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Adora walked to school the next day in complete confidence, she was not going to let Eric get to her. Especially since he's working with her for their poetry project.

"Hey!" Cory greeted his best friend at his locker, placing a yellow pencil over his ear. 

Buddy appeared around the corner, he wore his favourite leather jacket and a pair of worn out jeans. A cigarette sat in his fingers, which he eventually crushed on the floor with his black boot.

"Yo." The guy greeted, waving at Cory, Shawn and Topanga. 

Topanga grabbed Buddy's arm, leading him a few steps away from the group of teens. She gave him a soft smile. "Thanks for caring about Adora's stand up, I really appreciate it." Buddy smiled back, crossing his arms.

"Anything for, her." Buddy told Topanga, his brown eyes lingering toward the brunette who was laughing with Cory and Shawn. 

Topanga gave the boy a pat on his shoulder. "You do know it was with Eric right?" Turning his head, Buddy stared at the blonde in awe. 

"You're joking, right?" The boy chuckled, his brown eyes eyeing her like she were going to kill him.

"No, sir." Topanga responded with a sigh, looking over at her three best friends. "She really likes him, you know." 

Buddy furrowed his brows at her words, not believing anything she quite said. His brown hair flopped over his forehead, his eyes trying to read her face. His fingers tried reaching for his cigarette pack, but there were none left. "Shit." He cursed under his breath, a bunch of anxiety and anger all building in one specific spot in his stomach. 

The boy felt heartbroken, and couldn't believe that the one he loves so much, liked his enemy. His eyes stung slightly, but he tried to keep the tears in. 

"Buddy, are you okay?" Topanga seemed surprised by his response, he wasn't necessarily mad, just saddened

"The asshole." Buddy cursed under his breath, eyeing the crowd of high schoolers as he thought deeply. "He's totally going to-" 

Topanga threw her hand in the air, snapping her fingers in front of his face for his attention. "Hey! There will be no fighting! He's Cory's brother!" Blinking, Buddy couldn't help but gulp harshly.

"Nothings gonna stop me from having a little chat with the guy." 

➳ ➳ ➳

Adora had her hands wrapped around her binders, walking out of a class two years below her grade's. She just wanted extra credit, so she took a sophomore class this year.

"You think Mr. Joan could just shut up already?" Shawn nudged the girl, releasing a loud hearty laugh. 

"I wish he could just, shove one of his rulers up his ass!" Adora exclaimed, smiling at her blue eyed friend who had more confidence than she'd ever seen anyone have.

 The two laughed loudly as Cory made his way toward his friends. "Hey, guys." He greeted, his small brown eyes staring straight into Shawn's. 

"Anyone up to come hang out tonight? Pizza and a Phillies game?" Shawn's eyes lit up at his words.

"I'm totally down! See you guys there." He marched away like a pirate, or more so like Peter Pan, almost like he was floating.

"So? You comin' or what?" Cory asked, twiddling his thumbs together as he spoke.

 Adora bit the inside of her cheek, she felt embarrassed about going to Cory's house and possibly seeing Eric. But at the same time, she was strong and she knew exactly what she'd do if she saw him. 

"Alright, fine." 

➳ ➳ ➳

The static of the Matthews tv, echoed ever so gently in the living room. Adora placed her shoes at the entrance. "You came early." Cory gave her a smile smile, his eyes looking dopey as ever.

The girl gave him a curt nod, swiping some invisible crums on her jeans. Lifting her head up, she met eyes with a pair of hazel ones. The ones that could make her melt in an instance. The ones that looked like a honeycomb, filled with yummy melting chocolate bars. 


He stopped chomping on his food, staring at the girl in awe.

Adora took three big steps toward him, pointing her finger at him. "You." She hollered. Eric had his eyes widened and popcorn laying on his newly bought sweater.

"Why- Why did you do it?" Stuttering, she felt her cheeks heat up. Her finger sort of shook as she said the words. Adora didn't want to seem weak in front of him, she wanted to seem powerful, like what he did didn't affect her.

Eric looked down at his bowl and up the stairs, in case Cory would be on his way down. "Do, what?" 

Adora felt a sting in her entire chest, like she was falling to the ground at the fastest rate on the planet. Her brown eyes looked down at her hands, that were slightly turning red out of cold sweat. 

"Did you really think this was for real? I thought you were joking." 

Adora let her sadness take over, as she walked over to where she left her shoes, slipping them back onto her feet. 

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Eric called to her.

But Adora only placed her hand on the doorknob, then slowly turning and saying, "yeah well, being a dick won't make yours any bigger." 

And with that, Adora left the house in threatening tears. But she didn't let them go. She wouldn't let herself cry over a dumb boy.



Well, hopefully this dude opens his eyes or istg.

Also, sorry if this is more of a filler lol, I swear it gets more exciting! 

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