18- Damien's ending

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Nico POV

Posing as an Uber I pulled up outside the abandoned house to pick up Arty.

The place was no longer in darkness, it looked like a Christmas tree with all the blue and red lights reflecting off it from the police cars.

Obviously I couldn't stick around when the police visit. There's always a chance I'll be recognised, but those women needed help.

Once we'd untied our sleeping victim from earlier (giving him another dose to keep him out first) we stuck a shiv in Arty's car tire, and called 911.

Arty played the role of the good Samaritan who called the police after he got a flat and discovered the house while looking for help.

Once Arty has climbed in he quietly fills me in as I drive. As we expected the police didn't tell Arty much, just took a statement. This isn't an issue there's nothing easier than finding a crooked cop to get information. It's actually disgusting how easy it is.

As I drive Arty makes a few calls. We knew already the house is not registered to Damien so he won't be charged for this, it's likely he won't even become a suspect. There's no fucking way I'm letting this slide though. Those poor girls in there deserve justice.

The bruises and track marks up their arms turned my stomach, they might never recover from the psychological damage.

They'll never know who did this to them or what I did to him. I'm probably doing this for myself more than them but that thought doesn't deter me.

Those girls were so young. What if it'd been Lili? Or Maddie? These girls are someone's family. I have to stop him.

We head back to the apartment and I pull out my laptop to get to work.

I already have his address, access to his calendar and his doorman and cleaner on my payroll.

It took less than a day.

This guy must be seriously the worst to his staff. I'm not wasting any time.

Once I've gathered the information I came for I make a move again. Heading for the house I know he is using as a meth lab.

The stupid thing about crime is that most people know where it is and who it is, but police are so wrapped up in red tape that they do nothing about it. Sometimes because they can't prove it, and sometimes because they can't be bothered too.

On arrival I'm met by a few of my employee's already throwing the 'cooks' out of the house undeterred by their screams of protest.

"It's clear," Trish tells me, after she physically throws the last person out onto the lawn, followed by Liv.

"Torch it" I order.

The house goes up fast, the heat making the air around us hard to breathe. Fuck I should have bought marshmallows. I think to myself with a small smile.

The fire will definitely let Damien know he's on our radar so as much as I'd like to enjoy the show we have to move fast.

I hand Trish the list of other drug houses he has for her to destroy as she sees fit. Trish may look innocent but Damien brought drugs into our clubs where she is the floor manager.

As the old saying goes, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Once Trish leaves Arty and I climb into the car.

"Liv, you know what to do," I instruct her, passing her an address. "Spare the main."

"Where are we going?" Arty asks,

"Head towards the docks. We're going to invite Damien to a little 'Brooklyn tea party.'"

I apologise to the guard before breaking his nose, stuffing a wad of notes into his hand. It's better for him if people think he was beaten and not that he just allowed us to visit Damien's container.

"Call him and warn him we're here" I order. The guard looks confused but does as he's told.

As expected, the container didn't have drugs inside. Instead it was filled with semi-automatics hidden beneath sculptures and paintings.

No matter, it's all going in the water.
Arty and I start dismantling the guns piling all the pieces at the edge of the pier while we wait for our guest of honour.


  "I think Damien might be here" I chuckle.

"Oh, ya think?" He replies, rolling his eyes, and tossing aside a dismantled assault rifle.

I step out of his container like I don't have a care in the world. Casually propping my shoulder up against the side of it.

"You took longer than I expected. I thought you weren't going to make it" I taunt him using my boot to push one of the sculptures into the murky water.

"You don't know who you're fucking with lady-boy" he growls.

Oh the irony. Somehow being underestimated always makes this more fun.

Damien steps forward, clearly his plan is to surround us. But I'm not worried because I know something Damien doesn't.

Right on cue the man on Damien's right collapses, quickly followed by another.

The echo of the shots throws the group into disarray as the men fall like dominoes.

Our Liv is an expert marks-woman not missing a shot, as the men all fall at her tranquilliser darts.

The panic on Damien's face is perfect. There's something extra satisfying knowing that a woman and a 'lady boy' as he called me will be his downfall.

By the time he realises what is happening and reaches for his gun I am already on him. A swift twist of his wrist and he loses grip, but I keep twisting until I feel it crack.

I use his pain as a distraction to slam my boot against his calf forcing him onto his knees, where I hold him making him watch Arty throw everything off the pier. Ignoring his cries of pain and displeasure.

"It was just some fucking drugs man!" He shouts struggling against my hold.

"I don't even give a fuck about that anymore. I'm doing this for the girls you were keeping. You're fucking sick!"

I draw my fist back connecting it with the back of his neck in a 'hangman's fracture' his body slumps to the floor unmoving.

He's not dead yet, but he will be soon.

Liv steps up beside me having finished retrieving the darts, and planting the clothes we took from the house in the container. It's the best way to get some kind of justice for those girls. Let the police find his body and his men at the container with evidence linking him to the girls.

It's starting to get light by the time we finish. Satisfied that Arty, Trish & Liv can handle it from here I head back for some sleep before I get a flight back to Lili.


Hmmm Trish & Liv wonder if people commenting inspires character names?



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