? Cory? Buddy? Eric who's forcing me to go to a party?

Her thoughts wandered, until the doorbell rang again. "Desperate much." Adora mumbled, opening the door, only to reveal Shawn Hunter.

"Adora." He greeted, walking into her home in a matter of seconds. The guy didn't really care if someone invited him or not, he just walked in like it was an automatic invite.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him patiently, the brunette brought a strand of hair behind her right ear, as she stared at the blue eyed boy.

"Bringing you to a party." He shrugged, smiling widely at his friend. Harlow walked back into the room with a punch in his hand, eyebrow raised with a sweet smile plastered on his lips.

"Ah, it's okay Dor, I can drink this myself." Harlow seemed slightly disappointed, but also supportive at the same time.

Adora shook her head quickly. "What do you mean you're bringing me to a party? Did Er-" Shawn quickly placed his hand overtop her mouth, widening his eyes. 

"Well! Let's go!" He grabbed her hand and basically forced her to come out of her home! Harlow obliviously waved goodbye, not realizing that Adora hadn't really said yes to going with him.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" She stopped the boy, by yanking his grip off of her arm. She shook her head confusedly, brown eyes glimmering in the moonlight. 

"Is this one of Eric's schemes to get me killed?" Adora poked Shawn in his chest, the boy shook his head quickly. 

"He paid me to bring you." Shawn smiled, teeth so perfectly lined up. Adora felt betrayed for some reason. Would Shawn really just bring her there because he was paid?

"Why did you come? And not Cory?" She asked Shawn, his lips tugged into a daring smirk. He fisted his hands in his front jean pockets, both of them standing in her front lawn.

"Because we all know how he'd react if he knew you were going to a party with Eric, and Buddy just dislikes him." Shawn shrugged. He does make a point, the girl thought. 

"What if I don't want to go see Eric?" She stood there, dumbfounded. Her arms were crossed, getting shivers up her spine. Shawn placed his heavy hand on her right shoulder, his face was quite close to hers and she could feel his warm breath on her face.

"I promise I'll stay by your side." He whispered to Adora, grabbing her hand in his. Adora nodded slowly, she didn't like Shawn in that way, but she did feel safe around him. He reminded her so much of Buddy, that's what probably made her feel happy around him.

As Shawn started walking away with the girl, they made sure to go catch a taxi, considering Shawn didn't know how to drive yet.

Moonlight shined quite brightly on Philadelphia, Adora could see the entire neighbourhood houses and parks. Shawn approached a yellow cab, that was parked beside Chubbies. "Main street, please!" Shawn shouted at the driver, opening the door for Adora who hadn't gotten dressed, because of the rush to leave.

"Got'cha." The driver muttered, obviously tired. He pressed the gas before the two teens could even put their seatbelts on. Shawn hit his head on his seat, as the G force kept them stuck to their seats! Adora's eyes widened in fear, Shawn on the other hand was smiling and giggling like an idiot.

"Woohoo!" He exclaimed, opening the window to stick his head out. The wind brushed his hair out of his face, making Adora watch in amusement. "Come on Adora! Try it!" He exclaimed. 

The brunette was hesitant at first, but she went along with it. Sticking her head out the window, like a dog, she felt the harsh wind hit her face. It was cool but yet relaxing, she could feel it going through and up her nostrils, making her slightly cough.

But Adora started smiling, it was a thrill! And for some reason, she liked it way better than going to some random party and getting drunk out of her mind. It was one of those main character moments, where she felt like she could do anything.

Adora felt a tug on her shirt. Turning her head, into the cab, she faced Shawn who had a glorious smile on his face. "We've gotta do more night adventures together." He sounded serious when he said that, almost like he was determined

"Definitely." The brunette agreed, sitting back down and making sure her seatbelt is on. Shawn bit his lip as he stared ahead of him. The driver started pulling up close to main street, where the two were going to take off.

"Drop us off right here!" Shawn pointed at a brown building. While the driver parked, Shawn searched his pockets for his wallet. "Here you go." He handed him a twenty dollar bill, before getting out and running to the other side where he could open the door for Adora.

Shawn reached his hand down where Adora could grab it. Pulling her out of the car, he gave her a charming smile. "My lady." He grabbed her hand again. Confused though, Adora brushed it off, she didn't know why he was being so, touchy.

"Is Eric waiting for me?" The girl asked him, watching his face go sour. Shawn nodded, scratching the back of his head. 

"Gee, I forgot we were coming to see him, I got so carried away with the whole cab thing and-" Adora placed her index finger on his lips to shut him up. 

She didn't say anything though, she only grabbed his arm to lead him into the building where the party was. It wasn't a home or even a club, it was a dance hall! Shawn smiled brightly as they entered the space, loud music was blasting but it almost looked like a prom, with a disco ball sparkling the whole place up.

Shawn stood closer to her, smiling widely. "May I have this dance?" He chuckled. Adora didn't want to turn him down, so she agreed. Shawn wrapped his arm around hers, leading her toward the dance floor where everyone was jumping up and down. The boy told her that they would slow dance while everybody else wasn't, like a main character. 

The two teens approached the dance floor, where they could both spot Eric, sitting at the bar. Adora slightly frowned, glancing up at Shawn. "Go check on him, I'll go get us drinks." Shawn waved at the girl, before making his way through the crowd of sweaty teens.

Flashing lights, reds, purples, greens and blues made its way through the room. But it didn't stop Adora from walking toward the slouched boy. As she approached him, Eric wasn't in any type of state, he was in a non amusing one.

"Eric?" She asked, placing her hand on his upper back. The boy turned toward her, crying his heart out.

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