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The boy's hazel eyes were glittering in sadness, making Adora feel down. "Eric?" She asked, with a stern tone. 

Eric stood up from his seat, whipping his eyes with his right hand. He was much taller than her, passing her by a whole foot (almost). 

"My parents don't believe me." He started, rolling his eyes back in annoyance. "I'm never going to get into college." He sighed, placing his face in his hands. Adora knew exactly what he was going through, the same thing was happening to her. They both were not the smartest kids in school.

"Same." She breathed out, causing Eric to show his face again. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. 

"What do you mean?" He asked the girl, eyes looking into hers for answers. 

"I haven't been accepted to one yet." She shrugged, waving her hand so the bartender could come over. "One Pepsi please." Adora smiled, letting herself sit on one of the bar stools.

Eric seemed a little more on the happier side. "I didn't know we had something in common." He joked, nudging her side. They probably did have things in common, he was just too oblivious to it all. 

"You'll get into one." Adora reassured him. She let her thumb rub his arm, like what a girlfriend would do. Realizing what she had done, she quickly let go of his arm and looked down at the drink the bartender handed her. 

"You want to maybe... I don't know, go on a walk or something?" Eric asked her, his hazel eyes twinkling in delight. He felt better having company around him, but he also felt sparks flying through his stomach, even if he didn't want to admit it.

Adora's eyes lit up at his question. Nodding quickly she took her time to get off the sticky seat, it was already sweaty from previous sitters. 

Eric lead the way to the door, grabbing her hand through the opaque crowd. She could feel his heartbeat through his palm, as he squeezed her hand so tight

Eric's figure was outlined by the flashing lights, truly defying his arm muscles and prominent jawline as he turned his head to look at the right. Everything about him drove Adora nuts. In both ways. 

➳ ➳ ➳

The two teens were enjoying themselves like no other, they were currently standing at a hotdog stand. "If ever Cory decided to just, you know, date you, I'll stop him." Eric took a few bites from his hotdog, receiving a eyebrow raise from the girl.

"What's that supposed to mean? I can date whoever I want. As a woman, I choose, you lose." Her words didn't scream feminism, but in the inside, she was. She didn't give two fucks about what he thought about who she should date.

Eric seemed a little threatened by her answer, not really sure as how to answer. "I'm aware, but what if I'd want to take you out? I need to stop him before I can get you, because we all know how Cory can get if he gets a hold of a girl."

Adora felt a little shyer than before, feeling her cheeks grow warm. Thankfully it was dark so he couldn't really see her embarrassment. 

Crossing her arms, a wave of confidence hit her while waiting on her hotdog to be finished. "He's never gonna get ahold of this girl, bud." Eric raised his eyebrow, liking the confidence on her. "And besides, I'm the woman here." Taking a step closer to him. "Will you go on a date with me then, Matthews?" 

Eric's hazel eyes widened a bit, but his reddened cheeks were telling her something different. His fingers wrapped around his hotdog, squishing it to it's non existent death. 

"Yes, I'd love that." 

REDAMANCY ➳ Eric MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now