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Adora was in total secrecy about her date with THE Eric Matthews. She knew that Buddy wouldn't be pleased and that her words wouldn't even pass Cory's consent. 

"Well? You've gotta go! Who cares what Cory says, he's not allowed to control who you want to date!" Topanga exclaimed, placing her hands on her hips. Her gorgeous blonde hair fell over her shoulders as she paced around Adora's room.

"I know, I know." Adora flattened her hands on the bed in embarrassment. "But-"

Topanga shook her finger in the air. "No Buts Jenkins, just because you 'hated' each other or whatever, doesn't mean that can't turn into love." 

Adora raised her eyebrow at her friend, watching her walk toward the closet. 

"Let's see what you got here." Topanga let her index finger tap the tip of her chin as she thought deeply. "You've gotta wear this! It brings out your brown eyes!" She exclaimed, laying out a gorgeous red dress.

Adora can remember wearing it. It had perfectly outlined her curves, and made her cheekbones pop. She looked amazing in that dress.

"Go on, put it on." Topanga shooed her toward the dress, leaving her bedroom so she could change.

Adora grabbed the dress to put it on. She stared at herself in nervousness, in hopes that Eric would actually like what she looked like. She slipped the red dress over her body, letting it rest on her skin.

"Topanga!" She called the girl back in, so she could zip the dress.

Topanga walked in with hands overtop her mouth. "You look amazing!" She said her words more like a gasp, letting her hands reach for the golden coloured zipper. 

Topanga's gorgeous blue eyes glimmered brightly as she stared at her friend. "Man, you look good." She bopped her head slowly, grinning at the beauty in front of her. 

Someone walked up to Adora's bedroom door, opening it. "Hey guys, I brought you guys cookies-" Harlow cut himself off as he dropped the tray of cookies on her bed. Harlow's brown eyes squinted in happiness, like they were smiling at her. 

"Whoever's bringing my baby sister on a date, must be the luckiest person on earth." Harlow placed his warm hands on Adora's shoulders, smiling at their reflexion in her mirror. 

Adora turned to face her brother, with a cute smile plastered on her face. "What if he doesn't come?" Topanga was opening her mouth to speak, until Harlow cut in to the chase.

"If he doesn't, he'll be the stupidest guy on the planet." Harlow smiled warmly, turning her toward the mirror again. "Just look at you! You look fabulous Dora!" His laugh echoed through the room, really being music to Adora's ears. She missed hearing him laugh or smile, because of all of the family drama going on.

"Exactly, because we all know who's going to beat his ass." Topanga winked at the brunette, making Harlow laugh at her statement. "Cory, me, Shawn and Buddy." 

Adora nodded her head quickly, glancing at herself once more, before putting on her favourite, red heels. Harlow grabbed her hand to lead her out the door. "My lady." He joked, bowing in front of the stairs. 

Adora laughed loudly, before walking out the door and into the cold. She was making her way to Chubbies, where Eric told her to meet up. She knew that she was a little overdressed for the place she was going to, but Eric had told her to dress like they were going somewhere fancy, since he was going to do so too.

Approaching the restaurant, Adora took a long breath in and out. Her brown hair curled perfectly behind her back, and her brown eyes glimmered in happiness. She was finally going out with the guy she truly liked. 

Adora knew Cory would probably hate her for going out with Eric, but she was just following her heart. 

She placed her hand gently on the cold door handlebar, glancing up at the sky before entering. The girl could hear her heels click clacking softly on the stairs she was walking down. She smiled brightly as she walked down, peeking at the seats.

As she finally made her way down the staircase, she waved hello at Chubbie. But for some reason, Eric wasn't there yet. She shrugged at herself, taking a seat at a random booth. 

She pulled a small mirror out of her purse to check how she looked, just in case she was sweating her balls off.

She waited for 10 minutes, no show.

Then 20.

30 minutes later, no show.

50 minutes.

An hour.

An hour and twenty, still, no show.

Adora huffed as she had finished eating out of her bowl of fries, sadness flowed over her. She felt like crying! Stand ups are the absolute worst, especially when it's with a guy you've hoped for a long time.

Crossing her legs, in anxiousness, she was starting to take off her heels. A noise started echoing behind her, a broom.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she turned to see Buddy. His brown eyes lingered up to her in confusion. Approaching his best friend slowly.

"Adora?" He questioned, his eyes widened in awe. He was head over heels for the girl, but looking at her all dressed up made him fall some more. 

"You really look nice." Buddy smiled, leaning on his white broom.

Adora gave him a sad smile, she loved that someone was actually giving her a compliment. But that didn't stop her from feeling totally crushed.

"Man, you ain't good, huh?" Buddy placed his broom against a booth behind them, sliding right beside her, into her booth. "I can take a break from work, I'm always here to talk." 

Adora nodded slowly at the boy, placing her head in her hands. She let out some warm tears as Chubbies was starting to close and there was nobody else but them. 

"Hey hey hey." Buddy reached for her arm, stroking his warm thumb across her skin. His floppy brown hair fell over his eyes. "What's up?" 

Adora raised her gaze from her hands, she was absolutely crushed from the stand up, she just wanted to hide. "My date stood me up." She mumbled so Buddy could only hear. The boy's white tank top perfectly outlined his abs, and showed off his biceps quite nicely. 

"Who would be so stupid to stand up a beautiful girl like you?" Buddy would usually be protective and ask her about who the guy was and where he lived so he could do something about it. But for now, he whipped her tears away, brushing his thumb across her soft cheek. 

"Shh, it's going to be okay." He mumbled, pressing his body against hers in a bear hug. Buddy wrapped his arms around her head, letting her cry into his chest. He pressed a soft kiss on her hair, pressing his cheek against her forehead. 

The two hugged each other for a while, rocking back in forth in silence. Buddy had heard Chubbie telling him to close the restaurant as he was the last one on the evening shift.

Backing away from the girl, Adora gave him a small smile. "Thank you." Buddy placed his arm around her shoulders, turning his head to look at her. 

"Of course, Angel." He called her by his original nickname that nobody ever called her by. Adora really liked that name, it made her feel special.

They both spent the rest of the night hanging out like in the old times, away from everyone else and running away from reality. 


This guy.

I mean at least Buddy was there for her, coz ima bout to throw mf hands !

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