27- Lili and Nico

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Lili POV

Nico sucks one of my nipples into their mouth making my back arch against the bed. 

Their fingers run down my body hooking into the sides of my panties. 

 "Is this ok?" Nico asks, only pulling the soft cotton over my hips once I agree, leaving me in nothing but my boots. 

Lowering themselves until they are kneeling between my legs, Nico places kisses on the flesh of my inner thigh. It's like a sweet torture my pulse is hammering inside my soaked honey pot desperate for their touch. 

Nico blows a breath right over my core, using their fingers to spread my outer lips. I start to feel a little self conscious exposed like this but before I even have a chance to speak Nico has thrust their tongue directly into my slick channel stealing all rational thought. 

They start licking and sucking at my folds with enthusiasm, moaning against my pussy and throwing my legs over their shoulders to spread me wider for them. 

My breath is coming in short pants as I feel the orgasm building inside me, then Nico pulls their face back a little and slides a thick finger into my heat. 

 "Oh fuck Nico!" I cry out, as they catch my swollen clit between their lips circling the bundle of nerves with their tongue at the same pace of the thrusting of their finger inside me. I'm so high on the feeling I don't even feel embarrassed by the wet sounds of my arousal. 

Nico adds another finger stretching my walls, it's uncomfortable at first but I rock my hips encouraging them to keep up the action. 

 "Nico," I gasp out, "Nico I want to, please"

Nico moves up the bed one hand still thrusting inside me. 

 "Lili, are you sure about this?" They check looking me in the eye. 

 "Please" I repeat, I can feel Nico's erection against my thigh. It both scares and excites me.

 "You're really wet but it will probably hurt a little because of the size." Nico explains. Searching my face for signs that I've changed my mind but I'm determined. I want to do this and I want it to be with Nico. 

Nico reaches for their jacket that they left here before dinner, pulling a condom from their wallet. My eyes grow wide watching the condom roll over their thick length, my nerves increasing. 

Nico adjusts their position to lay between my legs, my thighs spread at an unfamiliar angle. Their cock feels really hot against my skin. Nico rocks their hips slightly rubbing their length against my entrance. I let out a little moan at the pressure against my clit. 

Nico rocks their hips again, their cock rubbing against my folds, coating itself in my arousal using me as a lubricant. 

 "Lili are you sure?" Nico asks the head of their cock pressed firm against my entrance. 

 "Do you not want to?" I ask suddenly doubtful. It feels like Nico wants me to change my mind.

 "Of course I want to. I just don't want you to have any regrets"

 "I won't," I insist, "this is perfect" 

At my last word Nico presses the head of their cock into me, stretching my walls wide apart. My body tenses up at the intrusion and Nico stills. 

 "Are you ok?" Nico checks. I nod, not trusting myself to speak. "Just a little more, but I need you to relax ok?" I nod again breathing deeply. Nico does gentle shallow thrusts helping me grow used to the intrusion but I know it's not over yet. 

 "Still not to late to change your mind kitten" Nico reminds me. 

 "I don't want to stop" I tell them firmly. 

  "If you change your mind or don't like it say stop and we will ok?" Nico says making sure I understand. 

 "Take a deep breath" Nico orders me. Right as I inhale Nico takes me by surprise, and fully sheathes themself inside me. I gasp in pain but Nico holds their cock deep inside kissing me while my body adjusts. 

I have no idea how long we lay kissing before I give Nico the ok to start moving. They start to thrust slow and gentle inside me. My legs wrapped around their hips. 

 "Fuck Lili you feel so good" Nico moans in my ear a hand snaking between our bodies to start working my clit in rythm with the thrusts of their cock. 

Everything I've read about having your first time has said an orgasm is unlikely but Nico seems determined to prove that wrong. Picking up the speed and depth of their thrusts. 

 The room is filled with the sounds of flesh on flesh and our breathy grunts and moans. 

 "Nico!" I scream out feeling my walls flutter and tighten around their cock. My entire body shudders at the force of the orgasm that hits me. 

I have to push Nico's hand away from my little bundle of nerves, which has suddenly become to sensitive to touch.

 "Are you ok? Do you want to stop?" Nico checks. 

 "I don't want to stop" I tell them, leaning up to kiss them. I can't quite reach their lips so I start kissing up their throat over their Adams apple until they tip down their face letting me kiss their lips. 

Nico pulls back almost totally withdrawing their cock both hands holding my hips in place before roughly thrusting the full length deep inside me, swallowing my screams of pain and pleasure. My fingers grip into their shoulders holding myself steady as they pound into my body. Completely filling me with every delicious inch of their cock. 

 "Oh fuck, Nico yes right there" I cry when I can feel the fluttering of another orgasm threatening to overwhelm me. 

My words seem to encourage Nico, their thrusts growing wilder and more erratic, my fingers grip tighter into them as if holding them is the only thing keeping me from floating away on this high. 

Nico grunts pushing in deep as their cock twitches inside me pulling me over the edge. 

 "Fuck" Nico grunts as my pussy spasms milking their cock.


*Fans self*

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