24- The group chat

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Lili POV

Honestly I didn't realize how much the idea of Matt not approving of us would bother me, but hearing that he's not only fine with it but had been expecting it was actually a huge weight off.

"So your Ma is back tomorrow?" Nico reminds me wrapping their arms around me from behind once the call wraps up.

"Apparently so," I agree, twisting around so my chest is pressed against theirs.

"And then you are going to be roped into wedding and baptism stuff, right?" Nico checks.

"Probably" I admit with a sigh, I'm happy to help out, honestly I am. I am so excited for Sophie to become my sister in law, but I'm just so busy already. I feel like I will have no time to see Nico at all!

"Well, I guess I'll have to make the most of tonight won't I?" Nico whispers in my ear, making my stomach do a flip.

I don't know what Nico's version of making the most of it is, but I'm positive that I'm going to enjoy it.

I thought I was good with my hands but compared to what Nico can do to my body I'm an amature.

There is a little guilt though because the pleasure has been very one sided, but honestly I have no idea how to properly return the favour.

Nico showed me a little, when I asked, wrapping my fingers around their hard member, to stroke up and down their length.

My fingers could barely wrap around the girth making my hand feel small. The idea of it stretching me open was both scary and thrilling.

Nico covered my fingers with their own guiding my hand how they wanted it. Their grunts of pleasure encouraging me. I marvel at the juxtapose of the hard yet silken length. Like someone had wrapped a steel rod in velvet.

"What time do you finish tonight?" Nico asks drawing me from my thoughts.

"Oh umm six" I reply feeling flustered, I know that there's no way Nico can read my thoughts but the smile playing on their lips tells me they can guess.

"Then I will be here at six to pick you up, now I've got to head out, because I have work to shirk off and a date to plan" Nico chuckles, kissing me on the nose.

Trying to focus on work once Nico leaves is almost impossible. My mind keeps drifting to all the possibilities the evening could hold.

But the one thought that I keep landing on is that I don't know what I'm doing. What if Nico is disappointed?

This calls for some serious girl talk I think opening my group chat, with Sophie and Maddie.

Lili: hey are you guys free to chat? I want to ask something x

Sophie: Everything ok?

Maddie: What's up?

Lili: I'm not sure who else to ask but… how do you give a blowjob?

Sophie: dying *woman spitting drink laughing Gif*

Maddie: OMGGGGG have you let our boy Nico at your flower?!

Sophie: yeeeaaahhhh, get some Lili!!

Lili: omg no! I'm trying to plan for the future! I don't know why I thought asking you was a good idea honestly! Forget it.

Sophie: no I was just playing I'm sorry! I'll be serious. What do you want to know?

Lili: how do i give head? like where does the tongue go? idk how to do it so it doesn't hurt my mouth!

Maddie: Stick your tongue out

Lili: you're both like big sisters to me at this point so im expecting actual tips

Maddie: Wetter is better

Lili: okay wetter is better check

Maddie: Flavoured lube helps if you get dry mouth

Lili: never thought of that! I just thought I was a bit weird for having a dry mouth!

Maddie: Don't be afraid to slurp (the noise is inevitable in my experience)

Lili: ahh, ok

Maddie: Don't be afraid to play around with your tongue and their

Lili: as for the actual sucking part, I'm scared of catching him with my teeth. Like I mean, do you actually suck? when you wrap your lips do you add a lot of pressure or ?

Maddie: I guess that varies per guy, I'd say respond to what they like

Sophie: (sorry was putting Ella down) Some guys are uber sensitive so it doesn't take much and others probably masturbated with a hoover

Sophie: Mix it up a bit as well, don't just move your head up and down. Take it out of your mouth, lick it, swirl your tongue around the tip

Lili: ok so switch it up gotcha

Sophie: Mix it up in your mouth too, there's standard having your face fucked, but add in the occasional hollowing your cheeks like your sucking a thick milkshake through a straw

Sophie: Oh and Humm it makes your mouth vibrate around him

Lili: I'm getting all the expert tips today

Maddie: If he's long you can use your hand as well as your mouth

Maddie: oh and play with his balls!

Sophie: Men really seem to like it when you moan doing it so use one hand on him and one on yourself win-win

Lili: I don't have the best gag reflex :-/

Lili: so you're telling me I need to up my multitasking game?

Sophie: Sensitive gag reflex is manageable just don't take as much and use your hand

Sophie: All nerve endings are in the head anyway.

Maddie: Most importantly if he grabs your head whilst it's happening and pushes you further onto it and you're not into it then don't be afraid to tell him!

Sophie: ^^^This^^^

Sophie: Oh another blowjob tip. Mind what you eat... He won't thank you for the blow job if you just had spicy food... However mint, ice, fizzy pop will all add to sensation

Maddie: yeah brush your teeth right before!

Lili: wow, this is seriously more than I expected thank you for the advice

Maddie: You're very welcome, ma cherie

Sophie: seriously though, does this mean that you think you're ready?

Lili: yeah, I really think that I am

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