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Adora rose her eyebrow in confusion. "You'd do that?" She huffed, slowing down as Eric took the time to press on the breaks.

"Get in!" He exclaimed, waving his hand for her to make her way in. Adora nodded, she didn't have anything to loose! 

Opening the passenger door, she caught glance of Eric, who trailed his eyes along her arms and toward her eyes. He went slightly wild eyed, as he had been caught staring, for a while.

Starting the engine, he made sure to hit the gas. Adora's head jolted backward, onto the seat. The wind from the opened windows made her hair crazy and a little wild.

She could feel Eric's gaze on her again. Confused, she decided to speak out. "What?" Her tone marginally scared him. 

"I was wondering." He started, tightening his fingers around the steering wheel. Adora could feel his fingertips touching the leather on it, brushing along every, single piece of it.

The light brown haired guy continued on as she darted her eyes toward him. "I'm going to a party tonight." He stated, looking in through the rear view mirror to look at her. 

"I can't, my brother won't allow it." She mumbled, staring at the road ahead. She knew that Harlow would only let her go if Cory, Topanga, Buddy or even Shawn was there. Especially after she got into detention.

"Sneak out then!" Eric retorted, like if it was his mission to get her to go. Adora snapped her head toward him, in angst. 

"I can't! I got in detention!" Turning her head the other way, in frustration, the girl mumbled something. "And you're the reason why." Eric definitely heard what she had to say as he started raising his voice.

"You know what? I'm done being nice to you in hopes that you would actually be nice back! You're so impossible to get along with." Eric shook his head slowly, placing his palm on his forehead. 

Adora rose her eyebrow, crossing her arms in frustration. Eric parked his car in front of her house ━ it wasn't that far from school after all. 

"Well, you're oblivious." Adora remarked, going to grab the door handle. Eric grabbed her forearm though, just in time.

"What do you mean?" He almost hissed, upset that they were even arguing again, like usual.

"I've been trying to be nicer to you all along! Open your eyes!" Adora motioned an explosion with her hands, above her head, before grabbing her school bag and scurrying off.

She didn't just go through the back door like when she was trying to avoid Harlow. But that day was different, she knew that Harlow would know she had gotten detention. He would have definitely gotten a call from school.

Approaching the door, Adora placed her hand on the cold door handle, bringing memories back from when her mom would bring her back from the park. She shook her head, knocking on the door. It was locked.

A head popped into the opening, a quite disappointed face, that was turning into a small smile. Harlow opened the door a little wider. Instead of yelling at her, he pulled her into a hug. "It's gonna be okay." His tall figure towered over her, it was the perfect hug, the most comforting. 

As Eric watched from his car, he furrowed his eyebrows. He was only realizing that he didn't want to argue with Harlow anymore. He had enough of the bickering. The girl was a person with her own problems, and that convinced him to actually care.


Man, sorry I couldn't update for a while! I was really busy! But I'm here now, lol. 

Also, I know this chapter is short, it's more of a filler! But I promise they'll be better ones out soon haha.

Vote! And let me know, which one's your favourite character so far? :))

REDAMANCY ➳ Eric MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now