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In class, Adora sat at her desk impatiently. Buddy sat behind her, sighing like it was the last day of his life. 

"We'll be looking at a few poems and their meanings, and then you'll all be able to go work in your groups again." Mr. Turner explained to the class, hitting the board with a metal teaching stick.

The girl felt the class go by in a blur, she wasn't listening and she wasn't really aware of her surroundings. Adora suddenly jolted up at Mr. Turner's words, once he said, "okay! Head into your groups!"

Buddy walked passed her and toward Jason's seat, he didn't even glance at her or say hello like usual. Today, he decided to give her a silent treatment. Adora obviously didn't understand. It's probably a weird ass boy rollercoaster he's goin' through, she thought. 

Eric sat across the room, a gloomy expression plastered on his face. He wore a brown flannel t-shirt, overtop his white long sleeve with some new blue baggy jeans. His hair parted in the middle, like usual and he seemed to have gotten highlights done.

Walking over there, Adora slammed her text book on his desk, with an eyebrow raised. Thinking that he'd throw her one of those cocky remarks, he only stayed quiet though, staring at his hands.

Adora didn't care, glancing at him before standing up. "I'm gonna go get a dictionary at the library for more words we could use for our poem." She mumbled, standing up from her wooden seat and letting a screeeech fill the room. 

"Mr. Turner?" Adora asked, walking up to his old desk. 

"Yeah, Jenkins?" He asked, tilting his head in concern. His dark eyes searched her face for answers.

"I was wondering." Adora started, letting her wavy brown hair fall over her shoulder. "Can I go to the library to get a dictionary? I need it for our poem." 

Mr. Turner glanced toward Eric before answering. "Alright, but only if you bring your partner with you." 

A wave of exhaustion filler her chest, as she squeezed her eyes shut and pursed her lips. Adora felt like a complete fool. The only time she could just step away from Eric was not even going to work.

Eric's honeycomb hazel eyes melted in her gaze, as he stood up from his seat and made his way over. 

Adora gave the teacher a curt nod, almost running out of the room as she sped walked out. She knew the boy would follow her, but she was not going to walk with him. She'd simply had enough of the drama.

The school hallway smelt like sweat and new shoes that would crease every five seconds. Sometimes, Adora would glance toward a locker and notice gum or even a piece of tape stuck on the metal surface. 

She could hear Eric's quick feet stomps behind her as he tried catching up. The girl let her brown eyes linger toward the library's brown door, it was open. She smiled thankfully until, she felt something grab her arm!

Quickly turning around, Adora's body crashed into Eric's chest as he pulled her toward him. She could smell the lovely clean laundry smell radiating off of him. Taking a step back, she stared at his hand that held onto hers, and then, his lovely hazel eyes that were burning with something unknown. Maybe it was anger, relief or even... lust.

His breath was warm and heavy on her cheeks as she stared up at him. Eric took a small step closer, his eyes melting into hers and his hand lingering up her arm, creating sparks in both their stomachs. "I'm sorry." He spoke quietly, switching his gaze from each eye. 

"I really shouldn't have stood you up." Everytime the light brown haired guy spoke, it was like a heat wave crashed over her body. "And, you do really matter to me. I just want you to know that, uh, well." He started lingering off as he looked down at Adora's lips, licking his bottom one, creating a shine that almost look like a trail of lollipop sugar. 

Eric's gaze was starting to break off as he felt shy all of a sudden. His cheeks turned pink and his right hand lingered up to his neck, scratching his skin in anxiousness. 

"You matter to me, too." Adora responded.

As Eric heard what she said, his gaze went straight back to hers, like a magnetic force. His shyness started fading away, feeling his heartbeat a little too harshly which made his breathing a little harder

"I- uh." The boy stuttered, staring at her in awe. "Meet me at my place, tonight." He mumbled, before clearing his throat and repeating himself. "Meet me at my place, tonight." 

REDAMANCY ➳ Eric MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now