34- The new shareholder

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2nd update today! Read 33 first.

Lili POV

"Thank you so much" Chianti chokes out shaking hands with Sophie.

Poor Chianti was on shift when the bar was raised and so got arrested for possession of a class A substance. It only took three hours for Sophie to get the charges against her dropped. She doesn't usually do the criminal law side but that doesn't mean she wasn't really impressive in there.

Watching the detectives trip over their own words as Sophie tore apart every sentence they threw at her.

"You don't have to thank me, it's my job" Sophie smiles reassuringly. "We'll get the idiots who Framed you don't worry"

Our car pulls up outside the precinct and after Chianti refuses our offer of a lift we set off heading home.

"So any ideas who planted the drugs?" Sophie asks, rooting around inside her handbag and pulling out her cell.

"Benji" I reply, not even needing to think about it.

"Benji sounds like a dick" Sophie says absent-mindedly , looking at her phone. "Ella is ok with Penny, so let's stop by your office. We can update Charlotte before we head back"

"Sounds good," I say, checking my own cell. I try not to be bothered that Nico hasn't text or called me. He's at a bachelor's party and Matt isn't back so I guess messaging me would be cramping their style.

"Miss Canossa," the security guard greets us with a nod when we arrive.

"Is Charlotte in my office?" I ask.

"No, she's dealing with the situation in conference room B" they explain.

I frown pressing the button to call the elevator.

"What's the issue in conference room B?" Sophie asks, once we're alone in the elevator.

"I have no idea" I reply honestly, tapping my foot. Does the elevator always take so long?

The moment the doors open I practically run towards the conference room in anticipation of what I'll find.

Of course it's Benji.

"What do you want Chun?" I growl pushing open the door, making it smack hard against the wall.

"Now, now Liliana… is that anyway to talk to your newest majority shareholder?" He asks smugly.

"Miss Canossa, I'm sorry, I was about to call you" Charlotte starts.

"Majority shareholder?" Sophie asks from behind me. "I thought the Canossa family owned thirty percent each. Even if you own all of the public shares that would only be ten percent" Sophie points out. I'm glad she can keep a cool head. I was just going to slap him.

"That would be true, but I already owned one percent of the public shares before Matt sold me his thirty last night. Making me the majority shareholder now." As he says this he slides a contract across the desk which states that this is the case.

I'm gonna fucking kill Matt! How much did he drink to do something so stupid!

"May I?" Sophie gestures to the contract. Eerily calm about all of this.

"And you are?"

"I'm Miss Canossa's legal representation" Sophie smiles.

"Ah, the famous Sophie. Help yourself, but you'll find everything is in order. And there's a significant penalty fee if you want to try and get out of this"

Sophie is thumbing through the paperwork work as he speaks paying no attention to him.

"So what is it you want?!" I demand.

"Well… as the majority shareholder." Benji smiles, "I think it would be best if I take over as chairman from now on."

"You son of a bitch!" I shout, it's taking all of my self restraint not to jump across the table and punch that smug look off his face.

"Calm down Lili, the contract isn't valid" Sophie explains, patting my arm.

"What?!" Benji and I shout in unison.

"Mr Chun was it?" Sophie smiles, "did you hear Mr Canossa had a baby a few months ago? A little girl, she's beautiful"

"What? I don't care!" Benji protests.

"Well you see, when she was born Mr Canossa wanted to give her a gift. Ensure she was taken care of. So he gave all his shares of the company to be held in trust for her and any future children he has. That trust is held by me, Mr Chun." Sophie smiles warmly as Benji's face drops.

"Mr Canossa is essentially just an employee of the company now. So that raises the question, why would Mr Canossa try to sign over shares he doesn't own?"

Fuck yes! I fucking love Sophie! I mean I'm a little annoyed that I didn't know about this, but the look on his face is soooo much better than I'd just hit him. I give her hand a squeeze under the table in silent thanks.

"You're lying" Benji says, failing to keep the panic from his voice.

"I'm not."

His eyes dart around for a moment but then he smiles. "You're very considerate of your ex Sophie, I guess you need to be amicable for the baby?"

"What are you talking about now Benji? Are you really pretending to think she's single? What's your plan? Trying to hit on my sister in law to get the shares?" I hiss.

"Oh! Are you saying that Matt is still with her? I just assumed that he was single since he went off with that girl last night…"

"Now who's lying?" I spit, seriously how low will he sink?

Benji smiles widely, pulling his cell out of his pocket before placing it on the desk to show us a picture of Matt with a woman straddling him.

"Nice try, Sophie was cool with him going to a strip club." I point out.

"This was at the casino. Hang on I think there's a picture where you can see the poker tables…" Benji starts swiping through the pictures leaving his phone on the desk deliberately for us to see.

Now it's Sophie's turn to squeeze my hand, the pictures are all of Matt and the same woman. Gradually getting worse, his buttons undone, her shirt off, her kissing his neck.

Benji eventually stops on a picture taken from the side, the woman licking down Matt's stomach, the intention clear. And behind them you can see the poker tables. Nico and Arty playing with a full view of what is happening.

I swear, I'm gonna kill all of them!

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