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As Adora entered the Matthews home, she placed her backpack, carefully on the sofa. Cory appeared from the kitchen, eating from a gorgeous juicy apple. 

"Adora, you here to hang?" He asked, plopping on the couch beside her. 

"Unfortunately, no." Adora huffed, her brown hair falling down her back. 

A noise made both the teenagers snap their heads toward the door, Eric walked in quite confidently. He had his hair perfectly parted in the middle, and a change of clothes from school, into something more comfortable. 

"Adora, you've got something to tell me?" Cory asked, the tone in his voice had gone cold, icey like. His nostrils slightly flared, why was he so angry?

"We're partners for the poetry project, Cor." Adora admitted honestly. Eric nodded quite sternly before grabbing his poetry books.

The sad part, was that Eric is quite awkward around her, if she was being nice or if they weren't fighting. He was never in the house while Adora was (hanging out with Cory). He was always out hanging out with Jason, playing basketball or going on a random date to only dump her the next week.

"I've got my eyes on you." Cory pointed at Eric, before walking out the living room. 

"Over protective much?" Eric muttered to himself, before sitting down beside the gal. 

"So." He greeted, only to receive one back from her. 

"Sooo..." Adora grabbed a Lord Byron poem book, letting herself feel the book cover with her fingers. She let her fingers brush the golden letters on the dark red coloured leather, it felt smooth and almost rigid to the touch.

"The teach' said we've gotta find inspo, right?" Eric asked, shyly.

Adora truly thought he would be more straightforward, with fast insults coming at her face. But instead, he was being nice. Or so she thought...

"Um, yeah." Adora said, quietly. Her big brown eyes stared the poems up and down. 

"What type of inspo poem, do you think we should go for?" Eric asked, his hair slightly falling over his eyes.

"Maybe a romance?" Adora suggested. She could feel Eric suddenly tense up, his eyes had glazed with something she'd never seen before. 

"No you idiot, romance is for people like, you." Eric snapped all suddenly.

Adora rolled her eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?" The brunette snapped back, turning her posture so she could face the guy completely.

"What? You're just, weird." Eric said. "You haven't even been out with someone since, Narty." The boy said his name out of disgust.

"Oh, how mature of you." The girl remarked sarcastically. Adora rolled her eyes, feeling her cheeks heat up slightly. She didn't understand why he was so hard on her sometimes, because secretly, she didn't want any of the mean remarks. 

Eric was surprised that she hadn't really started a hole argument with him. He tilted his head in confusion.

"What's up with you, anyways?" Eric scoffed, his gaze trailed along her (not really defined) jawline. His hazel eyes focused on her, like his pupils had dilated and his shoulders slumped slightly. He backed up a bit, once he saw the girl dart her eyes at him in anger.

"You don't know why I'm acting like this?" Adora threw her hands in the air. Her brown hair whipped away from her face. The girl bit her lip quite harshly, out of frustration. That was definitely inherited from her mother's side. Her older brother, Harlow, would always call her on it and say, "oh! You're frustrated aren't you?" 

"I literally did nothing to you! Why are you so annoying!" Eric screamed back at her. It seemed like they were never going to get along ━ according Adora anyways. 

The little things in relationships that everyone were so proud about, were really just bullshit to Adora, now. Eric was spitting little words, that always found themselves to her heart. It usually made her angrier and she would give him what he wants, a heated, passionate argument.

Loud footsteps echoed behind her and Eric, Adora didn't really figure out who it was because her adrenaline had gotten pretty high up. She could only feel herself staring at his lips, it was called passion.

"Hey! Knock it off Eric!" Cory exclaimed from beside the brunette. Adora lifted her eyes to see her curly haired best friend. Eric rolled his eyes, standing up and grabbing his books with him. 

"Where are you off to?" Adora asked Eric, who already started giving her the silent treatment. 

"To my room, mom." He mimicked her tone, walking up the stairs, and disappearing behind the wall. 

Cory placed a hand on Adora's shoulder, stroking his thumb overtop her skin. "Sorry about him." He huffed frustratedly, handing her an apple. 

"Thanks." She muttered, Adora stared at the tv screen ahead of them.

As Cory turned the TV on, Adora could only think about one being.


For some reason, they never got along so well, and whenever they were not around each other having their feud, Adora thought of him from afar. She truly had feelings for him, but boy was it hard for her to keep them.

➳ ➳ ➳

"What the hell was that about, Eric?" Cory snapped at his older brother, once Adora had left the house, standing in front of the taller guy that laid down on his bed.

"What? It's normal for us to, argue." Eric shrugged, he was not fazed at all by the girl's actions, not really

"Do you ever consider that my best friend has feelings too?" Cory asked him, his brown eyes eyeing his brother in anger. The younger boy fisted his hands in his front jean pockets.

"Oh come on Cor! You can't expect me to be nicer to, her!" Eric snapped, standing up from his bed. His hazel eyes stayed focused on his furious little brother, sometimes he could see himself in him, defending what he loves. And this time, Eric could.

"Well maybe you should realize that she's trying to make it work between you two!" Cory exclaimed, god was he angry. "And maybe you should realize that Adora, isn't "her" It's Adora, get the name right!" Before Cory continued with his little lesson, he let himself breath. 

"She's a good person, Eric. And I expect you to be nicer to her." 

Eric crossed his arms in confusion, why is she doing this, for us? Eric thought. 

"Might as well find out why." Eric muttered under his breath, Cory could hear him though in the thick silence. "What the world needs is: Eric Matthews, Good Looking Detective!" Eric raised his finger in the air.

"Not a chance." Cory shook his head, before putting his hands on Eric's shoulders. "Just promise me you'll be nicer to her."

Eric looked his little brother in the eyes, and said. "Alright, I'll make an effort."


ooo little Eric's bein' snappy as hell loll

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