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Sitting in class, Adora had her right palm resting on her cheek. She was bored out of her mind, hearing all the other groups present their inspiration poems. She would occasionally glance up at the clock over Turner's desk, in hopes she wouldn't have to confess about not having an inspo for the project.

"Mr. Sharp and Marsden, up now!" Mr. Turner exclaimed. He sure wore hip clothes for a teacher. Adora quite liked his attitude, he was confident and pretty sarcastic.

Buddy stood up from his seat, holding a paper in his hands. His hands seemed to shake slightly, passing by Adora's seat. His brown eyes lingered toward her in sympathy.

"Good luck." She whispered to the nervous boy. Buddy always reminded her of an older Shawn Hunter. He never gave in any work, he was on the verge of expulsion and he looked like him too!

Standing up in the front, Buddy made sure to look away from his paper and toward Adora. He smiled as she made eye contact with him, Buddy sent her a smooth wink.

Being interrupted by his moment, Mr. Turner placed his heavy hand on both boys shoulders. "You may start." He whispered to Jason and Buddy.

Buddy straightened his posture, starting to read the poem. 

"I exist as I am, that is enough, If no other in the world be aware I sit content, And if each and all be aware I sit content...

...One world is aware and by far the largest to me, and that is myself, And whether I come to my own to-day or in ten thousand or ten million years, I can cheerfully take it now, or with equal cheerfulness I can wait."

Buddy looked up from his paper, and at the crowd of teens that had their mouths dropped to the ground. It was the fact that Buddy had actually done a good job doing his work, people were really surprised.

"And who is this written by, Mr. Sharp?" Mr. Turner asked him to share the credit to the rest of his classmates, who still, couldn't believe that The Buddy Sharp, 'Bad Boy of John Adams High' was actually doing his work.

"Walt Whitman." Buddy answered, his voice was a little shakier than usual. He hated going at the front to talk to the class, it was something he was really not comfortable with.

"Why did you choose that one, guys?" Mr. Turner asked the boys, head tilted to the side.

"Well, we related to the whole idea of being yourself, which most teens want to relate to in today's society." Jason spoke up, he was basically letting Buddy do all the work, but Turner seemed to notice, as he told him he would see him in detention the next day.

"Good job, you may take your seats." The class clapped their hands, and Adora decided to take her two fingers to whistle at her best friend. 

"You did great out there, silly!" She punched his arm, receiving a chuckle from the nervous boy. Jason on the other hand, moped all the way to his seat, in front of Eric's.

Buddy didn't say anything though, he only sat behind her, recollecting himself. He was scared of work, scared of working hard. Buddy was more of a dreamer than a hard worker, and that scared him.

"Eric and Adora, you're up." Mr. Turner implied, writing their names on the chalkboard. 

Adora looked over to Eric, who's eyes were quite wide. His cheeks warmed up as he saw her staring at him, he gave her a little sorry about this look, before raising his hand.

"Sir?" Eric asked Turner, gulping quite harshly. His hands clasped together as he stared at the intimidating teacher.

"Yes Mr. Matthews?" Mr. Turner asked, his eyes glued on the nervous boy.

"We don't uh, have one." Eric admitted honestly but yet, awkwardly. Mr. Turner's eyebrow raised up, placing his hands on his hips. "It's truly my fault sir, I held her back." Eric did say the truth, but a part of it was a lie. Adora was apart of it too, she crossed her arms as she listened intently.

Mr. Turner then crossed his arms. "Detention for you Matthews, after school." He bopped his finger at the boy, who's eyes all suddenly seemed to water.

"Mr. Turner!" Adora had the will to yell at him, what am I doing? She thought to herself. 

The teacher turned toward her, his face was quite serious and intimidating, but Adora wouldn't let it get to her. She made sure to stand up, making sure that everyone were to hear what she had to say.

"It's my fault sir, Eric didn't do anything." Adora stood up for him, just in hopes that everything would be better between them, like it used to be when they were younger. 

Turner nodded sternly, facing the long haired boy. "You're off the hook, Matthews." He saluted him, before staring down at his wrist and looking at his watch. "But you Adora, you're staying after school."

As the bell rang, Adora knew where she had to go, all the way to the library for detention. She picked up the poem books and started walking for the door.

Footsteps echoed toward her. And before she knew it, a hand grabbed her wrist. Turning around, she faced no other than Eric. His hazel eyes skimmed hers for an answer, and his breath was loud and warm against her skin.

"Mr. Turner?" Eric asked, facing the girl.

The teacher muttered an mhm. Adora could feel his glared directed at the back of Eric's head.

"If she's going to detention, I am too."


Buddy ^^ (Matt Dillon) can do me, thank you x

Don't forget to vote hehe 

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