40- Fire

962 57 2

Double update, read 39 first

Lili POV

Nico's face looks the picture of calm. But their heart thundering in their chest gives away the fear they're trying to hide.

Somehow knowing that Nico is scared too calms me. I know that doesn't make sense, because I've never known Nico be scared of anything before. But knowing that they are trying to reassure me despite their fear actually soothes me.

I close my eyes which are burning from the smoke in the room, I can still smell it mixed with the scent that is uniquely Nico through their jacket sleeve.

I'm thankful that it's just smoke and not flames though. Bless Matt for installing fire doors, but I don't understand why the fire alarms are silent.

It seems like we have been sat in a pregnant pause for a lifetime when we finally hear shouting and movement on the other side of the door my eyes springing open looking around in hope.

The crashes and shouts beyond the door that in normal circumstances would strike fear into me instead fill me with hope that we are getting out of this nightmare.

My eyes are forced closed again by the sting of the smoke, and the swelling from Benji's hit earlier.

I hear shouts before the door crashes open and the rushing of movement in the room before someone trying to lift me but Nico stops them pulling me closer.

"Hands off, I've got her" I hear Nico growl softly, feeling myself being lifted from the floor. The heat of the fire still being fought licks at my skin before we even reach the door. I feel Nico grip me closer, their breath peppering my forehead. I tangle my fingers in their shirt holding tight. The swaying motion tells me we're taking the stairs, poor Nico carrying my ass down so many flights.

The rush of cool air lets me know we're outside and I finally sigh in relief.

"I told you we'd be ok didn't I?" Nico says softly, kissing my face. "Hey, what the fuck happened to your face? It's all swollen!" They suddenly gasp.

"The smoke?" I offer, aware of how much effort it must be taking to keep their temper in check. My fingers automatically move up to gently assess the damage. But I quickly draw it back and try not to react to the pain.

"Did he fucking hit you?!" Nico growls dangerously. I know there's no point in lying now, not when it's obvious Nico can see the damage. So I nod confirming their suspicions.

"When I woke up I heard you, that's when I saw the fire…" my voice breaks as I sob, fisting my hands back into Nico's shirt. My body shudders with each breath and it's not until I feel the vibration below me that I realise we're in a vehicle.

A mask is placed over my mouth and nose making me flinch as it brushes the skin below my tender eye.

Nico just keeps me held close to their chest letting me cry while we're carried wherever it is we're going.

At the hospital Nico is finally forced to separate from me so they can be assessed and I can have x-rays to check the damage to my eye. When I squint to catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror I produce an entire new batch of tears.

I look like something Picasso drew while he was drunk! My left eye looks lopsided and both eyes are red and swollen. I'm actually grateful after the x-ray, when the nurse places a dressing covering one of my eyes.

I lay back against the soft white cushion waiting for the Doctor when the door slams open, my family spilling into the room.

"Liliana! Liliana, my poor baby!" Mama sobs running right towards me. A distraught looking Sophie close behind her.

"Are you alright? We were so worried!" She fusses.

"I'm ok, I'm just waiting for the Doctor" I tell them trying to calm my sobbing Mama down.

My eyes turn to the door where Matt is following a red eyed Nico.

"Benji did this?" Matt asks his eyes on my bandaged face. I nod and Ma explodes into an impressive array of curse words describing her plans for Benji, and she has the nerve to tell me off for cursing!

Nico doesn't speak, just climbing up to lay beside me on the bed. Wrapping an arm around my waist

"Nico's supposed to be staying at their own bed, while they get cleaned up and some oxygen, but as usual they're being stubborn"

"Had to come check on my favourite pirate didn't I?" Nico teases, but their face is full of concern as they eye the bandage on my face.

"So!" Nico says after a pause, smacking their hands off their knees. "We need to get started stringing up Benji, I'm gonna cut off the piece of shits hand for touching Lil"

"Ssssh" Sophie hisses as the Doctor pushes in through the door.

"That bed is for the patient only" he says looking at Nico pointedly. Nico scowls but climbs off the bed, pecking the top of my head before moving to stand beside the door with Matt.

The doctor moves forward starting to remove the dressing from my eye. My good eye doesn't leave Nico. I already know how bad I look, but the look of sheer disgust on Nico's face still makes my heart sink.

"Oh Lili…" Sophie sighs softly, sounding like she wants to cry.

The Doctor starts to explain the x-rays, describing the surgery I'll need to have in two weeks.

"We'll pay extra to get her surgery now" Mama insists.

"I'm afraid she has to wait two weeks, it's not an issue of price" the Doctor explains, drawing my attention.

"Why does my figlia have to wait for two weeks, looking like this before you will operate?" Ma insists, gesturing my face.

"We need to give the swelling time to settle down to see what the permanent damage is, Mrs Canossa"

My heart sinks when the Doctor mentions permanent damage. What if I look like this forever? My eyes start itching with the strain of fighting back the tears.

I immediately turn my attention to find my safety net, Nico. But there is just an empty doorway where they were previously standing

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